Now THIS is interesting.


Verified User
Did you know that the publication 'Scientific American' was founded by a Creationist? One of the most anti-Creationist publications in existence. It was originally begun in order to explore God's Creation. Look at it now. How sad.
there is no proof of any gods or monsters

Science makes sense and uses facts

religion ....not so much
Did you know that the publication 'Scientific American' was founded by a Creationist? One of the most anti-Creationist publications in existence. It was originally begun in order to explore God's Creation. Look at it now. How sad.

Science used to be about understanding creation. Now it is about disproving it. Egos are a funny thing.

Poor Tom

Show me one fact that supports the theory of evolution.
How about three laws of nature.

The Law of Inheritance is evidence for evolution by natural selection.

The Law of Variation is evidence for evolution by natural selection.

The Law of Superfecundancy is evidence for evolution by natural selection.

So gee! Not only is biological evolution supported by all sorts of facts, it's actually predicated and based on three laws of nature. Imagine that? LOL