NYE - What should I do?

What should I do for NYE tonight?

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JPP Modarater
A) Hibachi and Friends about an hour away. We did this last year and it was a little too laid back and I think less than 1/4 of the people are actually showing up for it again. Its going to be a snoozer and its an hour away plus my best friend isn't going to be there. A bunch of people are going into NYC and since I live really close to a train station they are using my house as a depot/parking lot and I'd like to be around if they do.

B) Go out to a restaurant around here. I'm already feeling kind of sick and it would only be me and my boyfriend, so its like really what's the point when neither of us really wants to go there and no one good is performing or anything.

C) Sit at home and post on JPP.com
I picked a close restaurant for you. It’s safe, and fine dining and champagne is always an appropriate way to celebrate the out with the old in with the new thing.

However, if everyone gets drunk (I plan to be) and meets back here at some point, especially if Cawacko comes, I’d love to read the results of that too.
I’d do bets now on who wouldn’t be able to show their faces back here until at least January 10th. :)


How funny would that be if we did organize some sort of on-line drunk fest posting?
heavy drinking and silly posting?

hmmm could be fun.

Yeah. We'd all have material for the rest of the year.

I can only imagine:
"Really Superfreak? You hate Hillary? That's so not what you said about her before ya' freak"
Being the old boring ...........

'Cop' I used to be I picked go to the restaurant close by..then you and the BF can post some funny stuff ya are doing ...at JPP at the stroke of midnight..betta safe than sorry...I never go out on New Years...had to work too many of them there disasters...maybe I will check in from time to time at JPP to see who made it thru and who spent the night at the ER or Jail...:cof1:
I'm going to take a cab I go anywhere. Although we are right down the street from the down town area.
I stopped drinking. Alchohol turns me into a total buffoon.

I'm going to try crack cocaine, and posting on JPP.com.
Well, folks, I know you've been on pins and needles all afternoon awaiting my final decision. It looks like we are going skip Hibachi and go to a restaurant near by. At the last minute my boyfriends relatives tried to convince us to go to NYC but I think we're going to skip that and keep it low key.