Obama Ain’t No Eisenhower


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Biden has another lying sack of shit fighting for a thief, while Nixon had the most honorable of men offering to fight for him:

Remember that Eisenhower backed a challenge to JFK’s robbery, but he, Nixon, said no because he did not want the country to look like a banana republic. Try to name one United Nations-loving Democrat today, or ever, that put this country first.


Even after 1960 was consigned to history’s dustbin you would have been hard put finding a publication willing to talk about the JFK - LBJ burglary let alone call it a conspiracy which it was. Indeed, every time the Democrat Party, along with their media co-conspirators, steal an election it is a conspiracy. Too many people are involved in rigging an election to call it anything else.

Parenthetically, some years after the election in 1960 faded away I distinctly remember TV GUIDE publishing a most detailed article about the theft. How is that for irony? The one publication that always protected and defended the Democrat Party’s mouthpiece —— TELEVISION —— turned around and bit JFK on the ass.

Here is great piece offering some interesting coulda-been-shoulda-been possibilities:


AP Photo/Lynne Sladky

While the Left is acting as if it is unthinkable – absolutely inconceivable! – that a presidential election can be stolen, and that to suspect otherwise is to venture deep into tinfoil-hat territory, in reality, this kind of thing has happened before, and it’s high time it all came out and safeguards were implemented. In Stephen King’s novel 11/22/63 (spoiler alert!), the main character, Jake, travels back in time to try to stop Lee Harvey Oswald from shooting John F. Kennedy. Even though King drops Jake off in 1958, giving him five years in the Good Old Days, the great novelist never thinks to offer him the easiest way to ensure that Kennedy survives: rather than stopping Oswald, he could have had Jake stop JFK from stealing the 1960 presidential election from Richard Nixon.

As Rating America’s Presidents notes, the 1960 campaign is famous not for voter fraud, but for the televised debates between Nixon and Kennedy, the first debates between the presidential candidates of each major party. The effect of television may have decided the election. A majority of those who listened to the first debate on the radio thought Nixon had won, but on television, he had unwisely eschewed makeup and sweated profusely under the hot lights, making him look nervous and shifty. Most TV viewers thought Kennedy had won.

Nevertheless, the election itself was extremely close, with Kennedy winning only 112,000 more popular votes than Nixon, out of over 68 million cast; in the Congressional Quarterly’s count, Nixon won the popular vote.

Illinois and Texas decided the contest. Both were quite close themselves: if Nixon had won forty-seven thousand more votes in Texas (the home state of Democratic vice-presidential candidate Lyndon B. Johnson) and ten thousand in Illinois (where Democratic machine boss Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago, held sway), he would have become president.

There was significant evidence that the Kennedy machine had committed voter fraud in both states. In Illinois, Daley’s Chicago machine made it easy: five days before the election, a Chicago group called the Committee on Honest Elections issued a report documenting its contention that fully ten percent of the people on Chicago voter rolls were listed as living in bars, barbershops, vacant lots and the like. Many had moved; many others were dead. The Committee also found unregistered voters having cast votes, including some who were apparently altogether fictional.

This report didn’t stop the fraud in Chicago. In the election, several Chicago districts recorded many more votes than they had registered voters, and Kennedy won big.

In Texas, meanwhile, Republicans charged that Democratic vice presidential candidate Lyndon Johnson, whose past recourse to voter fraud was legendary, had been up to his old tricks. In his 1948 Senate race, voters helpfully voted in alphabetical order to put Johnson over the top. Twelve years later, the Republicans contended, Johnson had made sure that tens of thousands of fraudulent votes were cast for Kennedy, while tens of thousands of other ballots, marked for Nixon, were invalidated, generally on the thinnest of pretexts.

Texas and Illinois would have given Nixon 270 electoral votes and the presidency. Despite massive evidence that he had been the victim of a grand theft, however, the Republican candidate declined to contest the election, saying that he did not wish to plunge the country into a crisis with the Cold War raging.

That was a noble sacrifice for Richard Nixon to make in 1960, and belies his post-Watergate reputation as a cynical, self-serving, crooked trickster. However, it is long past time for the victims of voter fraud, particularly in the presidential arena, to stop being noble. The problem with Kennedy’s successful theft of the 1960 election was that it paved the way for what we are seeing today, emboldening those forces who believed that they could carry out this larceny in public view of everyone without suffering any significant consequences.

If it was noble of Nixon to bow out in 1960 and not contest the theft, it is far more noble of President Trump in 2020 to contest this election, to gather all the available evidence and take it to the Supreme Court for judgment. Anything short of that will only embolden and enable the fraudsters all the more, to the degree that it may be impossible in the United States after this to have a free and fair presidential election.

As a result, it is not hyperbole to say that our future as a free republic hangs in the balance. The immense pressure on Trump to concede is only testimony to how deeply he has shaken the political and media elites. If they succeed in destroying him, they will be able to impose their will without fear of serious opposition. It’s time to break their hegemony now.

Voter Fraud in Presidential Elections Has Been Going on for at Least 60 Years. It’s Time to Call a Halt.
By Robert Spencer
Nov 10, 2020 3:46 PM ET

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The Nixon people said they did not contest because JFKs people were better at cheating than they were. There was nothing noble about Nixon. He is the most like Trump we have ever had. He too believed in the imperial presidency and the president was above the law. It took a few Repubs with values to talk him into resigning. We have no such Repubs now,
Ike hated Nixon and it was well known. Ike was forced to back him by the party. When Ike said Nixon was the most involved and active VPs in history, the press asked him what he did. Ike said " I can't think of anything right now, but if you ask me later I might come up with something."
Try posting something besides fruitcake BS.

Flanders' post is not necessarily "fruitcake BS." I'm no historian, but I have heard from other sources that Kennedy benefited from some form of unethical conduct in the 1960 election.

That's in the past. Here in 2020, don't you want to know if there were irregularities?? Not saying there were. Just asking: Do you want Biden to be President if it can be demonstrated that Trump actually won??
I actually didn't know that Ike supported a challenge to JFK/LBJ cheating. I always assumed he encouraged Nixon to concede.

Anyway, there's only been one president in Ike's league since he left office in 1961.
Sour grapes Thursday, it's a new GOP thing......:dunno:

Sour grapes? Maybe. Trump thing? Definitely. All of this noise looks like a plan to turn attention away from the fact Trump has FUBAR'd the COVID response and has now given up on it in preference of focusing on overturning the election to crown himself King.
Agreed? What's up with almost a dozen threads on Obama today? WTF does a has-been politician have to do with our present political issues?

ODS (n): 1. An obsession with a former president who was elected twice by a large majority of American citizens; he was the first POTUS of African-American ancestry. 2. An obsession suffered by a lonely Ohio shut-in focusing on a JPP poster named Owl Woman.

ODS (n): 1. An obsession with a former president who was elected twice by a large majority of American citizens; he was the first POTUS of African-American ancestry. 2. An obsession suffered by a lonely Ohio shut-in focusing on a JPP poster named Owl Woman.


After 8 years of Obama as President and 4 years of Trump, you'd think most of the RWNJs would be over it. Sad.
What's up with almost a dozen threads on Obama today?

To Dutch Uncle: Rush answered your question yesterday:

RUSH: I want to take you back to 2014,15 and 2016 and to me on this program. Do you remember me making a prediction about Barack Obama when I learned that he was going to remain in Washington? Ex-presidents don’t do that. They leave. For whatever reason. And there are a number of reasons. Most ex-presidents adopt the rules of decorum, which say, my presidency is over, there’s a new one beginning, and I’m not part of it, and I’m outta here.

You leave the presidency and a new phase of your life begins. You begin to put together the ingredients for your library, or massage parlor if you’re Bill Clinton. Or you go play golf, or you do whatever you do. But you get out of Dodge. Washington is not the home of most presidents, and they want to go back home. They want to go back to their home states, their home cities. They want to go back to their friends and so forth that constituted their life before they became president. And that’s been the standard.

When I saw that Barack Hussein Obama was going to stay, I made a prediction to you. I said there’s one reason this guy is staying. This guy is gonna do everything he can to undermine the incoming president — in this case, Trump. This is what I said. He’s gonna go on television every time the new president — I made this prediction before we had a new president. I made the prediction during the Republican primaries, before we knew that Trump had even won the nomination and certainly before we knew that Trump had been elected.

I predicted that Obama would be among the first presidents ever, and that he would have the support of the media, that he would go on television anytime there was any effort made to change or unravel any aspect of the Obama agenda, that he would be on TV ripping the new president for doing it and trying to arouse, if you will, national opposition among the population for the new president. In other words, I predicted Barack Obama would be attempting in public to undermine the new president in an effort to save his agenda. Well, that didn’t happen, so I thought, “Okay. I blew it. I was wrong. I didn’t get that right.”

I did not know how right I was. The only thing I was wrong about was Obama didn’t do it publicly. He didn’t go on television every time something happened that he needed to defend or protect or unravel. But he was active. These past four years have all been about Obama.

In 2015 I predicted that Barack Obama, when I read he was not gonna leave town, he was gonna live in Washington, I said, okay. Purpose of this is to protect the agenda. He’s gonna go on television every day or every chance he thinks he needs to take. If the new president is undermining his agenda, is unraveling his agenda, like replacing Obamacare, he’s gonna go on TV, rip the new president, try to protect his agenda, try to protect his accomplishments in unprecedented ways. The media is gonna cover. The media is gonna praise Obama to the hilt. The new president’s gonna have unprecedented forces arrayed against him like we’ve never seen this before in America.

It turns out I was right about it all the time I thought I was wrong. But my prediction was that Obama would do all this in public. So I said, “Well, can’t get ’em all right.” It turns out my instincts on this were so right on the money, everything that’s happened these past four years: the Russia hoax and coup, the impeachment, the effort to get rid of Trump, the refusal to accept the election results, the lack of a peaceful transfer of power that has yet to take place, by the way, from 2016, all of this was Obama. Every last bit of it was directed by Obama, from Brennan to Clapper, to the people at the FBI who were in on this, theComeys and so forth.

Everybody was taking their orders from Obama. We should have been able to put it together. You go to the January 5th meeting in the Oval Office where Obama and Comey and Clapper set up basically a sting operation for the next day at Trump Tower in a meeting with Trump between Clapper and Comey and Trump. That’s where they set Trump up by telling him the story of the golden showers, the prostitutes hired to pee on the bed Obama had slept in. That was to get that story in the news, get the dossier in the news. That was directed by Obama. Should have known.

But it turns out everything, every bit of the sabotage, every element of the attempt to ruin Donald Trump began with Barack Obama. The evidence comes from the great writer Lee Smith. Published the story at the Epoch Times. The headline: “Behind the Scenes, Obama Never Left.”

Folks, I gotta tell you, my instincts on this were just a hundred percent right on. And I thought I was wrong these last four years because Obama didn’t go public with it. I knew that he was involved somehow. I had no idea, and I should have, how intimately involved he was. He has been pulling all of the strings for the last four years on everything. Now, I said it would happen, but he did it under the radar. I thought he would do it publicly.

Well, the truth is, the Drive-Bys allowed him to do it. They’re deeply involved too. They allowed him to do it under the radar. They took orders. It was Obama that was giving the media their marching orders. It was the media that permitted Obama to do all of this under the radar and anonymously. Let me give you some pull quotes from the story. I love doing that as a summary of these things that I share with you.
One pull quote. “Biden is an avatar for a third Obama term.” Meaning, he’s a placeholder, just like Hillary was gonna be the third term of Obama. Well, now it’s Biden. “In a sense, Obama never left. He was the first president in a century to stay in Washington after the end of his term,” and he was the first to interfere in the peaceful transfer of power.

Another pull quote. “In political circles -” some of you may say, “Rush, we know all this. You should have known.” Stick with me on this, because Obama is the answer, all roads lead to Obama. And he gets away with acting like he was disinterested, like it was all beneath him, which is part of the trick. You know, he’s carrying himself like an ex-president. Trump’s beneath him, Trump this, Trump that, Obama’s got bigger things to do, like do interviews for Apple TV and go out there and save Europe and the trains, whatever he’s doing. Much, much more important things to do.

When in fact he was doing everything he could to undermine the elected will of the American people. “In political circles, it was no secret that Obama had thrown his support behind Kamala Harris. She’s ambitious and appealing and, without any strong ideas or opinions of her own, poses no threat to him. She was Obama’s ideal heir, but primary voters found her fake and unlikeable, and she was out of the race in early December. He’d find a way to restore her, but, in the meantime, needed a horse to ride through the primaries.”

It was Obama running the Democrat primaries, and it was Kamala Harris that he wanted to be the nominee, but she couldn’t get a vote, she couldn’t get any money, she got out before a single vote was cast. But they found a place for her later.

Another pull quote. “In the first week of March, Obama’s establishment pushed out Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, and Elizabeth Warren to consolidate support behind Biden. It was Obama who made sure that mad Amy, Mayor Pete, and Fauxcahontas got out of the race in order to consolidate support behind Biden. “In the age of coronavirus, a politician who was obviously disoriented reflected the state of the country.” — i.e., Biden. “A voluntary shut-in was the perfect role model for Americans forced to stay home. And Obama made sure they did.” Obama made sure people stayed home and had a Democrat nominee that they could relate to.

“In April, he told Democratic mayors on a conference call not to reopen their cities until coronavirus testing and monitoring were available nationwide. Shutting down the economic activity of major U.S. cities would put limits on any economic rebound and thereby hamper Trump’s reelection chances.” So even the lockdowns in these Democrat cities, it was Obama ordering them. It wasn’t Biden. It wasn’t Cuomo. It wasn’t de Blasio. They were the order takers.

So the mayor of Portland, the governor of the state of Washington, the governor in New Jersey, Andrew Cuomo, all of them were taking their orders to shut down and stay shut down from Barack Obama.

“Whether or not Obama is now able to consolidate his legacy, the fact is that he’s already carved out his singular place in U.S. history–he’s the first president who interfered in the peaceful transfer of power, for four years. And it’s on his behalf that a rolling coup has pushed a nation to the edge of the abyss in order to remake it in his image.” Lee Smith, “Behind the Scenes, Obama Never Left.” The Epoch Times.

My Prediction Came True: Obama Stayed in Washington to Undermine His Successor
Nov 19, 2020

After 8 years of Obama as President and 4 years of Trump, you'd think most of the RWNJs would be over it. Sad.

Once you've had four years to proudly display your bigotry, misogyny, racism, and hate, it's really hard to contemplate having to act like you're not an asshole in order to get along in civilized society.

To Dutch Uncle: Rush answered your question yesterday:

RUSH: I want to take you back to 2014,15 and 2016 and to me on this program. Do you remember me making a prediction about Barack Obama when I learned that he was going to remain in Washington? Ex-presidents don’t do that. They leave. For whatever reason. And there are a number of reasons. Most ex-presidents adopt the rules of decorum, which say, my presidency is over, there’s a new one beginning, and I’m not part of it, and I’m outta here....
I burned out on Rush's conspiracy theory bullshit over 25 years ago during the Clinton administration. He's gotten rich off of suckers who believe him and will die in bed choking from cancer with about $600M in the bank.

To Dutch Uncle: Rush answered your question yesterday:

You quote RWNJs like they're Biblical prophets. What's wrong with you? No original thoughts or ideas of your own? Suffering from great anxiety now that it's no longer cool to be a racist fucktard like your loser Malignant Messiah?​