Obama Ain’t No Eisenhower

Once you've had four years to proudly display your bigotry, misogyny, racism, and hate, it's really hard to contemplate having to act like you're not an asshole in order to get along in civilized society.

You've correctly identified the best thing about Trump: He's smoked out all the bigots, misogynists, racists and hate-filled assholes in our country. Will you ever look at some of your "friends" the same way knowing they supported these depraved character traits?

How about politicians who had a choice: grow a spine and stand up for the Constitution or bend the knee, kiss the ring and repeat anything Trump says regardless how much harm is causes the Constitution, Americans or our nation?

You quote RWNJs like they're Biblical prophets. What's wrong with you? No original thoughts or ideas of your own? Suffering from great anxiety now that it's no longer cool to be a racist fucktard like your loser Malignant Messiah?

In the RWNJ world, Rush is John the Baptist and Trump is Jesus.

Flanders' post is not necessarily "fruitcake BS." I'm no historian, but I have heard from other sources that Kennedy benefited from some form of unethical conduct in the 1960 election.

That's in the past. Here in 2020, don't you want to know if there were irregularities?? Not saying there were. Just asking: Do you want Biden to be President if it can be demonstrated that Trump actually won??

True, but things have changed over the past 60 years, especially after the 50 years since Nixon. Like you said, "That's the past". Their actions should never be used to justify Trump's actions.

You should understand the difference between claiming there are irregularities and investigating actual irregularities. Obviously irregularities should be investigated, which they have to the satisfaction of all except those seeking to shred the Constitution and overturn the most secure election in US history in favor of the demagogue Trump. IMHO, they are domestic enemies of the Constitution.

True, but things have changed over the past 60 years, especially after the 50 years since Nixon. Like you said, "That's the past". Their actions should never be used to justify Trump's actions.

You should understand the difference between claiming there are irregularities and investigating actual irregularities. Obviously irregularities should be investigated, which they have to the satisfaction of all except those seeking to shred the Constitution and overturn the most secure election in US history in favor of the demagogue Trump. IMHO, they are domestic enemies of the Constitution.

I almost spit my coffee out
You quote RWNJs like they're Biblical prophets. What's wrong with you? No original thoughts or ideas of your own? Suffering from great anxiety now that it's no longer cool to be a racist fucktard like your loser Malignant Messiah?

To ThatOwlWoman:
Why is that assholes like you attack the messenger and call it original? Based on your responses to my threads I never heard you say one original thing nor express an original idea.

For your edification. Posting Democrat Party talking points do not count as original.
You've correctly identified the best thing about Trump: He's smoked out all the bigots, misogynists, racists and hate-filled assholes in our country. Will you ever look at some of your "friends" the same way knowing they supported these depraved character traits?

How about politicians who had a choice: grow a spine and stand up for the Constitution or bend the knee, kiss the ring and repeat anything Trump says regardless how much harm is causes the Constitution, Americans or our nation?

The last four years has caused any respect I once had for (R) voters of principle and honor to vanish. That goes for the nice church ladies all the way over to those who wore the uniforms of our armed services. If they continued to support the malevolent unAmerican creature in our WH, they deserve no respect. Zero.

To ThatOwlWoman:
Why is that assholes like you attack the messenger and call it original? Based on your responses to my threads I never heard you say one original thing nor express an original idea.

For your edification. Posting Democrat Party talking points do not count as original.

Sure thing there, buckeroo. I don't recall you ever posting anything on any thread that I started. In fact, I don't recall you posting anywhere other than your self-created echo chambers, where you pretend to be the prophet bringing us "truth" from Reichwing sources who have tricked you into believing that what they screech has validity. News tip: The only validity they possess is the mighty bank accounts they've built for themselves off the simpletons like yourself.

To ThatOwlWoman:
Why is that assholes like you attack the messenger and call it original? Based on your responses to my threads I never heard you say one original thing nor express an original idea.

For your edification. Posting Democrat Party talking points do not count as original.

"Attacking the messenger" means attacking a person who simply delivers the message. They usually don't even know what is in the message. You, sir, are not a messenger. You are a proponent, an active supporter of every thread you start. Ergo, not a messenger, but an activist. An advocate.

Do you agree or disagree with this assessment?
Sure thing there, buckeroo.

To ThatOwlWoman: I like being called a cowboy. Are you sure you did not mean ‘bucko’?

I don't recall you ever posting anything on any thread that I started.

To ThatOwlWoman: Nor will you. You should know by know that I do not want liberals responding to my messages. (I think I informed 8 or 10 libs on JPP.) There is no reason I would reply to your messages.

The thing that angered me the most for 20 years is that liberals do read my messages. In two decades I told more than a thousand liberals to put me in their IGNORE filter but they never do.


Your memory is faulty. As I stated, I do not read, let alone respond to, threads started by liberals. The only exception is when a thread title captures my interest. They have been far and few on the 11 or 12 messages boards I posted on. I do not remember if I found an exception on JPP.

You are a proponent, an active supporter of every thread you start.

To Dutch Uncle: It is a message board, asshole. My citing “messenger” was poetic license.

If you insist on annoying me, try to remember that my messages are my opinions, observations, and predictions.

Do you agree or disagree with this assessment?

To Dutch Uncle: Shove your clever question where the sun never shines.
It is a message board, asshole. My citing “messenger” was poetic license.

If you insist on annoying me, try to remember that my messages are.......
My apologies. If I'd known you were such a sensitive little cocksucker I would have phrased my post much more delicately. Best of luck in your magical world with you at the center.
Sour grapes? Maybe. Trump thing? Definitely. All of this noise looks like a plan to turn attention away from the fact Trump has FUBAR'd the COVID response and has now given up on it in preference of focusing on overturning the election to crown himself King.

He certainly thinks he should be....

he wants, so millions of Americans right to vote should be shit on.... Small price for them to pay for such a blessing to our nation..........:rolleyes:
He certainly thinks he should be....

he wants, so millions of Americans right to vote should be shit on.... Small price for them to pay for such a blessing to our nation..........:rolleyes:
Trump is always about Trump. He doesn't give a shit about the rights of millions of Americans.