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Please point out the "talking points" (if you actually know what a talking point is) in my one sentence reply.
A bailout they never would have needed had Bush II not reversed the CAFE increases mandated under the Clintons. Bush tried to push gas wasters in a crony-capitalism attempt to help his oil friends and it backfired severely, leaving the car companies with their drawers around their ankles when gas hit $4/gal under Bush. Idiot.
You just keep posting them “talking points” and I’ll just keep pointing them out for ya genius since you don’t even know you’re quoting MSNBC Rachel Maddow.
Wow, I had no fucking idea you were this simple. Holy shit!
The Japs and Ford kept selling the small fuel efficient cars they are known for, combined with Ford's control of the US light truck market.
Oh so the Japanese and Ford were Republicans that got tipped off by Bush? Bush told his buddy Republicans in Japan and Ford that he was gonna bankrupt GM because they were Democrats, right? So he, (Bush), talked GM into building them gas guzzlers until they went bankrupt and them Republican Japs and Ford folks knew what Bush was doing cause they got tipped off by Bush and they kept making money while pooooor old GM got fucked by Bush, right genius?
Geeze! And just think, for 8 fucking years Democrats told us what a moron Bush was and now we find out that he was a genius that bankrupted GM and Chrysler on purpose and saved the Japanese and Ford and even taught his buddy Cheney how to hoodwink all those congressional Democrats into voting for an unconstitutional resolution to proxy their duty and authority to declare war to Bush.
GM was stuck trying to sell 8 mpg Hummers, Corvettes, Cadilacs and Suburbans. Retard.
And that bastard Bush did it right genius? That son-of-a-bitch is responsible for the boil on your grandmom’s ass too, right, genius?
Nope, none of those reasons, moron. Gas prices killed GM, but only because Bush II didn't raise the CAFE standards as I pointed out earlier.
Just so your unbelievably ignorant ass is aware, none of this is FUCKING TALKING POINTS, since I am the only one saying it. Fuckballs.
Yeah! That bastard Bush tipped off the Japs and Ford that he “BUSH” was gonna raise gas prices because they’re Republicans, right genius? He even talked Obama into keeping his two unconstitutional wars going, right? He even showed Obama how to add 6 trillion more $ to the national debt in just half the time it took him to do it, right genius? Bush repealed Glass/Segal and promoted Fannie & Freddie to buy up all of those sub-prime mortgages and create the housing bubble crisis too, right genius? Oh! Wait, maybe that was Clinton, huh? Nah! It couldn’t have been Clinton, it had to be Bush because Rachel Maddow told you so on MSNBC, right genius?
Really? Don't you mean as low as they are? Unfortunately for your borderline mentally retarded argument, oil prices are controlled by a marketing cartel known as OPEC, IDIOT!
Yeah! And that bastard Bush controls OPEC too and that’s how he got gas prices up enough to bankrupt GM and Chrysler, huh genius?
I think you better stop watching MSNBC genius before you need a brain transplant! Oh wait! I think maybe you already are beyond the point of no return.