Obama and the russian plan

LMAO... show us where anyone has stated either of the above Desh. You are so beholden to Obama that you simply pretend everyone opposes him out of hate.


bac has hated Obama for a long time dude.

so have all you righties

bac has hated Obama for a long time dude.

so have all you righties

Again... not liking a politicians policies and decisions does not mean you hate that person. You simply pretend that is the case because you are a lapdog for Obama.

You know fucking nothing about foreign policy .

this is set up for the Russians to save face and the weapons to be gone.

hate on hater
There's nothing more hypocritical than a liberal accusing someone else of being a hater.
You are seriously warped... it is quite the other way around. Russia just handed Obama a way to save face that also saves Assad (whom Russia wants to remain in power) from getting sporadically bombed by Obama. Russia got everything they wanted and Assad will remain in power using conventional weapons to kill his opponents and innocent civilians.

And that's the proof that you are on the prowar side of this. So soon! Making a case for war now! Have you no pride at all? Couldn't you at least have waited to see if this initiative works before you started with your reasons to support the war?

Russia had to give him an out. Otherwise Obama will think he has to bomb Syria to show the world how tough he is. This also saves Russia's interest (Assad) from getting bombed by the US and replaced by Al Queda.

It makes sense, but I have a feeling that they're sitting in a room somewhere laughing their heads off, thinking of what they can do next to undermine Obama.
I agree with that.

Create hesitation to give the UN time to release its report .. that will not blame Assad.

Influence not only the US Congress, but the American people and people and governments across the globe.

Give Assad more time to defeat the Al Qaeda rebels, which he would have easily done without US/CIA intervention .. just as Gaddafi would have easily defeated them.

Make it much more difficult for American intervention in Iran.

Brilliant .. all thanks to John Kerry..
1) Who are you talking to?
2) Quit hitting your enter key forty times between attempts at sentences
3) Your vs. you're... do try to learn the difference.

Pretty sure she was ranting at my post that bombing wasn't going to do what she claimed. For some reason she seems obsessed with planes and missiles that the US was going to bomb, thus eradicating his chemical weapons and means of delivery. She refuses to consider how the chemicals are in canisters and launched by rather small means. Bombing wouldn't care for that, only people getting in those stashes can. If it's the Russians? Fine by me.
Russia had to give him an out. Otherwise Obama will think he has to bomb Syria to show the world how tough he is. This also saves Russia's interest (Assad) from getting bombed by the US and replaced by Al Queda.

The Russians have no concern that the 'limited strikes' on Assad that Obama plans will cause him to fall and Al Qaeda to win.

He's buying time .. with no intentions of controlling Assad's chemical weapons.
Create hesitation to give the UN time to release its report .. that will not blame Assad.

Influence not only the US Congress, but the American people and people and governments across the globe.

Give Assad more time to defeat the Al Qaeda rebels, which he would have easily done without US/CIA intervention .. just as Gaddafi would have easily defeated them.

Make it much more difficult for American intervention in Iran.

Brilliant .. all thanks to John Kerry..

how many years has assad been fighting them already if its quick work?

Your working hard to keep up the hate level huh
Create hesitation to give the UN time to release its report .. that will not blame Assad.

Influence not only the US Congress, but the American people and people and governments across the globe.

Give Assad more time to defeat the Al Qaeda rebels, which he would have easily done without US/CIA intervention .. just as Gaddafi would have easily defeated them.

Make it much more difficult for American intervention in Iran.

Brilliant .. all thanks to John Kerry..

That makes the most sense.
Create hesitation to give the UN time to release its report .. that will not blame Assad.

Influence not only the US Congress, but the American people and people and governments across the globe.

Give Assad more time to defeat the Al Qaeda rebels, which he would have easily done without US/CIA intervention .. just as Gaddafi would have easily defeated them.

Make it much more difficult for American intervention in Iran.

Brilliant .. all thanks to John Kerry..

so now your pro go get Iran?

oh I see
so now your pro go get Iran?

oh I see

Yeah, it's pretty obvious that the righties are getting caught with their pants down already and this initiative hasn't even worked yet. Just in case I guess because they can't depend on Obama turning thumbs down on it.

such pathetic frauds!

Hahaha! Me and you Desh!
Americans are leftists and rightists secondly. First they're fucking hypocrites and phonies. There's hardly a one of them who can escape that fact after this exercise in arguing about the proposed war.
you have shamed yourself with you hate already.

doubling down now?

you want to expound on how much you hate American children for being born American?