Now its the Republicans that just dont get it


I just received a solicitation from Camp Rudy. Now dont get me wrong... I like Rudy and I believe he was a fantastic Mayor..the results speak for themselves... but I dont believe he has the right stuff to be President.. I question the temperament and the apparent inability to run an open Government.

But this is the platform in a nut shell... :

I believe that the Republican Party is "The Party of Freedom." At our best, we believe in giving people more control over their own lives. This principle runs through the policies that unite us as a party: keeping taxes low and cutting the size of government, finding market solutions to generational challenges such as entitlement reform, and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Whats missing in this message? While I dont discredit his brief message,and I am on that page but I believe The Middle East, Energy and Climate Change are without question the most important issues facing our lives....
It is like back in the 90's and early 2000's when I thought the Dems just didnt get it.... and one of the most fundamental reasons why they were getting their asses kicked in every election turn around the Country...

Now its the Republicans that just dont get it
yep. and they can't sell it either :D
You can fool most of the people some of the time, but you cant fool.....
keeping taxes low and cutting the size of government,

Translation: We'll pass some tax cuts to keep our base happy, but we'll keep spending like drunken sailors anyway.

finding market solutions to generational challenges such as entitlement reform,

Translation: We'll privatize social security, and turn peoples money over to wall street stockbrokers and financiers.

and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Translation: We've always hated public education, and we want to defund public schools and privitize education.
and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Translation: We've always hated public education, and we want to defund and privitize education.

Also another way to give our tax dollars to private industry.
keeping taxes low and cutting the size of government,

Translation: We'll pass some tax cuts to keep our base happy, but we'll keep spending like drunken sailors anyway.

finding market solutions to generational challenges such as entitlement reform,

Translation: We'll privatize social security, and turn peoples money over to wall street stockbrokers and financiers.

and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Translation: We've always hated public education, and we want to defund public schools and privitize education.

That's actually what I read when I breezed through it.
"That's actually what I read when I breezed through it."

WAIT a minute.... since WHEN did liberals learn to read? Why the hell didn't someone make an announcement or something? We could have celebrated!


keeping taxes low and cutting the size of government,

Translation: We'll pass some tax cuts to keep our base happy, but we'll keep spending like drunken sailors anyway.

finding market solutions to generational challenges such as entitlement reform,

Translation: We'll privatize social security, and turn peoples money over to wall street stockbrokers and financiers.

and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Translation: We've always hated public education, and we want to defund public schools and privitize education.

Not quite what I was thinking.... as I am pro low taxes... , pro Social Security reform, and pro choice when it comes to education.

I was thinking more in term of priority and the most important issues of the present day. One would think his advisors would want to position him on these issues. If he is positioned at all. .....
and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Translation: We've always hated public education, and we want to defund and privitize education.

Also another way to give our tax dollars to private industry.

No... "another way" of allowing parents to have a choice in their childs Education....fact is Liberal Policy has been running the Education Asylum since the early 60's .... so when a liberal pundit begins a rant on how terrible our system is when compared to Europe and Japan .... the blame falls squarely on the shoulders of American Liberal Policy....
"I was thinking more in term of priority and the most important issues of the present day. One would think his advisors would want to position him on these issues. If he is positioned at all. ....."

The problem is always the same... the most important item for both parties is... how do we get re-elected. The very fact that we are already having campaigning and postering for the Presidential election almost TWO YEARS from now.... shows that is the main thing they care about.

Right there with you on the lower taxes/lower spending, SS reform, educational choices etc...

To me the most important issues right now....

1) Iraq... either get us out or fight to win. No more of the political games with the lives of our military personnel.

2) Deficit spending.... cutting it in half is not an option. Eliminate it. Go through the budget and eliminate the pork, the corporate subsidies, the farm subsidies etc... but QUIT spending more than you make. (same can be said for individuals)

3) Energy dependence.... we must press forward on the development of alt energy sources to relieve dependence on foreign oil/nat gas. Now this also means finding economically viable ways for corporations to limit their polution. No bullshit Kyoto crap... actual reductions are needed. This will help to appease those who believe global warming is predominantly man made... and it will give us all cleaner air, water etc... which should also help our health care problem (not to a great extent, but it will help)

4) Healthcare: We need to get costs under control and stop the ever upward spiral of costs. The first step we all need to take is to eat healthy and exercise. This in and of itself will eliminate many healthcare problems. Next limit jury awards to economically reasonable amounts. Follow that up by hammering the insurance companies to reduce malpractice insurance. The hammer the hospitals/doctors to lower their charges accordingly. Then back to the insurance companies to lower individual insurance costs due to lower doctor costs and a healthier country.

5) Social security reform. Bottom line... privatize it. IF you are afraid of people losing money in the stock market... fine, limit their investments to govenrment bonds. But get the money out of the hands of the politicians.
but I believe The Middle East, Energy and Climate Change are without question the most important issues facing our lives....

It's really scary watching perfectly rational and normal conservatives turn into pinhead liberals. I don't understand the phenomenon, it's like they have some sort of mind-control ray or something, and they get you to look into their eyes, lull you into a sense of false security, and zap you before you realize it, afterwards, it must be like the Men in Black, you just don't remember being zapped, and you are a mindless pinhead forever.

Yes, klaatu... the most profoundly important issues for this country, are spending more of YOUR money on the goofy premise that we can somehow stop or control global warming, destroying and dismantling the combustion engine and fossil fuel industry completely, and leaving Iraq while kissing the asses of every Arab Muslim terrorist we can find! Those are the most important things we can focus on now! The only thing you forgot to mention was how the government needs to tell us what to eat, and wipe our ass for us! Is that going to be in next week's anti-conservative rant?
and increasing opportunity through education reforms like school choice.

Translation: We've always hated public education, and we want to defund and privitize education.

Also another way to give our tax dollars to private industry.

No, it's a way to make educators accountable. Let people decide where to send their kids instead of maintaining a government monopoly. Do I need to explain to you how monopolies effect the market? Monopoly = prices high, quality low. OR is it you want to both a) dumb down the country and b) have a nice jobs program for loyal fascist indoctrinators? I thought you were smarter than this.
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but I believe The Middle East, Energy and Climate Change are without question the most important issues facing our lives....

It's really scary watching perfectly rational and normal conservatives turn into pinhead liberals. I don't understand the phenomenon, it's like they have some sort of mind-control ray or something, and they get you to look into their eyes, lull you into a sense of false security, and zap you before you realize it, afterwards, it must be like the Men in Black, you just don't remember being zapped, and you are a mindless pinhead forever.

Yes, klaatu... the most profoundly important issues for this country, are spending more of YOUR money on the goofy premise that we can somehow stop or control global warming, destroying and dismantling the combustion engine and fossil fuel industry completely, and leaving Iraq while kissing the asses of every Arab Muslim terrorist we can find! Those are the most important things we can focus on now! The only thing you forgot to mention was how the government needs to tell us what to eat, and wipe our ass for us! Is that going to be in next week's anti-conservative rant?

That's right Dixie. The whole world has gone mad, and somehow, only you and George W Bush have remained sane.
but I believe The Middle East, Energy and Climate Change are without question the most important issues facing our lives....

It's really scary watching perfectly rational and normal conservatives turn into pinhead liberals. I don't understand the phenomenon, it's like they have some sort of mind-control ray or something, and they get you to look into their eyes, lull you into a sense of false security, and zap you before you realize it, afterwards, it must be like the Men in Black, you just don't remember being zapped, and you are a mindless pinhead forever.

Yes, klaatu... the most profoundly important issues for this country, are spending more of YOUR money on the goofy premise that we can somehow stop or control global warming, destroying and dismantling the combustion engine and fossil fuel industry completely, and leaving Iraq while kissing the asses of every Arab Muslim terrorist we can find! Those are the most important things we can focus on now! The only thing you forgot to mention was how the government needs to tell us what to eat, and wipe our ass for us! Is that going to be in next week's anti-conservative rant?

What you really mean is anti-Bush Republican Rant... yes I will rant against those who have completely ripped the heart and soul out of the dynasty that Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp built.

How in the hell can you rationalize against the Middle East, Energy and Climate Change being the most important issues of the day.. Climate Change is not a political issue...the only people who make it one are those types that believe we didnt really land on the moon.
"I was thinking more in term of priority and the most important issues of the present day. One would think his advisors would want to position him on these issues. If he is positioned at all. ....."

The problem is always the same... the most important item for both parties is... how do we get re-elected. The very fact that we are already having campaigning and postering for the Presidential election almost TWO YEARS from now.... shows that is the main thing they care about.

Right there with you on the lower taxes/lower spending, SS reform, educational choices etc...

To me the most important issues right now....

1) Iraq... either get us out or fight to win. No more of the political games with the lives of our military personnel.

2) Deficit spending.... cutting it in half is not an option. Eliminate it. Go through the budget and eliminate the pork, the corporate subsidies, the farm subsidies etc... but QUIT spending more than you make. (same can be said for individuals)

3) Energy dependence.... we must press forward on the development of alt energy sources to relieve dependence on foreign oil/nat gas. Now this also means finding economically viable ways for corporations to limit their polution. No bullshit Kyoto crap... actual reductions are needed. This will help to appease those who believe global warming is predominantly man made... and it will give us all cleaner air, water etc... which should also help our health care problem (not to a great extent, but it will help)

4) Healthcare: We need to get costs under control and stop the ever upward spiral of costs. The first step we all need to take is to eat healthy and exercise. This in and of itself will eliminate many healthcare problems. Next limit jury awards to economically reasonable amounts. Follow that up by hammering the insurance companies to reduce malpractice insurance. The hammer the hospitals/doctors to lower their charges accordingly. Then back to the insurance companies to lower individual insurance costs due to lower doctor costs and a healthier country.

5) Social security reform. Bottom line... privatize it. IF you are afraid of people losing money in the stock market... fine, limit their investments to govenrment bonds. But get the money out of the hands of the politicians.

I wont argue against any of these ....
What you really mean is anti-Bush Republican Rant... yes I will rant against those who have completely ripped the heart and soul out of the dynasty that Ronald Reagan and Jack Kemp built.

No one has ripped the heart and soul out of anything, Bush is a moderate like his father was, it's why Ronald Reagan whipped his father's ass! He's not the Great Conservative Hope we all wanted and wished for, but he's a damn sight better than whatever screwed in the head liberal we might have ended up with... or WILL end up with, if people like you bail on the party. Conservatives don't stand much chance of fielding a Democrat in 2008, and no third party is strong enough to win a national election. So, what do you want to do? Rant and rave like a fucking retard about how bad the Republican party is for the next 2 years, and end up with Hillary Clinton as president? Is THAT your brilliant and wise solution to the problem here?

How in the hell can you rationalize against the Middle East, Energy and Climate Change being the most important issues of the day.. Climate Change is not a political issue...the only people who make it one are those types that believe we didnt really land on the moon.

Well, because aside from the fucked up mess in the middle east, mostly caused by Carter and Clinton not taking the problem seriously and doing something about it, the other two issues you raised are the bread and butter of liberal environmentalist wackos. After they lost the battle over the Caribou along the Alaskan Pipeline, they started on this Global Warming shit, and they have sucked you right into it! You're ready to turn our checkbook over to a bunch of spendaholic knee-jerk liberals to "solve the problem" of the normal cyclical warming cycles of the planet!

When you woke up and found yourself agreeing with Al Gore, didn't that strike you as being just a little fucking strange? It would me!
Well, because aside from the fucked up mess in the middle east, mostly caused by Carter and Clinton not taking the problem seriously and doing something about it

odd how you forgot to mention Ronnie Raygun running away from Beirut like a total coward with his tail between his legs when the marines barracks was bombed. YOu partisan hack
Well, because aside from the fucked up mess in the middle east, mostly caused by Carter and Clinton not taking the problem seriously and doing something about it

After 6 years of your incompetent president the middle east is worse today than at any tiime in history. All credible experts say that, including republican foreign policy experts.
When was it the worst Dix? Why, they all have WMD's now! They all want to kill us now! Tell me when it was worse, and why.

I would say it was worse in 1914 when the 400-year-old Ottoman Empire declared jihad on France, Britain, and Russia. I would say it was worse when Moses led his people out of the bondage of Egypt, and God parted the Red Sea. It was also probably much worse during the three centuries of Crusades I think it was probably worse in 1967 when Israel was raining bombs daily all across the region, or in 1987, when Saddam was gassing people to death by the hundreds of thousands. I hate to break this to you, but the middle east region did not suddenly get worse since Bush came along... I know that is what you believe now, because you've been brainwashed and indoctrinated by the koolaid crowd, and refuse to let your knowledge of history prevail.

If anything, the birth of democracy in the region, spells some kind of hope for the future, a hope that hasn't ever existed before, because it has never been tried. Your problem is, you are looking in a shit hole, bitching about all that shit in there! It didn't just magically appear overnight, and it isn't going to vanish overnight, and it doesn't matter how much you whine and moan about it, there is only one way to clean the shit hole up, roll up your sleeves!