Oakland and Ugly Women


Well-known member
Seriously, is there a city with less attractive women than Oakland? Sh*tholes like Pittsburgh or Buffalo maybe? I don't know but Oakland is painful on the eyes from a male looking at a female perspective.
I never consider that on wanting to move to frisco. Nawlins does not have that problem at all.
I never consider that on wanting to move to frisco. Nawlins does not have that problem at all.

That is a fact. I love Nawlins and Nawlins women. (and Nawlins food, and Nawlins architecture, and Nawlins history)
I never consider that on wanting to move to frisco. Nawlins does not have that problem at all.

I've been to every major city in the USA east of Kansas City and Nawlins and Miami have the highest concentration of drop dead gorgeous women of any City I've ever been to. Including Manila and Tokyo.
When were you in Pittsburgh?

Never been. I call it a sh*thole because I'm from Ohio and the Steelers beat the Browns and Bengals. I can't imagine a bevy of beauties coming from the City itself but it would only take a couple to have a higher number than Oakland.
My sons say Iowa is pretty slim pickens too, and judging from the few tourney's I went to these girls look like they know their way around farm equipment and can lift it.
I lived in IA for 7 years and that was my experience.
Lots of corn-fed women? :)

I only know one person from Iowa, a gal, and she's about 40 now, married to a friend of mine. She's gained some weight having two kids and had some marital stress due to my friends ignorance and stupidity but we're all confident that she'll get it back. By "it" I'm referring to when my wife and I first met her about ten years ago. She was a a real Miss America type: tall, blond, drop dead gorgeous and an amazing 36-24-36 figure.
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Based upon Dixie's evolution debates with Maineman and Ib1 recently, does the fact that these women eat corn make them slightly canabalistic?