Obama Has Created More Jobs Than Bush

I mean, really...you put a guy on ignore but somehow feel compelled to post on his threads???

I guess you didn't notice there were other people here....I responded to Mott, you asked me a question, I answered......if you didn't want me posting here, why ask me a question?......
which MEANS that he has created more jobs than he has lost?

it would appear that now, a bit more than four years after getting elected he has finally created more jobs than he lost......however, we are still far behind where we ought to be......and if he weren't incompetent things would be far better.......
When you find yourself in a deep hole, the very first thing you need to do is to stop digging. Under the chimp, our economy was losing three quarters of a million jobs every month, and things were only getting worse. The chimp certainly hadn't done much to stop digging. Obama came along and started to turn our sluggish behemoth economy around. His efforts are bearing fruits.
as I have already pointed out, Obama has not yet created more jobs than he lost.......he's upside down.....

meanwhile, this graph shows that there were more jobs at the end of Bush's administration than there were at the beginning of it.....thus, obviously your claim is not true...

Again...this thread is not about whether Obama has created more jobs than he lost...the thread TITLE and OP are about how Obama has created more jobs than Dubya.

Are you that ignorant that you can't even stay on topic for even ONE post after being shown how you were wrong?

Stop trying to move the goalposts.
obviously, because if it were you'd all have to admit he was incompetent.....

But as you begrudgingly admitted, he HAS created more jobs than he has lost. And he inherited the presidency when the job market - and the economy - was in free fall losing three quarters of a million jobs each month. He turned that around and dumb ass partisan fuckstains like you can't bring yourselves to admit it. Why am I not surprised?
obviously, because if it were you'd all have to admit he was incompetent.....

And finally, when he's run out of all the other evasive tactics he enjoys deploying...the lying Rightie PMP resorts to taking comments out of context and editing other folks posts in order to pretend he doesn't see precisely how and where he's been so thoroughly schooled.
And finally, when he's run out of all the other evasive tactics he enjoys deploying...the lying Rightie PMP resorts to taking comments out of context and editing other folks posts in order to pretend he doesn't see precisely how and where he's been so thoroughly schooled.

lol....I'm not Yurt, Zappass.....you can't win an argument with me by diverting attention from your own idiocy......
lol....I'm not Yurt, Zappass.....you can't win an argument with me by diverting attention from your own idiocy......

And yet, just as Yurt loved to do, after 6 pages, you have yet to admit the facts proven in the OP are legit.

It's just one attempt after another from you to either change the topic or move the goalposts...

Obama has created more jobs than Dubya.

Bush left Obama with a mess, I don't think any other president has had to clean so much up before.
It's like Obama is the vacuum; he is slowly cleaning things up.
If only we had Collin Powell (a real leader).