what is clear is that your understanding of economics is on par with your understanding of politics. both are negligible.
I will gladly put my knowledge of economics, history, politics and grasp of the facts up against your loopy ideas any time, any place and anywhere.
Of course you cannot hope to stand toe to toe with me in any debate; that's a fact.
you live in a fantasy world of your own making and your knowledge of the 'truth' is also negligible.
This is a fascinating claim based on nothing more substantive than, "because you say so." Again; I will gladly put my knowledge of economics, history, politics and grasp of the facts up against your loopy ideas any time, any place and anywhere.
it is not possible to debate one that makes up their own facts. you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.
I am fascinated that you think you have a grasp of the facts. Surely you are just trying to be entertaining with such a laughable claim.
As I stated; I will gladly put my knowledge of economics, history, politics and grasp of the facts up against your loopy ideas any time, any place and anywhere.
try explaining the relationship between the national debt and the debt ceiling and maybe we could find a place to begin a debate,
The debt ceiling is a limit set by Congress on the amount the Government can borrow in order to pay its obligations. The national debt IS the amount the Government has borrowed and must eventually pay and the two are related in that when the current Government spends on average $1.343 TRILLION more than it takes in annually, the debt ceiling must constantly be increased. So far under Obama, that over-spending is occurring at the rate of 111.2 billion a month equaling a stunning 6.49 trillion since his inauguration.
By not passing a budget, the Congress must also pass continuing resolutions to keep the Government operating and authorize expenditures. The inability or absolute inaction on the part of this inept buffoon of a President and his inept Buffoon partisan hack in the Senate, Dirty Harry Reid, contribute to the instability of this Government and its need to constantly authorize spending and debate increases in the debt due to that spending.
Of course you think budgets are not related to debt; while indirectly they are not, budgets allow Government and businesses to plan their spending and manage that spending within LEGAL limits. Without a budget, Governments, and businesses meander from crisis to crisis like a ship without a rudder.
In reality, we do not need a mechanism like the debt ceiling because Government is on autopilot and merely raises the debt ceiling at will so the effort is meaningless exercise that gullible fools think is just fine raising at will.
The debt ceiling was another buffoonish legislative invention by dimwits in the Democrat party when they had had control of the purse strings. However, the "Gephardt Rule" deemed that the debt ceiling is raised when a budget was passed. Therefore the reference back to the budget I made, which Obama is of course, clueless about.
What is needed badly is leadership; something this President and Democrats are woefully incapable of.