APP - now that the house repugs (tea party types) have revealed themselves as fools/bullies

Democrats not only dont fear the teaparty they are ecstatic they are showing the american people that far right values are not in their best interests and should be rejected but they are deadly to non rich americans. The teaparty created turmoil inside the GOP led to this horrific LOSS they just suffered and helped the Democrat party HUGELY.
Democrats not only dont fear the teaparty they are ecstatic they are showing the american people that far right values are not in their best interests and should be rejected but they are deadly to non rich americans. The teaparty created turmoil inside the GOP led to this horrific LOSS they just suffered and helped the Democrat party HUGELY.

Right. So should Boner just give the Speakership to Pelousy now? Should we cancel the next election and turn all seats over to the dems so they can usher in nirvana?

Bring on the rapture
Democrats not only dont fear the teaparty they are ecstatic they are showing the american people that far right values are not in their best interests and should be rejected but they are deadly to non rich americans. The teaparty created turmoil inside the GOP led to this horrific LOSS they just suffered and helped the Democrat party HUGELY.

They are deadly to the rich as well, if the stock market crashes, it is not good for anyone.
what are they going to do next to demonstrate their ineptness?

I am amused when arrogant leftists think they are the arbiters and deciders of what is inept.

What we saw was our Constitution working as designed by the incredible wisdom of our founders; something leftist apparently find repugnant and a road block to their desire to transform the Republic into a welfare State and turn her citizens, we the sheeple, all into dependent wards of the State.

What you actually saw on display, was incredible courage of a small group of politicians who did not just go along with the inside the beltway group think that goes on in Washington and rejected the leftist moronic media punditry that the Government cannot be shutdown just because it is spending $292 billion a month, a quarter of which is borrowed money on the backs of the American sheeple.

What you also saw was a liar and hypocrite named Obama who declared it was irresponsible to NOT raise the debt limit or spend MORE and it was an non-negotiable stance. That was after he, as a JUNIOR Senator, declared that raising debt limits was irresponsible and a sign of a lack of leadership.

It is equally amusing to see leftists who declared during Bush's Presidency that it was patriotic to disagree with their President, but now claim it is racist.

Let's face it; Democrats are unprincipled hypocrites and cowards who only care about ONE to dupe uninformed dimwits into electing them by lying about and demagoguing their opponents.
The will continue to be what they are as long as the Kroch Bros and Adelsen types keep giving them tons of money. Its up to the american people to reject them and get rid of them.

But you're okay with all the union, Hollywood, wall street and George Soros money going to Democrats right? ::wink wink::

Irony and hypocrisy define leftist Democrats.
5 Ways Obama Tries to Work With Republicans and is Rejected

The president’s nomination of conservative Republican Chuck Hagel to his cabinet is just another example in a long line of Obama’s attempts to reach across the aisle and work with a recalcitrant Republican minority. Here are a few other gems, as we highlight some of Obama’s most bipartisan gestures of his first term and the Republican response.

You should get out from under that rock is really hard to take your nonsense serious; but it is entertaining.
"Negotiation" has turned into a dirty word anymore, just like "compromise."

What an amusing, but patently false claim. Obummer declared he was NOT going to negotiate anything. Apparently he is the one who thinks it is a dirty word.

But equally repugnant and ignorant is the false premise that Conservatives do not compromise. But then, the simple minded fools on the left mistakenly think and believe that compromise means doing what Obummer wants.

Democrats are a lot like petulant whiney little kids who will hold their breath and throw tantrums if they don't get their way.

They are unprincipled lying hypocrites who will take any side to obtain that which means mores to them than anyone and anything; political power.
I hope more American decide to vote third party candidates. My candidate or mayor is running as an Independent.

Choosing third party candidates in national elections ensures dimwitted Democrat victories.

However, at the local level it makes perfect sense as long as it is a principled vote.
I am amused when arrogant leftists think they are the arbiters and deciders of what is inept.

What we saw was our Constitution working as designed by the incredible wisdom of our founders; something leftist apparently find repugnant and a road block to their desire to transform the Republic into a welfare State and turn her citizens, we the sheeple, all into dependent wards of the State.

What you actually saw on display, was incredible courage of a small group of politicians who did not just go along with the inside the beltway group think that goes on in Washington and rejected the leftist moronic media punditry that the Government cannot be shutdown just because it is spending $292 billion a month, a quarter of which is borrowed money on the backs of the American sheeple.

What you also saw was a liar and hypocrite named Obama who declared it was irresponsible to NOT raise the debt limit or spend MORE and it was an non-negotiable stance. That was after he, as a JUNIOR Senator, declared that raising debt limits was irresponsible and a sign of a lack of leadership.

It is equally amusing to see leftists who declared during Bush's Presidency that it was patriotic to disagree with their President, but now claim it is racist.

Let's face it; Democrats are unprincipled hypocrites and cowards who only care about ONE to dupe uninformed dimwits into electing them by lying about and demagoguing their opponents.

what is clear is that your understanding of economics is on par with your understanding of politics. both are negligible. you live in a fantasy world of your own making and your knowledge of the 'truth' is also negligible. it is not possible to debate one that makes up their own facts. you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

try explaining the relationship between the national debt and the debt ceiling and maybe we could find a place to begin a debate,
Yes it has as far as conservatives are concerned because it usually means RINOs like Mcconell and Boner selling out conservative principles so lefties don't say mean things about them

Libbies don't fear Boner. They fear Cruz

I choose Cruz.

But in reality, which is very rarely acknowledged on the Internet or even in the media...many people ARE moderate in their views. So you get alot of overlap in the 'moderate' areas of both parties.

That's why, just IMO, it's important to vote issues and NOT locked into party lines locally and even at the state level.

But that takes too much work. People actually have to do research into each candidate and their positions.

And we still have extremist morons, like Mayor Bloomberg that scare the shit out of even moderate Dems.
Choosing third party candidates in national elections ensures dimwitted Democrat victories.

However, at the local level it makes perfect sense as long as it is a principled vote.

I wish I said that. Oh wait! I kinda just did. Sorta. I didnt include third party but should have.

And while I agree with most of your first sentence, I dont agree it only applies to Dems. How do you think Bush got elected the first time? Nader got valuable Gore votes.
what is clear is that your understanding of economics is on par with your understanding of politics. both are negligible.

I will gladly put my knowledge of economics, history, politics and grasp of the facts up against your loopy ideas any time, any place and anywhere.

Of course you cannot hope to stand toe to toe with me in any debate; that's a fact.

you live in a fantasy world of your own making and your knowledge of the 'truth' is also negligible.

This is a fascinating claim based on nothing more substantive than, "because you say so." Again; I will gladly put my knowledge of economics, history, politics and grasp of the facts up against your loopy ideas any time, any place and anywhere.

it is not possible to debate one that makes up their own facts. you are entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

I am fascinated that you think you have a grasp of the facts. Surely you are just trying to be entertaining with such a laughable claim.

As I stated; I will gladly put my knowledge of economics, history, politics and grasp of the facts up against your loopy ideas any time, any place and anywhere.

try explaining the relationship between the national debt and the debt ceiling and maybe we could find a place to begin a debate,

The debt ceiling is a limit set by Congress on the amount the Government can borrow in order to pay its obligations. The national debt IS the amount the Government has borrowed and must eventually pay and the two are related in that when the current Government spends on average $1.343 TRILLION more than it takes in annually, the debt ceiling must constantly be increased. So far under Obama, that over-spending is occurring at the rate of 111.2 billion a month equaling a stunning 6.49 trillion since his inauguration.

By not passing a budget, the Congress must also pass continuing resolutions to keep the Government operating and authorize expenditures. The inability or absolute inaction on the part of this inept buffoon of a President and his inept Buffoon partisan hack in the Senate, Dirty Harry Reid, contribute to the instability of this Government and its need to constantly authorize spending and debate increases in the debt due to that spending.

Of course you think budgets are not related to debt; while indirectly they are not, budgets allow Government and businesses to plan their spending and manage that spending within LEGAL limits. Without a budget, Governments, and businesses meander from crisis to crisis like a ship without a rudder.

In reality, we do not need a mechanism like the debt ceiling because Government is on autopilot and merely raises the debt ceiling at will so the effort is meaningless exercise that gullible fools think is just fine raising at will.

The debt ceiling was another buffoonish legislative invention by dimwits in the Democrat party when they had had control of the purse strings. However, the "Gephardt Rule" deemed that the debt ceiling is raised when a budget was passed. Therefore the reference back to the budget I made, which Obama is of course, clueless about.

What is needed badly is leadership; something this President and Democrats are woefully incapable of.
I wish I said that. Oh wait! I kinda just did. Sorta. I didnt include third party but should have.

And while I agree with most of your first sentence, I dont agree it only applies to Dems. How do you think Bush got elected the first time? Nader got valuable Gore votes.

There may be some truth in your claim about Nader; but typically it is third party taking the Independent votes from Conservatives thus giving Democrats and advantage.