The story has long been than the NRA has a Mind Meld with the rubes.
"Its all Bullshit folks!"
If you define awesome and going bankrupt by leadership theft and abuse, you are right.
Good. That’s what I pay them to do.
Wow, you confess to being an idiot. Very refreshing.
I've been a life member of the NRA for almost 40 years, and an NRA firearms instructor for over 20. How long have you been a member, and what do you know about the NRA that I don't, idiot?
The NRA was one thing forty years ago, is a totally different thing today, and even if you wish to feign ignorance of the fact, Arby,
you know that as well as I do.
The NRA was one thing forty years ago, is a totally different thing today, and even if you wish to feign ignorance of the fact, Arby,
you know that as well as I do.