Oakland and Ugly Women

This Iowa gal also grew up dirt poor, just she and her mother in a little house on the edge of a corn field. No kidding they used to steal corn from the field next door when times got really tough. If you've ever eaten field corn you'd know how bad it must have been for them. She's a real smart gal though and the absolute best in her profession. Also real "salt of the earth" yet very people-wise.
Lots of corn-fed women? :)

I only know one person from Iowa, a gal, and she's about 40 now, married to a friend of mine. She's gained some weight having two kids and had some marital stress due to my friends ignorance and stupidity but we're all confident that she'll get it back. By "it" I'm referring to when my wife and I first met her about ten years ago. She was a a real Miss America type: tall, blond, drop dead gorgeous and an amazing 36-24-36 figure.
That's the problem. Most of the hot ones leave the state when their young. Iowa is a great state. They can teach southerners about hospitality. Some of the friendliest people I've ever known. Come winter time....and winter lasts from the middle of October to the end of April, it sucks.
Based upon Dixie's evolution debates with Maineman and Ib1 recently, does the fact that these women eat corn make them slightly canabalistic?
No......but if you go way, way, way back hundreds of millions of years ago, they shared a common ancestor. Except in Dixies case, he's only a few generations removed from a vegetable.
That's the problem. Most of the hot ones leave the state when their young. Iowa is a great state. They can teach southerners about hospitality. Some of the friendliest people I've ever known. Come winter time....and winter lasts from the middle of October to the end of April, it sucks.
Well it is a blue state after all so the young folks have to move to find a decent job.
I want Darla's opinion on this thread.

P.S. Frisco, Panama City and Nawlins are all packing in the eye candy department.
So far, accross the threads, I keep hearing claims of Southern women being extremely hot, whether they be from Texas, Nawlins, or just about anywhere, and only W. Virginia has been knocked. Is this true, or are people just desperate to defend the South as usual?
So far, accross the threads, I keep hearing claims of Southern women being extremely hot, whether they be from Texas, Nawlins, or just about anywhere, and only W. Virginia has been knocked. Is this true, or are people just desperate to defend the South as usual?
Take my advice and stay north of the Mason-Dixon line. All the women down here are fat, ugly, no teeth, racist, bible thumpers who drive ratty old pickups and live in trailers. Its truly a hell-hole down here. :rolleyes:





There is something worrisome when an entire section of a website was dedicated to the subject. Growing up, my only reference was Scarlet O'Hara...
So far, accross the threads, I keep hearing claims of Southern women being extremely hot, whether they be from Texas, Nawlins, or just about anywhere, and only W. Virginia has been knocked. Is this true, or are people just desperate to defend the South as usual?

There are some FINE women in the South. Everyone has their own personal preferences who they would date, marry etc. But talking just looks outside of L.A. and N.Y. nothing beats the South for women.
So far, accross the threads, I keep hearing claims of Southern women being extremely hot, whether they be from Texas, Nawlins, or just about anywhere, and only W. Virginia has been knocked. Is this true, or are people just desperate to defend the South as usual?

Naw, it's just the Great International port cities like Nawlins and Miami. No knock on the south, they have their fair share of lovlies, but not much different that any midwestern city except there's a larger number of hot African American women. Miami and Nawlins are cross pollinated from all over the Americas and they have just an huge # of gorgeous women as a result.
To be honest. The USA is not my first choice of countries for hot women. To much cheap, fattening food here and it shows (or course that's true of US men too). In the US probably only a 1/3 of the women between 20 and 40 are cute to hot. When I was in central America and Southeast Asia I was bowled over by the higher ratio of attractive women then in the US.
There are some FINE women in the South. Everyone has their own personal preferences who they would date, marry etc. But talking just looks outside of L.A. and N.Y. nothing beats the South for women.

In my experience most every geographical area has a roughly equal distribution of attractive women (man, that was an amazing sentence, I'm kind of proud of myself). You just have a selection bias because you've seen photos of the attractive women from the south (which are naturally much more prominent than photos of ugly women), and you live in your general area where there is a normal distribution of good looking women. So you have an inflated view of the areas around you.
Take my advice and stay north of the Mason-Dixon line. All the women down here are fat, ugly, no teeth, racist, bible thumpers who drive ratty old pickups and live in trailers. Its truly a hell-hole down here. :rolleyes:






The last one is from the part of KY that allied with the north.
To be honest. The USA is not my first choice of countries for hot women. To much cheap, fattening food here and it shows (or course that's true of US men too). In the US probably only a 1/3 of the women between 20 and 40 are cute to hot. When I was in central America and Southeast Asia I was bowled over by the higher ratio of attractive women then in the US.

Not me, I'm all about the homegrown ladies! Granted, the most beautiful woman I have run into in the past several months was in Vancouver BC. Her name was Robin, and she was a UBC alum who majored in film make-up. Damn she looked good, but then that's kind of her job too. Her boyfriend really pissed me off, and it was more than just because he walked over as I was trying to get her onto the dance floor and spoiled everything, but I won't go into that...
Not me, I'm all about the homegrown ladies! Granted, the most beautiful woman I have run into in the past several months was in Vancouver BC. Her name was Robin, and she was a UBC alum who majored in film make-up. Damn she looked good, but then that's kind of her job too. Her boyfriend really pissed me off, and it was more than just because he walked over as I was trying to get her onto the dance floor and spoiled everything, but I won't go into that...

You're just a chubby-chaser, Three.
Not me, I'm all about the homegrown ladies! Granted, the most beautiful woman I have run into in the past several months was in Vancouver BC. Her name was Robin, and she was a UBC alum who majored in film make-up. Damn she looked good, but then that's kind of her job too. Her boyfriend really pissed me off, and it was more than just because he walked over as I was trying to get her onto the dance floor and spoiled everything, but I won't go into that...
Struck out again, huh? Well, remember, if at first you dont' succeed....lower your standards. With that attitude and enough money, even you can get laid! :)