O.K. folks. Give me some Ireland Vacation tips

To be honest the main reason is that, even when the Pound was strong, Dublin was always a pricey place to drink. It always seemed better value to head East from Britain to either Holland (for obvious reasons) or the old Eastern Europe, where beer used to be the bank-breaking price of around 50 pence (compared to around £2.50 here) So yes, Damo, i am a cheapskate.

Now the Pound has collapsed the Irish (Republic) are keeping Northern Ireland's retail sector afloat with cross-border shopping trips.

Anyway, you won't be short of things to do and the locals will probably welcome tourists more enthusiastically than ever.



Well coming from Boston im used to expensive drinks. When ever I go out for dinner with another couple its not unusual to have a $150 bar bill. Beers at fenway are $8bucks for a pint.
Chap you have to watch the movie "the Commitments" before you go. The Irish consider it the greatest Irish movie ever made.

Its on my personal top ten list too.
Chap you have to watch the movie "the Commitments" before you go. The Irish consider it the greatest Irish movie ever made.

Its on my personal top ten list too.

plenty of time before i go. This would be an August trip. I just want to stamp this trip soon before the prices go up.
Well coming from Boston im used to expensive drinks. When ever I go out for dinner with another couple its not unusual to have a $150 bar bill. Beers at fenway are $8bucks for a pint.

Good God man, you have my most heartfelt sympathies.

That's about the same as the damnable London prices (one good reason to never visit our dear capital).

It won't be long before we're all being charged what they pay in Norway - a staggering 16 or 17 dollars a pint on average, if you please.
Good God man, you have my most heartfelt sympathies.

That's about the same as the damnable London prices (one good reason to never visit our dear capital).

It won't be long before we're all being charged what they pay in Norway - a staggering 16 or 17 dollars a pint on average, if you please.

That would suck i wonder what avg salary in Norway is.
That would suck i wonder what avg salary in Norway is.

I've no idea. I know it's pretty high in comparison to the US or here but they are taxed to high heaven on everything and it's no coincidence that Swedish shops and British pubs are full of Norwegians wherever there's a transport link available.
Well coming from Boston im used to expensive drinks. When ever I go out for dinner with another couple its not unusual to have a $150 bar bill. Beers at fenway are $8bucks for a pint.

Wow, I've never tabbed over $50 in Olympia/Seattle! Ballpark beer is expensive as hell, though...
I agree with Damo...the Guinness Brewery is awesome!! I also enjoyed St. Patrick's Cathedral and all the other historic buildings. The drinking, though, is the best part.

If you stay in a hotel in Dublin, I would recommend one with air conditioning. I was there in July and the night was warm enough where I had to open a window. I came in for sleep at 2 am, and at 4 the city was still hopping, and REALLY loud. It didn't quiet down until around 6 in the morning. Needless to say, I wasted much of the next day sleeping.
I agree with Damo...the Guinness Brewery is awesome!! I also enjoyed St. Patrick's Cathedral and all the other historic buildings. The drinking, though, is the best part.

If you stay in a hotel in Dublin, I would recommend one with air conditioning. I was there in July and the night was warm enough where I had to open a window. I came in for sleep at 2 am, and at 4 the city was still hopping, and REALLY loud. It didn't quiet down until around 6 in the morning. Needless to say, I wasted much of the next day sleeping.

oh i can guarantee you I will have AC where I stay.