Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You are entitled to your opinion, yet you stubbornly refuse to acknowledge other facts and aspects of society that make your assertions questionable at best, as I pointed out in an earlier response
Gosh, I'm entitled to my opinion? Thanks!
You're welcome, bunky!
Now, can you show me "other facts and aspects of society" that make my "assertions questionable at best"?
I already did, as the chronology of the posts shows. You're taking bits and parts of previous discussion is just a lame stalling tactic to avoid acknowledging your errors, Rbter.
Which assertions were those, BTW?
Follow my link to the original post(s) and NOT just the parts you want to show, Rbter.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.
Furthermore, since you either didn't read or can't comprehend what I previously printed:
And as for the CPB:
How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.
Combine your litany with what I posted, and essentially your willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn assertion just falls flat. And if $1.70 is too much for you to bear, then I suggest you cut your monthly internet service fee....as your contribution here is just a waste of time and space.
The "chronology of the posts", as quoted above, still shows you accusing me of stating that "NPR is government owned".
Please link to that post, or admit you were mistaken.
Please stop wasting time and space rehashing already discussed and resolved points. Since the subject title and opening post is about NPR and you opened with TWO separate sentences, with ONLY ONE specifying the CPB, logical deduction points to you intially referring to the title subject in the first sentence....if you meant otherwise, then you should have stated such. I'm not responsible for your inability to properly convey your thoughts into print.
Then, explain the relevance of your comment regarding $1.70. Please link to that post also, or admit that you were mistaken.
Mistaken about what? YOU were the one bitching about tax payer funding of the CPB like it was a major drain on the economy or a major player in our current fiscal crisis. All I did was just point out how silly your assertions/inferences are.
Again, non-essential government spending (be it much or little) must be curtailed.
Again, You refuse to address the monumental cases of non-essential gov't spending in favor of following up the neocon bullhorn regarding the CPB. To date, you have not honestly stated why this is a prime example or your fiscal concern, as it logically does not make sense.
You say the government doesn't spend that much on CPB and NPR? Then why not cut those subsidies, since they're so small anyway?
Why should they when they are in the best interest of the people...you know, "general welfare"? And why are YOU so adamant in NOT addressing the much larger, unnecessary drains on the average taxpayer that I linked?And, please, stop trying to tar me with the neo-con brush and assume that I don't favor cutting all governement spending.