O.K. folks. Give me some Ireland Vacation tips


Abreast of the situations
Going to Ireland in August and I haven't the slightest clue as to what I should focus on. Give me some advice if you been there on what to do. As of today we are sort of focused on West/Northern side of the island (Give me some Ireland Vacation tips) but I can be persuaded to other locations. Figure prob going to be a 8-10day trip.

FYI we are adventurous and like outdoors more so then city focus. For example Cliffs of Moher seems appealing.
I can't really help, i'm afraid. I've never actually been to Ireland even though it's just a short flight away.

You should get hold of that 'PES Activist' fellow if he's floating round, he's an Irelander.
I can't really help, i'm afraid. I've never actually been to Ireland even though it's just a short flight away.

You should get hold of that 'PES Activist' fellow if he's floating round, he's an Irelander.

thats strange. why haven't u been?
Be very careful of your security because the country will be an economic mess when you get there.
lol what is there to do in ireland other than drink and look at sprawling green hills?

lots of shit. prob gonna do some horse backing, take a boat tour near some cliffs, balloon ride, do some walks, visit some castles, and of course drink at some pubs.

Its a great deal from Boston this year. 500bucks round trip for airfare. Dollars moved to 1dollar for 1.25euro right now.
what would I have to worry about there?

Nothing. Ireland is awesome. But charver is right, it;s mostly drinking and great scenery. But isn;t that enough? All that touristy crap is stupid, except molesting the blarney stone.

I have fond memories of ireland from when I was sixteen and could walk into pubs and drink. Kickass!
Go to the Guinness brewery. That was cool.

We also stayed in many a "haunted" place. Unfortunately the ghosts didn't appear, I suspect they are afraid of me.
Jimmy: "Do you not get it, lads? The Irish are the blacks of Europe. And Dubliners are the blacks of Ireland. And the Northside Dubliners are the blacks of Dublin. So say it once, say it loud: I'm black and I'm proud".
Well I do know we will be staying with Irish family for a couple nights in Westmeath. Wife's mom came over from Ireland and they are pretty close to a rather large contingent there. In fact some of them have stayed at my house before.
Glendalough is really pretty if you're in the western part. One of the people I was with swears they saw an elf...
You will be fine in that case.

yah they own a golf course and a spa. I got drunk with one of the main guys at an family wedding last year in mystic and he told me to stay with him when i come out. I still want to sort of go do our own thing for some of the time however.
thats strange. why haven't u been?

To be honest the main reason is that, even when the Pound was strong, Dublin was always a pricey place to drink. It always seemed better value to head East from Britain to either Holland (for obvious reasons) or the old Eastern Europe, where beer used to be the bank-breaking price of around 50 pence (compared to around £2.50 here) So yes, Damo, i am a cheapskate.

Now the Pound has collapsed the Irish (Republic) are keeping Northern Ireland's retail sector afloat with cross-border shopping trips.

Anyway, you won't be short of things to do and the locals will probably welcome tourists more enthusiastically than ever.

