APP - obama health care law before scotus

this type of insurance is not the same type you are speaking of

actually, under my proposal, it pay into the system against the possibility you will lose your shirt in exchange for the government providing you with an income that puts you above the poverty level if you do lose your shirt.....that instead of paying into the system in exchange for something you don't actually need if you don't lose your shirt and leaves you uncomfortable if you do lose your shirt......
actually, under my proposal, it pay into the system against the possibility you will lose your shirt in exchange for the government providing you with an income that puts you above the poverty level if you do lose your shirt.....that instead of paying into the system in exchange for something you don't actually need if you don't lose your shirt and leaves you uncomfortable if you do lose your shirt......

Yes, you would be changing SS so that it no longer is an investment vehicle and would become a means-tested welfare program. It wouldn't be broken if the government could keep their hands off the funds, unfortunately they didn't.
Let's put it this way. People would rather wait for an available doctor than wait to win the lottery so they could obtain medical care.

Yet the reality is they are paying for grey-market illegal health care that the government ignores because they understand the limitations of their current system.
Yet the reality is they are paying for grey-market illegal health care that the government ignores because they understand the limitations of their current system.

It's like a public highway compared to a toll road. Say, from Miami to Fort Lauderdale one can take the I-95 or, if in a hurry, the Turnpike and pay a toll. Who would argue for closing the I-95 because people had to wait in traffic?

When I go for my annual blood test I can go to a private clinic and pay $125.00 or sit in the waiting room of a government clinic for an hour and pay nothing for the test. Considering I don't make $125/hr after taxes I may as well grab a newspaper and read for an hour. For the government cost of $125 just imagine the savings by catching any illnesses early.

Fortunately, my tests all come back OK. :D

No system is going to be perfect. The goal is to help the geater majority which is what dozens of countries have done and which the citizens overwhelmingly approve. The opposition to government run/supervised health care would substantially reduce if people were told the truth.
Yes, you would be changing SS so that it no longer is an investment vehicle and would become a means-tested welfare program. It wouldn't be broken if the government could keep their hands off the funds, unfortunately they didn't.

I agree with you that SS should be hypothecated, unfortunately we have the same problem where successive governments pay for benefits out of current taxation.
I agree with you that SS should be hypothecated, unfortunately we have the same problem where successive governments pay for benefits out of current taxation.

By SS I suspect you mean the Waffen SS or SS Führungshauptamt . Or are you speaking of that socialist retirement program the US government has foisted upon the people that wouldn't pay for a hovel in South Miami?

Amazing, isn't it? you can do nothing and make more money than those that have paid into SS for 50 years and can barely afford food and rent?
By SS I suspect you mean the Waffen SS or SS Führungshauptamt . Or are you speaking of that socialist retirement program the US government has foisted upon the people that wouldn't pay for a hovel in South Miami?

Amazing, isn't it? you can do nothing and make more money than those that have paid into SS for 50 years and can barely afford food and rent?
That's because it was never intended to be ones sole retirement income. That's just right wing propganda. It amazes me how nutjobs on the right keep parroting this word "socialism" with out apparently having a clue what the word actually means. Social security was intended to be INSURANCE for our seniors against poverty in their retirements years. You do UNDERSTAND the difference between insurance and an investment even if you don't understand what socialism is? In this respect Social Security has been one of the most succesful programs ever and that is why it is so broadly popular.
That's because it was never intended to be ones sole retirement income. That's just right wing propganda. It amazes me how nutjobs on the right keep parroting this word "socialism" with out apparently having a clue what the word actually means. Social security was intended to be INSURANCE for our seniors against poverty in their retirements years. You do UNDERSTAND the difference between insurance and an investment even if you don't understand what socialism is? In this respect Social Security has been one of the most succesful programs ever and that is why it is so broadly popular.

You mean left wing propaganda. it amazes me hot nutjobs on the left keep pretending they aren't the socialists they are.

I DO understand you're trying to talk in circles but really just saying exactly what I said. I just left out the socialist denial spin you put on it.
Will this SCOTUS Strike Out? If this court finds Obamacare unconstitutional, will it go down in history as one of the most unimpressive, ideological, and partisan courts of all time. Arguments can be made on both sides of this issue but when we consider the preamble of our nation that operates for all people, it would seem the choice an easy one.

But consider this court elected George W. Bush, who proceeded to almost topple the entire nation's economy, wasted billions on illegal invasions, and couldn't even catch Osama bin Laden nor eat pretzels properly.

Next they gave corporations person-hood, granting money the power to destroy an opponent, create a new slanted reality, and even govern and legislate the country. Money talks, as they say, now we see it does even more than just talk, it manages the nation. Our nation's symbolism will now be the fifty dollar bill. 'In Money we Trust' - well kind of trust until the next bailout.

What will history think of the likes of Scalia and Thomas, or today, Roberts, and Alito? America moves back and forth, this group of four moves only when the corporate pied piper plays. Broccoli is compared to heathcare? With comparisons like that who needs all those years of law school. Mom always said carrots were good for your eyes. I never thought of her as a Justice till now.

Hopefully Justice Kennedy will understand that markets are not an end but a means, and sometimes federal law must manage them for the good of the people. All the people. But justice is often a tricky thing as law has shown time and time again. Where's Popeye when you need him, I'm strong to the finish.....