NPR Exposed

You'll get a kick out of watching him in the future...he pulls the same stunt over and over and typically gets away with it over and over..
Nobody really wants to waste their time going back over old post to prove him a liar and he'll never manup and admit it anyway.......

But its fun for a little while and then you can put him back on ignore for a few days until you want to kick his ass again.....
How pathetic....

You tell em girl....don't believe anything, not even your own eyes and ears, unless its DNC approved....and posted on the Huffington or KOS websites....

Pathetic, really?

After Beck's techies themselves raised questions about the tape?

You should be embarrassed.
You'll get a kick out of watching him in the future...he pulls the same stunt over and over and typically gets away with it over and over..
Nobody really wants to waste their time going back over old post to prove him a liar and he'll never manup and admit it anyway.......

But its fun for a little while and then you can put him back on ignore for a few days until you want to kick his ass again.....

Exactly where does TC say CPB is NOT government-owned? Post number, please, because I've read this thread three times and haven't seen it.
Exactly where does TC say CPB is NOT government-owned? Post number, please, because I've read this thread three times and haven't seen it.
Did you really miss the whole point here...??

You ask, "Exactly where does TC say CPB is NOT government-owned? "
Well, the answer is nowhere....

No one claimed TC did that....why ask the question?
Rtber's assertion was that CPB was government-owned

TC's comeback said that NPR was not government-owned
emphatically implying that Rtber didn't know that the hell he was talking about in the "CPB" post....

Totally irrelevant to the issue ....TC is a liar that routinely pulls this stunt and gets away with it sometimes by bullying and flooding the thread with a load of irrelevant bullshit....

Quite entertaining...
Originally Posted by christiefan915
Exactly where does TC say CPB is NOT government-owned? Post number, please, because I've read this thread three times and haven't seen it.

Did you really miss the whole point here...??

You ask, "Exactly where does TC say CPB is NOT government-owned? "
Well, the answer is nowhere....

No one claimed TC did that....why ask the question?
Rtber's assertion was that CPB was government-owned

TC's comeback said that NPR was not government-owned
emphatically implying that Rtber didn't know that the hell he was talking about in the "CPB" post....

Totally irrelevant to the issue ....TC is a liar that routinely pulls this stunt and gets away with it sometimes by bullying and flooding the thread with a load of irrelevant bullshit....

Quite entertaining...

Learn to READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY, my intellectually impotent Bravo. The chronology of the posts clearly shows Rbter stating TWICE that I claimed CPB was NOT government owned. The chronology of the posts also shows that I did no such thing.

Rbter made TWO specifying CPB, the other refering to the situation regarding NPR. I responded accordingly. Too bad that Rbter is too dishonest to deal with the facts, and equally pathetic as to our Bravo once again shooting blanks with his intellectual impotency and similar to Rbter lies.
Once more for our intellectually impotent Bravo: Rbter's first response is to a post that is discussing the defunding of NPR. His two sentences address two points, one general and one specific. If Rbter wanted to solely discuss CPB, then he should learn to structure his sentences better as to leave no doubt as to what's being discussed. Post #10 through 15, posts #19 and 25 essentially clear the air, and reduce Rbter to the dishonest BS artist that he is.

YOU, my intellectually impotent Bravo, were put in your place during the exchanges on Post #16 and 20. But due try to live vicariously through your wrongly perceived victory by your useless condom buddy. Now Bravo, repeat your disproven and deconstructed point in various ways ad nauseum. "Bravo" indeed.

Repeating disproven and deconstructed points ad nauseam by prefacing them with the pathetic catchphrase "chronology of the posts" seems to be the modus operandi of Taichiliberal.

The "chronology of the posts" in this instance shows the dis-ingenuousness of his intellectual makeup.

CPB is a government-owned corporation, despite Taichiliberal's repeated attempts to deny that fact.

The CPB and all government-funded boondoggles are no longer viable in an era of debt and deficits.

The political winds are about to sweep away many sacred cows that feed at the taxpayer's trough, and not before time.

Well folks, as I detest liars, I leave a simple challenge for your spent Rbter condom: All Rbter has to do is provide the Post number/link on this thread where I state in no uncertain terms that the CPB is NOT a government owned corporation. Not an interpretation, viewpoint, supposition or conjecture from Rbter, but an actual documented quote from me saying as Rbter claims. If he can't, and doesn't admit his error, then Rbter is a bonafide liar, and my previous response stands valid on all points.

This is why the phrase, "chronology of the post" burns the asses of our resident neocon parrots and toadies like Bravo and Rbter. Now let's sit back and watch them spin like dervishes.
Well folks, as I detest liars, I leave a simple challenge for your spent Rbter condom: All Rbter has to do is provide the Post number/link on this thread where I state in no uncertain terms that the CPB is NOT a government owned corporation. Not an interpretation, viewpoint, supposition or conjecture from Rbter, but an actual documented quote from me saying as Rbter claims. If he can't, and doesn't admit his error, then Rbter is a bonafide liar, and my previous response stands valid on all points.

This is why the phrase, "chronology of the post" burns the asses of our resident neocon parrots and toadies like Bravo and Rbter. Now let's sit back and watch them spin like dervishes.

DERVISHES???? That is fuckin' hilarious...............don't tell me you looked up a new word to entertain us ???

God damn...that is the best laugh I had all night...and I've be out on a bar stool since 5.30 with friends.....

I'll bet that DERVISHES comes up a lot in your every day conversation in the ghetto, talkin with the hood........what a pinhead you are.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well folks, as I detest liars, I leave a simple challenge for your spent Rbter condom: All Rbter has to do is provide the Post number/link on this thread where I state in no uncertain terms that the CPB is NOT a government owned corporation. Not an interpretation, viewpoint, supposition or conjecture from Rbter, but an actual documented quote from me saying as Rbter claims. If he can't, and doesn't admit his error, then Rbter is a bonafide liar, and my previous response stands valid on all points.

This is why the phrase, "chronology of the post" burns the asses of our resident neocon parrots and toadies like Bravo and Rbter. Now let's sit back and watch them spin like dervishes.

DERVISHES???? That is fuckin' hilarious...............don't tell me you looked up a new word to entertain us ???

God damn...that is the best laugh I had all night...and I've be out on a bar stool since 5.30 with friends.....

I'll bet that DERVISHES comes up a lot in your every day conversation in the ghetto, talkin with the hood........what a pinhead you are.

Wow....Bravo's stupidity just keeps on giving!

First, Bravo has NO answer to Post #47. Then Bravo tries to ignore that fact that neither he or Rtber can meet a simple burden of proof...which makes Bravo and Rtber LIARS....well, it makes Rtber a liar and Bravo one dumb bunny for sucking up to Rtbers defense.

But the grande finale is Bravo telling us all that he just slid his flabby ass of a bar stool after several hours of drinking with the local rummies, and the best Bravo can do is try to mock me for using a proper word to describe his intellectual dishonesty. :palm: "Bravo" indeed!
Well folks, as I detest liars, I leave a simple challenge for your spent Rbter condom: All Rbter has to do is provide the Post number/link on this thread where I state in no uncertain terms that the CPB is NOT a government owned corporation. Not an interpretation, viewpoint, supposition or conjecture from Rbter, but an actual documented quote from me saying as Rbter claims. If he can't, and doesn't admit his error, then Rbter is a bonafide liar, and my previous response stands valid on all points.

This is why the phrase, "chronology of the post" burns the asses of our resident neocon parrots and toadies like Bravo and Rbter. Now let's sit back and watch them spin like dervishes.

TCL is correct in that he hasn't stated that CPB isn't government-owned.

He stated that he had proven that NPR isn't government-owned.
Biased or not, all nonvital government spending should cease.

I'm hoping the next election will bring reform that will require all Congressional spending to meet standards regarding necessity.

I'm still wondering how the vague "General Welfare" clause authorizes government ownership of and investment in media.
TCL is correct in that he hasn't stated that CPB isn't government-owned.

He stated that he had proven that NPR isn't government-owned.

and thats what I see also....

When you (Rtber) mention CPB is Gov. owned
TC starts talking about NPR not being gov. owned, as if NPR had some kind of equivalency or relevancy to CPB....
and then claims hes right and you're wrong....

kind of weird, but he does that fairly often...a talent for tap dancing but no Fred Astaire...
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well folks, as I detest liars, I leave a simple challenge for your spent Rbter condom: All Rbter has to do is provide the Post number/link on this thread where I state in no uncertain terms that the CPB is NOT a government owned corporation. Not an interpretation, viewpoint, supposition or conjecture from Rbter, but an actual documented quote from me saying as Rbter claims. If he can't, and doesn't admit his error, then Rbter is a bonafide liar, and my previous response stands valid on all points.

This is why the phrase, "chronology of the post" burns the asses of our resident neocon parrots and toadies like Bravo and Rbter. Now let's sit back and watch them spin like dervishes.

TCL is correct in that he hasn't stated that CPB isn't government-owned.

He stated that he had proven that NPR isn't government-owned.

Thank you for owning up to the truth. And, as the chronology of the posts shows, I also PROVED that NPR is NOT government owned. To date, no one has contested the facts that lead to that conclusion.
Originally Posted by Rtber
TCL is correct in that he hasn't stated that CPB isn't government-owned.

He stated that he had proven that NPR isn't government-owned.

and thats what I see also....

When you (Rtber) mention CPB is Gov. owned
TC starts talking about NPR not being gov. owned, as if NPR had some kind of equivalency or relevancy to CPB....
and then claims hes right and you're wrong....

kind of weird, but he does that fairly often...a talent for tap dancing but no Fred Astaire...

And once again, folks...we see Bravo's intellectual dishonesty and insipid stubborness. Now I've explained to this Bravo bumpkin what I was responding to and why

Perhaps our dim witted Bravo has forgotten the subject title of this thread as I did prove that NPR was NOT a government owned/funded organization...hence rendering the neocon bleatings about it's "defunding" absurd.
If not, then Bravo has demonstrated his childish inability to just acknowledge the fact that I was right on one point and he was DEAD WRONG. Bravo had to wait for Rbter's lead....proving Bravo's lacking in personal intelligence or courage....
All one has to do is just follow the chronology of the posts to see that Bravo is either just fucking stupid, a liar, or too damned drunk to retain and comprehend what's going on. In any event, Bravo has proven himself just not worth wasting time on anymore.
Biased or not, all nonvital government spending should cease.

I'm hoping the next election will bring reform that will require all Congressional spending to meet standards regarding necessity.

I'm still wondering how the vague "General Welfare" clause authorizes government ownership of and investment in media.

You are entitled to your opinion, yet you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge other facts and aspects of society that make your assertions questionable at best, as I pointed out in an earlier response
You are entitled to your opinion, yet you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge other facts and aspects of society that make your assertions questionable at best, as I pointed out in an earlier response

Gosh, I'm entitled to my opinion? Thanks!

Now, can you show me "other facts and aspects of society" that make my "assertions questionable at best"?

Which assertions were those, BTW?

First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.

Furthermore, since you either didn't read or can't comprehend what I previously printed:

And as for the CPB:
How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

Combine your litany with what I posted, and essentially your willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn assertion just falls flat. And if $1.70 is too much for you to bear, then I suggest you cut your monthly internet service your contribution here is just a waste of time and space.

The "chronology of the posts", as quoted above, still shows you accusing me of stating that "NPR is government owned".

Please link to that post, or admit you were mistaken.

Then, explain the relevance of your comment regarding $1.70. Please link to that post also, or admit that you were mistaken.

Again, non-essential government spending (be it much or little) must be curtailed.

You say the government doesn't spend that much on CPB and NPR? Then why not cut those subsidies, since they're so small anyway?

And, please, stop trying to tar me with the neo-con brush and assume that I don't favor cutting all governement spending.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You are entitled to your opinion, yet you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge other facts and aspects of society that make your assertions questionable at best, as I pointed out in an earlier response

Gosh, I'm entitled to my opinion? Thanks!

You're welcome, bunky!
Now, can you show me "other facts and aspects of society" that make my "assertions questionable at best"?

I already did, as the chronology of the posts shows. You're taking bits and parts of previous discussion is just a lame stalling tactic to avoid acknowledging your errors, Rbter.
Which assertions were those, BTW?

Follow my link to the original post(s) and NOT just the parts you want to show, Rbter.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.

Furthermore, since you either didn't read or can't comprehend what I previously printed:

And as for the CPB:
How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

Combine your litany with what I posted, and essentially your willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn assertion just falls flat. And if $1.70 is too much for you to bear, then I suggest you cut your monthly internet service your contribution here is just a waste of time and space.

The "chronology of the posts", as quoted above, still shows you accusing me of stating that "NPR is government owned".

Please link to that post, or admit you were mistaken.

Please stop wasting time and space rehashing already discussed and resolved points. Since the subject title and opening post is about NPR and you opened with TWO separate sentences, with ONLY ONE specifying the CPB, logical deduction points to you intially referring to the title subject in the first sentence....if you meant otherwise, then you should have stated such. I'm not responsible for your inability to properly convey your thoughts into print.
Then, explain the relevance of your comment regarding $1.70. Please link to that post also, or admit that you were mistaken.

Mistaken about what? YOU were the one bitching about tax payer funding of the CPB like it was a major drain on the economy or a major player in our current fiscal crisis. All I did was just point out how silly your assertions/inferences are.

Again, non-essential government spending (be it much or little) must be curtailed.

Again, You refuse to address the monumental cases of non-essential gov't spending in favor of following up the neocon bullhorn regarding the CPB. To date, you have not honestly stated why this is a prime example or your fiscal concern, as it logically does not make sense.
You say the government doesn't spend that much on CPB and NPR? Then why not cut those subsidies, since they're so small anyway? Why should they when they are in the best interest of the know, "general welfare"? And why are YOU so adamant in NOT addressing the much larger, unnecessary drains on the average taxpayer that I linked?And, please, stop trying to tar me with the neo-con brush and assume that I don't favor cutting all governement spending.

Rbter, grow the fuck up, would you please? First you lied about my statements regarding CPB, and it took a direct challenge for you to admit it after repeating that lie a few times. Now pissed, you're just rehashing already discussed points, because you just don't have the courage and honesty to acknowledge your parallel mindset with the neocon politicos and punditry...and how that mindset just doesn't stand up under scrutiny.
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Rbter, grow the fuck up, would you please? First you lied about my statements regarding CPB, and it took a direct challenge for you to admit it after repeating that lie a few times. Now pissed, you're just rehashing already discussed points, because you just don't have the courage and honesty to acknowledge your parallel mindset with the neocon politicos and punditry...and how that mindset just doesn't stand up under scrutiny.

Is this your way of admitting that I didn't say NPR is government-owned, and confessing that you have no corroborating evidence for your repeated assertions that I'm I'm a neo-con?