O.J. Simpson, "If I did it, here's how it happened!" on Fox!

But the presumption of innocence means that "not guilty" is the same thing as innocent.

Not true. "Not guilty" is the same as the presumption of innocent, not definitively innocent. I can presume you know what the fuck you're talking about, it doesn't mean you do. Thorn was correct, juries find you 'guilty' or 'not-guilty', and it is because juries can't find you 'innocent'.
I'll admit to being weird: I'm not convinced that he really did it.

You must not have followed the trial, or paid attention to the evidence. Simpson had a pair of very expensive Bruno Magli shoes, footprints at the scene match this shoe, and Simpson's Bronco had these footprints in a mixture of Ron and Nicole's blood. The shoes were never found. Ron and Nicole's blood was all inside of the Bronco! There is not a way this could have been planted or orchestrated by the police, it is impossible.

I didn't want to believe Simpson did it, and didn't think he did, until the victim's DNA turned up in his Bronco, there is no 'explaining' this. Johnny Cochran sensed an opportunity to appeal to the emotions of the jury, on a purely racial basis, in the wake of the Rodney King incident. To his credit, it worked, but it doesn't mean that O.J. Simpson didn't murder anyone.
i was on sick leave for a surgery, 6 weeks....i watched the trial everyday during this period....looks like you did the same!

he was guilty, there was enough evidence to convict him, 10 TIMES OVER, no question!

the jury was manipulated quite well by oj's attorneys...they knew the ''tune'' to play... with the jury and they did this so well, played on the ''corrupt white cops framing the black man'' so well that they were able to put doubt
in to the minds of these jurors of his peers (suposedly)...

after the weeks and weeks of watching all the evidence come forward....i was sickened by the verdict.....

it was the first time in my decades of living had i become aware of our justice system not being so just!:(

america failed us feeling...

but hells bells, i have been awakened:), and i see hundreds of things weekly that are unjust. :(

They were planted. He will be vindicated as a hero when he finds the killer. Why must you racists drag a football hero through the mud?
Nahhhh! The current working theory is that the killers were Goldwater's golfing buddies... Hence all the golfing themed "investigations", it's a hardship, but nobody else is looking there!

I wondered why OJ spent so much time on the greens....