explain to the class how you know that the founders predicted a national guard in 1792.
They didn't, not as it is today, but hey Los couldn't predict automatic weapons being used on a classroom full of children, either, I wonder their responses
explain to the class how you know that the founders predicted a national guard in 1792.
over the top appeal to emotion. if 2 million kids wrote to him asking for cotton candy and ice cream for school lunches, would you consider it?
over the top appeal to emotion. if 2 million kids wrote to him asking for cotton candy and ice cream for school lunches, would you consider it?
blah blah blah blah. don't go away mad. just go away.I knew you were a party parrot Libertardian. You are just parroting off what crazy Libertarian talk radio/tv says. You do know it's just drama media right? Oreilly even admitted that "There are a significant amount of people out there that just feed off of anger and negativity" while also saying, "Find out what you are good at, and do it well. There is money to be made"
Having kids out there was not over the top at all. The proof there needs to be a change lies in the latest incidents and the last one was at a school. You can either say we need to end gun free zones, you can say teachers should have guns, you can say we need to ban guns, but the kids were out there because something clearly has to happen. You Libertardians sound so immature and pathetic when you say the President was pimping the kids out. I'm embarassed for America when I hear this kind of dribble.
noI'll ask again brains. Do you believe we should have any background checks at all when buying any gun?
You ignored the fact that those kids wrote to him asking for political change. They were upset that 20 children died at school. They wanted to be there.
explain to the class how you know that the founders predicted a national guard in 1792.
how to twist the words of the founders?
But think of all the kids that wish their parents had a job.
That's much more of a problem. There's millions more kids who's parents are out of work and under-employed.
thats not a prediction. thats nothing more than an act that authorizes the president to assume control of state militias. what I would call unnecessary since congress already had that authority.
and I fart in your general direction. seriously, it's almost ridiculous to try and pass off a single document that is at odds with many others and say 'this is their true intent'. it's like saying that all the commentaries telling the people that this is what the constitution means were lies and madison later said 'HAHA, fooled you all!!!!!'I laugh at you poo pooing scholarly works which show he writings and the intent of the Foundrs.
The only way anyone can answer "yes" to that question is if they are OK with prior restraint.
and that is exactly the reason that legislation needs to pass all 3 branches....to avoid knee jerk panty wetting emotional responses like how we got the patriot act.There are probably children who have written about that as well. If the President ever signs a jobs bill, I hope he includes those who wrote to make it happen. Just like when he signed the repeal of he Don't Ask, Don't Tell and had the homosexual military members surrounding him!
It is what every President has done in the past.
These gun control measures were sparked by the emotional murder of 20 innocents, like I have said, Americans don't pay attention when it is one crazy killing another, but it takes on a whole new life when you picture the bodies of 20, six and seven years olds and their bodies are riddled with bullets.
I stand with the founding fathers. you do not. you should be embarrassed for yourself.So you stand firm in your terrible brainwashed perspective. I'm embarassed for you, you are a fool.
I stand with the founding fathers. you do not. you should be embarrassed for yourself.
and that is exactly the reason that legislation needs to pass all 3 branches....to avoid knee jerk panty wetting emotional responses like how we got the patriot act.