Obama hosting pricey party in a dicey economy

"I never gave a reason why Obama championed the bailout .. you assumed that conclusion without me saying it. You're the one who should be producing "proof", not me.

That's pretty pathetic, BAC. Your implication on this & other threads has been clear. It's not a great talent to insinuate something without actually saying it, so that when you get nailed on it, you can do the cat w/ the canary routine.

I'm not the one on this site starting dozens of threads saying how much I love Obama & how everything he does is right. Before serving ONE DAY, you have rendered a verdict that this man has a corrupt Presidency, is in the hip pocket of Wall Street and intends to do nothing but screw the American people. Deny that all you want, but the proof on that is all over this board. I don't have to insinuate it; I feel fine just saying it.
I think both are undignified. 01 and 09. i tuned into hbo yesterday a few times and it looked more like the oscars then anything else. The celebs are out in force.
I appreciate your advice about being a journalist and how to work within the media and all .. but I don't need it given working with the media is one of the things I do for a living .. successfully .. and my brother, I know how to say everything I've said on this website in ways to draw conclusions and lead readers just like I did you. I never gave a reason why Obama championed the bailout .. you assumed that conclusion without me saying it. You're the one who should be producing "proof", not me.

All I did was post FACTS along with opinion .. FACTS, I might add, that you didn't/couldn't challenge. Ever heard of an Op/Ed?

What you are consumed by is blindness, and anybody not in love with your lover must be full of hate.

Wow, I didn't know you were a journalist. Do you were for a print or online source?
"I never gave a reason why Obama championed the bailout .. you assumed that conclusion without me saying it. You're the one who should be producing "proof", not me.

That's pretty pathetic, BAC. Your implication on this & other threads has been clear.

You said the key word, "implication."

It's not a great talent to insinuate something without actually saying it, so that when you get nailed on it, you can do the cat w/ the canary routine.

Yes it is. It is talent to use FACTS and OPINION to lead readers/listeners to TRUTH .. because facts and truth alone will not do it. It doesn't matter if everyone is not lead to truth immediately .. truth is revealed when facts began to mount when minds are led to that truth by OPINION and intelligent dissemination of FACTS. Iraq is a prime example of THAT truth.

I'm not the one on this site starting dozens of threads saying how much I love Obama & how everything he does is right. Before serving ONE DAY, you have rendered a verdict that this man has a corrupt Presidency, is in the hip pocket of Wall Street and intends to do nothing but screw the American people. Deny that all you want, but the proof on that is all over this board. I don't have to insinuate it; I feel fine just saying it.

You may not be the one starting praise threads about Obama, but you defend him against the obvious just like most of his supporters .. just like republicans did with Bush.

Only the political neophyte would have to wait until Obama is in office to recognize the impact and responsibility he's already had on our foreign and economic policies my friend.

Case in point .. in Pakistan, we are already using the Obama Doctrine. Please, by all means, make me prove that .. but understand that when I do, you caterogize yourself as a political neophyte who couldn't ascertain the obvious.