Obama & Hillary have crossed that line

Yeah and now he fully supports them and says they should be made permanent, in other words Chap, if he were a dem he’d be a flip flopper, but because he’s a republican, he’s a stand up guy. Whatever.

Gool luck Hillary in the general explaining why you are going to increase taxes during a recession.
that slumlord comment was over the top.

But, do you really think an old guy who wants to stay in Iraq "for a thousand years" can win a general election?

If McCain wins the election I think he will turn on his masters.

He will tell all the right wing Rs to fuck off and go back to being a maverick.

Just something for the cons to think about.
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what other moderate group besides moderate woman does she have a chance at? obama seems to be much much more farther reaching to the middle grounds. Also obama has distinct advantage of attracting youth and black first time voters to boost there base.

its practically a no brainer as a dem what candidate is better against mccain.

Chap pretty much everybody on this board (myself included) was writing off McCain as a has-been who couldn't win the GOP nomination, as little as a month ago.

So, I'm just not so impressed with everybody (and my own) predictions of what will transpire, right now.

I don't think Saint McCain has been baptized in the line of fire in an election yet. He's been able to dodge any critical analysis of himself and his positions, by a cable news media that whore themselves to Saint McCain.
Chap pretty much everybody on this board (myself included) was writing off McCain as a has-been who couldn't win the GOP nomination, as little as a month ago.

So, I'm just not so impressed with everybody (and my own) predictions of what will transpire, right now.

I don't think Saint McCain has been baptized in the line of fire in an election yet. He's been able to dodge any critical analysis of himself and his positions, by a cable news media that whore themselves to Saint McCain.

i was as well till Hillary said she thinks it will be McCain in the debate Monday night. I was thinking Romney at that point.. but then i started assuming she knows something we dont.
i was as well till Hillary said she thinks it will be McCain in the debate Monday night. I was thinking Romney at that point.. but then i started assuming she knows something we dont.

I think it’s 50-50 at this point, Romney or McCain. I think that with exit polls showing it’s not R’s voting for McCain in these primaries, once they hit the closed states, McCain could be doomed, unless he is picking up a momentum we don’t know about yet.

I am personally hoping for Romney, just on the assumption that the R’s are going to win the general. I think he is less crazy than McCain. I think he might not look for reasons to attack Iran, or other countries. But…no way to be sure.

Also, McCain is deformed looking, and in his 70’s, and I had to ask myself, do I really want to watch a 70 year old man aging every day in front of my face? And the answer was no, I don’t. Give me a piece of ass. Obama or Romney or Edwards are all at least fine looking.
ahhhh....the ol' "piece of ass" vote. Not to be underestimated; remember what happened to Nixon after he appeared on TV next to JFK.

It's hard to imagine Romney, just because of all of the religious nutters who won't vote for a Mormon, because they think it's nuttier than their own religion. I think it probably will end up McCain, which would have been impossible to imagine a few weeks ago.
I dont think Romney has as much a chance against Hillary. Republicans actually think about that sort of thing. Dems on the other hand are allowing hillary to pull the rug out from under a candidate that can/would beat any republican running easily.

Tho Dashelle just came out against the Clinton's tactics. lets hope more do. going to take the dem leaders to recognize they need to end the clinton tyranny.
ahhhh....the ol' "piece of ass" vote. Not to be underestimated; remember what happened to Nixon after he appeared on TV next to JFK.

It's hard to imagine Romney, just because of all of the religious nutters who won't vote for a Mormon, because they think it's nuttier than their own religion. I think it probably will end up McCain, which would have been impossible to imagine a few weeks ago.

LOL, actually I forgot about Nixon.

I was mocking Rush Limbaugh’s recent rant that he wasn’t going to be forced to watch a 60 year old woman age in front of his eyes.

And if you stop and marvel at the irony of that aging, always physically repulsive, rotund pos making such a comment, good for you.

I bet Chap didn’t.
Christ - did Limbaugh really say that?

It's amazing people still listen to that guy after he did the Michael J. Fox impersonation.
i dont listen to rush. its not even on the radio around here. the closest thing to the right around here is imus and we have guy named jay severin who directed bucanon candidacy.
If McCain wins the nod, he's more than likely going to beat both of the democratic front runner. I think he'll be able to pull in more (ill informed) moderates than certainly Hillary would. Obama still has time to either woo or disuade the fencies.
Christ - did Limbaugh really say that?

It's amazing people still listen to that guy after he did the Michael J. Fox impersonation.

He did, yes, and he went on about it for days. I don’t listen to him, but I read the transcript because I am working on something. I never knew the stuff this guy was saying, and it amazes me. I literally cannot believe it.
It will be McCain and he will turn on his masters.

He has been playing the Bush cabal and is really out to destroy them.
They will help him get elected and he will turn on them and prosicute the lot of them and have them executed for treason.
Yeah, I do.

It's easy for us to ridicule the guy & dismiss his chances, but this is America we're talking about. I can't remember the last time a Democrat won a Presidential election with over 50% of the vote (wasn't Clinton below that in each of his wins?)

A Hillary candidacy in particular would drive up GOP turnout, regardless of who their nominee is. If the Dems aren't united, they're sunk.

yes, he was below both times. Perot swiped enough votes in 1992 to let the Clowntoon express into the White House.
i dont listen to rush. its not even on the radio around here. the closest thing to the right around here is imus and we have guy named jay severin who directed bucanon candidacy.

I just like to bust your, well you know…I am a ball breaker Chap. That’s why I like Hillary… a couple of ball breakers breaking balls. Then laughing about it. That’s what we ballbreakers do. Ask Tiana. Sometimes me and her laugh our asses off in PM over riling one of you guys up.

You’re not as fun as SF to rile up, by any means, but you’re OK. And really, no one can match SF at emotionally overwrought, riled up rants. Not even a girl.
McCain voted AGAINST the bush tax cuts did he not? You cant peg him with the fiscally irresponsible pubs.

yes, he did. But recently, in his efforts to pander to the base he has stated he now supports them. He can justify this if he follows up with spending cut proposals, if not.... he flopped on this issue.