Obama: I might nearly double Capital Gains taxes

Taxing capital gains more if you have not held them long also encourages more long term investing. As you alluded, investors will go the way of least taxiation.

It encourages them to hold for at least a year.... so in a sense you are correct. However, if the long term cap gains is put back to say 28% cap (where the current short term rate is) then you are going to see even less turnover as people get real skittish when it comes to doing anything that means having to fork over their money to Unlce Sam.
My proposal is to keep the long term gains cheaper, but stretch it to 5 years and raise the short term gains tax some.
Bottom line: in a few years when we look back on the BushCo. era, everyone except the most partisan of kool aid drunk fools, is going to admit we should have listened to Paul Krugman and Al Gore, with respect to the economy and the Iraq War.
Bottom line: in a few years when we look back on the BushCo. era, everyone except the most partisan of kool aid drunk fools, is going to admit we should have listened to Paul Krugman and Al Gore, with respect to the economy and the Iraq War.

and perhaps on global warming as well....

Thing is , Republicans have proven time and again that they have really lousy hindsight.
and perhaps on global warming as well....

Thing is , Republicans have proven time and again that they have really lousy hindsight.

Nah, they just deny that they ever said stuff in the past, that turned out to be wrong. :)

I never denied there was global warming! Only that humans don't cause it!
wow again cypress shows himself to be nearly as uneducated on the economy as mr usged.
turbo-libs need to stick to anti-war, stop the war on drugs and give us healthcare. THe water is way over your head on the economy. Everyone will say the economy was shit is a freaking joke. Unemployment and growth over the whole bush term have been reely at good levels.
if anybody doesn't think raising long term cap gains taxes alot for investments not held 5yrs wouldn't hurt the economy. then I say like USGED they have never sat in a college economics class or have never made money for a lot of years investing.
Fuck sake. Can't I get a candidate that wants to end the war in Iraq, appoint moderate Supreme Court Judges and leave peoples earnings alone? Again I have no problem treating Cap Gains as income but only if you drop the income tax to 17% - 20% across the board, no deductions and no tax on the first 30 to 40k for every man woman and child that makes money. Wanting to be rich is not a sin, it is not evil and it is not immoral. Why can't we all just make money to make our lives and the lives of our families better and recognize that some people NEVER will and they aren't being victimized by those that do. Self interest is good, to paraphrase Wall Street.
Fuck sake. Can't I get a candidate that wants to end the war in Iraq, appoint moderate Supreme Court Judges and leave peoples earnings alone? Again I have no problem treating Cap Gains as income but only if you drop the income tax to 17% - 20% across the board, no deductions and no tax on the first 30 to 40k for every man woman and child that makes money. Wanting to be rich is not a sin, it is not evil and it is not immoral. Why can't we all just make money to make our lives and the lives of our families better and recognize that some people NEVER will and they aren't being victimized by those that do. Self interest is good, to paraphrase Wall Street.

I just want the way you make your riches not to be on the backs of others.
I like the model where you make people rich with you. Employees are treated fairly and the the price of your goods or services is low enough to benefit the consumer as well. Self interest is good, but there is a bigger picture that includes self and others being treated as self!
I just want the way you make your riches not to be on the backs of others.
I like the model where you make people rich with you. Employees are treated fairly and the the price of your goods or services is low enough to benefit the consumer as well. Self interest is good, but there is a bigger picture that includes self and others being treated as self!

Very well said. You are a sweet commie :)
Fuck sake. Can't I get a candidate that wants to end the war in Iraq, appoint moderate Supreme Court Judges and leave peoples earnings alone? Again I have no problem treating Cap Gains as income but only if you drop the income tax to 17% - 20% across the board, no deductions and no tax on the first 30 to 40k for every man woman and child that makes money. Wanting to be rich is not a sin, it is not evil and it is not immoral. Why can't we all just make money to make our lives and the lives of our families better and recognize that some people NEVER will and they aren't being victimized by those that do. Self interest is good, to paraphrase Wall Street.

That sounds very similar to a proposal for flat tax with a standard deduction that I proposed, so count me on board with your plan as well.