Cancel 2016.2
The Almighty
What is with liberals speaking in San Francisco and ending up making controversial comments recently?
Depending on one's perspective Obama's comments could be interpreted as spot on and speaking the truth all the way to very elitist and out of touch.
For those who maybe haven't seen the comments yet here they are:
"""At issue are comments Obama made privately at a fundraiser in San Francisco last Sunday. He explained his troubles winning over working class voters, saying they have become frustrated with economic conditions:
"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."
The comments, posted on the Huffington Post political Web site Friday, set off a storm of criticism from Clinton, Republican nominee-in-waiting John McCain and other GOP officials. It threatened to highlight an Obama Achilles heel — the image that the Harvard-trained lawyer is arrogant, aloof and carries himself with an air of superiority."""
Obama has now said his remarks were ill chosen. I think he could be accurate in describing the "bitterness" people feel for economic conditions in small towns over the past 20 to 30 years where manufactoring jobs that drive these towns have been leaving. His mistake, in my opinion, was tying it to these people's faith or values in a sense mocking them.
It will be interesting to see if this has any effect on voting in Pennslyvania or just blows over. This campaign has not been boring that's for sure.
I think that comment from his is spot on. The problem for him is that people don't like to have their weaknesses tossed in their face.