Obama and the economy


1) To call Obama a 'moderate' is laughable at best.... more pathetic than anything.
2) To call Obama 'productive' is also laughable.... tell us genius... what has he taken leadership on? Anything? No... he sits on the sidelines and pawns off leadership every chance he can
3) He is consistently screwing over the American populace in general for the sake of his union cronies.
4) He is far more of an extremist than Bush ever even dreamed of being.

I give him credit for the call (or okaying the plan) to get Osama. On the economic front I agree that he hasn't really shown much leadership. He basically passed off the stimulus to Congress which helps explain why we got such little bang for all the money we spent. He hasn't shown any leadership on the deficit/debt (understandable from a wanting to get re-elected perspective - you could call it smart politics - but poor leadership nonetheless).
OK, the good news is that the rambling disaster that was the Bush administration is out of office. That alone is good news and there's no question that Obama inherited a shitty fucking mess not of his own creation. Obama has also done a creditable job of averting complete and total fucking disaster. Don't know about ya'll but I didn't vote for Obama on the idea that trading off a great recession beats the hell out of a great depression.

Those are good things but their not gonna get him re-elected. Basing his re-elections hopes on Republicans nominating a completely unelectable conservative ideologue probably isn't such a wise idea...after all.....if a Republican establishment moderate like Romney earns the nomination, which seems likely, then Obama will have dug a big assed hole.

Obama needs to forget about the past and start moving forward. If he tries selling people on the idea that he's pulled us out of the ditch that republicans drove us into well that aint gonna sell because for far to many people were still in the ditch that Republicans drove us into and bragging about having kept that ditch from getting deeper, even though true, aint gonna sell. He's expected to get us out of the ditch.

Obama needs to stop justifying the past actions of his administration. He needs to create a more optimistic message and he needs to create a forward looking message and plan to grow the economy. Cause if he doesn't, his opponent sure as hell will. If Obama can sell a forward looking and optimistic economic message with a clearly communicated plan then he can hit the Republicans at where they are the weakest, which is, running government competently.

Obama is a complete loser as pres.

Unless his plan was to bankrupt us all.
That's not going to happen with gas prices above $2.00 a gallon.

He's got a long way to go, and not much time to do it.

When it's all said and done, I bet he takes an ass kicking from voters.

If we get to vote.

And he's even on the ballot.

This administration has taken a dismal situation and kept digging. We've spent ourselves white and he doesn't want to stop. However today's news might just change more than a few minds:

Will people actually realize that Obama has made things much worse?


Our Excuser-In-Chief

We haven’t yet said anything about today’s disastrous employment news. What is to be said? Unemployment is up to 9.2%, with underemployment much higher. A mere 18,000 jobs were added in June, less than one-fifth of what economists expected. Job growth in April and May was revised downward by 44,000. Another 272,000 Americans gave up and dropped out of the labor force. The news was unrelentingly bad.

One wonders whether, when the history of this era is written, today might go down as a turning point. Americans have been steadily giving up on the Obama administration, as evidence accumulates that its policies have failed and it has no solutions to the nation’s economic problems. Not only that, its purported solutions–most of which are really just pretenses for government takeovers–have made the situation worse rather than better.

If today was a turning point, it isn’t only because of the dismal news. Equally important was President Obama’s response to the awful numbers. Once again, after two and a half years in office, he can do nothing except make excuses, deflect blame, and try to turn bad news into political opportunity:

Beset by a weak jobs report, President Barack Obama on Friday called for swift action by Congress to raise the nation’s borrowing limit, saying the uncertainty over the debt ceiling has hindered hiring in the private sector.​

This is a ridiculous claim. Many factors deter private hiring, some of them needlessly imposed by the administration–excessive regulation, Obamacare, harassment of businesses like Boeing on behalf of unions, and so on. The only issue with respect to the debt ceiling is whether the Democrats’ wild spending spree will be reined in. If so, that will, indeed, spur growth in the private sector...