NRA against any law limiting gun sales

The story has long been than the NRA has a Mind Meld with the rubes.

"Its all Bullshit folks!"
Wow, you confess to being an idiot. Very refreshing.

I've been a life member of the NRA for almost 40 years, and an NRA firearms instructor for over 20. How long have you been a member, and what do you know about the NRA that I don't, idiot?
I've been a life member of the NRA for almost 40 years, and an NRA firearms instructor for over 20. How long have you been a member, and what do you know about the NRA that I don't, idiot?

The NRA was one thing forty years ago, is a totally different thing today, and even if you wish to feign ignorance of the fact, Arby,
you know that as well as I do.
The NRA was one thing forty years ago, is a totally different thing today, and even if you wish to feign ignorance of the fact, Arby,
you know that as well as I do.

They still hold firearms training for law enforcement and civilians. They still hold competitions for both. They comply with the DCM's rules as well.
If the upper level people are fraudulent, they should be tossed out and investigated. I see you're still obsessed with my nickname :rolleyes: