It could be 10's of millions, we will see shortly
Where's the link? Where's the proof? We know why.

It could be 10's of millions, we will see shortly
Where there is smoke, there is fire. However, the NRA already admitted receiving such donations
I have been browsing through internet search results and am having a hard time finding where the NRA took these Russian specific donations. I have found several articles where the NRA has acknowledged "foreign" donations, but nothing more specific than that. Can you give me the link to the Russian specific donations? Why is the FBI "investigating" this if it is already know to be true?
Reason tells us they are from Russia, .
Reason is not evidence. Especially not politically biased reasoning. At this time, you have nothing.
Do you think the NRA is being investigated by both the FEC and the FBI, for nothing?. Why in the first place would they need to take foreign donations?
Did your thread include the monies sent to the NRA buy Russia, prior to the last election, and just what the NRA did with those funds?
I started a thread asking for links to mass shootings at NRA meetings, and I did a thread asking for links to NRA members carrying out mass school shootings. No lefty was able to post any such links. Can you lefties explain why the hate for the NRA?
because they get people killed and they work for Russia
get people killed
they advocate for guns everywhere
gun have deadly force and people die from them every day
the more that exist the more deaths
they get people killed
and they take Rubles
get people killed
killed people
do those say the same thing you fucking idiot
I do not know the answers to these questions. I am waiting for more information as the story unfolds, so that I can form an objective opinion.
Take it to the bank, the NRA got their hands very dirty.
They may very well have, but I like to have facts before I make such assertions.
Since when did you and your kind ever worry about facts?