Given his track record, it was prudent to assume he did. But, where was the PROOF? If were going in invade, we shouldn't do it on circumstantial evidence, or the heresay of a few dubious defectors.
Exactly, it was prudent to assume he had WMD's because every indication from every source, said that this was a fact of the matter. The proof was in the form of CIA intelligence, as well as intelligence gathered from numerous other foreign sources. Most of this information was accurate, but some of it was not, and you have merely focused intensity on the things that weren't accurate, or couldn't be substantiated after the fact, or were found to be inconclusive. You continue to demand proof that Saddam had WMD's when we invaded, but you are unable to provide any proof he didn't have WMD's, or that WMD's are not still somewhere within Iraq, you simply don't know for certain. You hang on some inconclusive report, that never states anything empirically, and leaves the question completely open, as to where the WMD's are now, or what happened to them. You are too intellectually vacant to understand this, and even if you were smart enough, you still would refuse to understand the truth, it contradicts your agenda.
The President, the Administration, and the Congress, has to take action based on the information they have at hand, and on matters such as this, the information comes predominately from one source, the Central Intelligence Agency. There is no crystal ball in the White House, and the president has no other more reliable source of intelligence information. He was given the information, and told the issue of WMD's were a "slam dunk" by the director of the CIA. He also had the telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin, where he was specifically warned that Saddam was planning to attack US interests. So, given this information the president had, what does your profoundly retarded pinhead brain say was the most prudent thing to do? Pretend he didn't know this information? Pretend it wasn't really true? Ignore it, and get a blow job from his intern? What the hell should our president have assumed, if not what was assumed?