Then why would they make laws like the Alabama Sex Toy Law? Which specifies certain items that the social conservatives were against. They fought for a radical change in the law that would ban items they found offensive from OTHERS bedrooms, as if they get to watch or something and didn't want to have to see the things.
Seriously. Is this what I want my party to be doing? Is it what you want the party to focus on?
I want my party to stop getting into people's lives. Personal responsibility and freedom is what the party was about when I joined, I want it to be there again.
I want my party to be the one that stops the centralized power grab and returns most of the responsibility and power to the individual possible, not one that is worried about Steve and Adam getting "hitched" at some civil ceremony and being able to see each other in a hospital. I don't care about Adam and Steve. I care about the massive debt accumulated under a solely "social conservative" that caused the perfect storm for democrats that will allow them to expand that.
I'm tired of people who think the focus of the party should be Christ. It's against the first Amendment, it spits in the face of the freedoms our forefathers fought for.