NRA meltdown has Trump campaign sweating

dear fucking idiot

the NRA gave MILLIONS more last presidential election than they had ever done

no one seems to KNOW where those Millions came from

The FBI has an idea where it came from

you must watch fox

You seem to know no facts

fuck you very much

When it comes to guns, no control freak knows any facts. It's all ignorant paranoia and wishful thinking.

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Ignorant BS is not "good for America".

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I wish you would actually read posts before responding with some knee-jerk shit. Seriously. This is the 2nd time today you responded to me as though I was a typical Reichwinger writing some typical RW shit.
I wish you would actually read posts before responding with some knee-jerk shit. Seriously. This is the 2nd time today you responded to me as though I was a typical Reichwinger writing some typical RW shit.
This time I responded to what you posted.

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dear fucking idiot
Love you too!

the NRA gave MILLIONS more last presidential election than they had ever done

no one seems to KNOW where those Millions came from
You're claiming it came from the NRA...

The FBI has an idea where it came from
Do they now.

you must watch fox
Not one second of it.

You seem to know no facts
Facts are not universal truths.

fuck you very much
Fuck you too.
They don't lobby for Republicans; They lobby for gun rights.

They lobby for gun manufacturers. When they were for gun rights, they backed registration and some regulation. Once they started whoring themselves to large corporations they went far right and pretended guns are beyond regulation. Anything that slows down the sales of weapons is illegal.
They lobby for gun manufacturers. When they were for gun rights, they backed registration and some regulation. Once they started whoring themselves to large corporations they went far right and pretended guns are beyond regulation. Anything that slows down the sales of weapons is illegal.

They are accepting of much more regulations on guns than I am... They are actually quite soft on the issue...
They lobby for gun manufacturers. When they were for gun rights, they backed registration and some regulation. Once they started whoring themselves to large corporations they went far right and pretended guns are beyond regulation. Anything that slows down the sales of weapons is illegal.
They would be for regulation if there was any evidence that it did any good. The only evidence there is is that regulation only makes things worse. And virtually all regulation infringes on the right of the people to keep and bear arms. The NRA supports the Constitution, which control freaks don't. And registration serves no useful purpose.

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Hello gfm7175,

This is a now famous quote from Parkland Survivor Emma Gonzalez:

"The people in the government who were voted into power are lying to us. And us kids seem to be the only ones who notice and our parents to call BS.Companies trying to make caricatures of the teenagers these days, saying that all we are self-involved and trend-obsessed and they hush us into submission when our message doesn't reach the ears of the nation, we are prepared to call BS. Politicians who sit in their gilded House and Senate seats funded by the NRA telling us nothing could have been done to prevent this, We call BS. They say tougher guns laws do not decrease gun violence. We call BS. They say a good guy with a gun stops a bad guy with a gun. We call BS. They say guns are just tools like knives and are as dangerous as cars. We call BS. They say no laws could have prevented the hundreds of senseless tragedies that have occurred. We call BS. That us kids don't know what we're talking about, that we're too young to understand how the government works. We call BS.

If you agree, register to vote. Contact your local congresspeople. Give them a piece of your mind.
(Crowd chants) Throw them out."

We Call B S

Again, you quote a single individual that knows almost nothing about it as the authoritative source.

You don't get to take guns away. It has nothing to do with the NRA. The federal government does not have authority to change the Constitution, no matter who you vote in to office.
dear fucking idiot

the NRA gave MILLIONS more last presidential election than they had ever done

no one seems to KNOW where those Millions came from

The FBI has an idea where it came from

you must watch fox

You seem to know no facts

fuck you very much

You don't get to choose whether people have guns. You are not the king.
But it is a very important Republican lobbying group.

They happen to be conservative, true. They are hardly that important.

Like your other liberal idiot friends, you don't get anything about the Constitution. You would rather see it destroyed and replaced with fascism by oligarchy.
Trump 2020 win projected by 3 different models, New York Times op-ed says

The combination of a strong economy and the built-in advantages for an incumbent gives President Trump a "formidable" advantage in his bid for re-election, according to a New York Times op-ed.

Steven Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury secretary in the Obama administration and worked on the auto industry bailouts, explained in his piece that three separate projection models currently point to a win for Trump.

One model by Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, projects Trump's 2020 vote share as high as 56 percent given the economic boom, but that does not account for voters' issues with the president's personality.

"As recent polls show, if the election were today, he would lose to most of the Democratic hopefuls by a substantial margin; in the case of Joe Biden, by nearly 8 percentage points," said Rattner. A recent Fox News poll found Democratic presidential frontrunner Joe Biden with a double-digit lead over Trump.

Fair's model -- which pegged Barack Obama's vote shares nearly on the dot -- showed Trump should have received 54 percent of the vote in 2016, but Trump actually got 48.8 percent against Hillary Clinton. "I’m quite confident that the gap was a function of the generally unfavorable rankings on Mr. Trump’s personal qualities," Rattner wrote.

A Monmouth University poll last week showed just 37 percent of voters believe Trump should be re-elected, while 60 percent prefer a new president. Rattner said in addition to Fair, two other projection models give Trump a clear edge.

"Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them. Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College," Rattner wrote


Trump tops $100 million raised for his 2020 re-election campaign


The president has more than $47 million in the bank as a significant show of strength against a possible Democratic opponent.


CNN poll: 54 percent say Trump will be reelected

A majority of Americans believe President Trump will be reelected next year, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday. The survey, conducted by SSRS from May 28 to May 31, shows that 54 percent of respondents say Trump will win a second term in office, while 41 percent say he will be defeated in 2020.

The figures are a near reversal from a similar CNN poll conducted in March 2018, when 40 percent of respondents predicted he would be reelected and 54 percent said he wouldn't. The most recent poll shows Trump scoring his highest marks on his handling of the economy, with 52 percent approving and 70 percent saying the economy is in good shape.


ME: Things are looking great to Keep America Great!!

Donald Trump will be re-elected: Expert analysts expect president to win second term despite low poll numbers

Yale professor Ray Fair’s long-established political model relies on the economy -- specifically the gross domestic product and inflation -- to predict election outcomes. Former Obama Administration official Steven Rattner pointed out this week that, according Fair’s model, “Mr. Trump’s vote share would ordinarily be as high as 56.1 percent. But that’s before factoring in his personality.” Even with Trump’s temperament pulling down his total, he’ll still win, the Yale Model concludes. His vote should end up at about 54 percent. His Democratic opponent is expected to get only 45.4 percent.

American University professor Allan Lichtman, one of the few political prognosticators in 2016 who predicted Trump would win, has come to the same conclusion. He too believes the president will win again next year. His method involves examining 13 determinants ranging from whether there’s a serious third-party candidate to the health of the economy.

“Trump wins again in 2020 unless six of 13 key factors turn against him,” Lichtman told CNN this week. “I have no final verdict yet because much could change during the next year. Currently, the President is down only three keys: Republican losses in the [2018] midterm elections, the lack of a foreign policy success, and the president’s limited appeal to voters.”

Lichtman, who has correctly predicted every presidential election for more than three decades, believes impeachment would be another “key” counting against Trump, even though polls indicate the American people don’t want the U.S. House of Representatives to impeach the president.

Then there’s Moody’s Analytics chief economist Mark Zandi. He has run 12 models that look at “economic trends at the state level” to predict the upcoming presidential election. Trump triumphs in all of them.

“If the election were held today,” Zandi said recently, “Trump would win according to the models -- and pretty handily. In three or four of them it would be pretty close. He’s got low gas prices, low unemployment and a lot of other political variables at his back. The only exception is his popularity, which matters a lot. If that falls off a cliff it would make a big difference.”

Another modeler, Trend Macrolytics’ Donald Luskin, also has concluded that President Trump will romp to victory next year.

The hyper-partisan political environment in the U.S. means that most votes are essentially locked in for one candidate or the other regardless of outside factors.

Independents, along with the small number of disaffected Republicans and Democrats, likely will direct the 2020 election result. Incumbency -- that is, simply being a sitting president -- historically has proven a powerful advantage, and the state of the economy often drives voters who are not unswerving partisans.

-- Douglas Perry