Obama is ready to strike back

You know what sf, if you’re going to insist on turning into one of those rabid male losers, who, so afraid of losing their place in the gene pool, insist in standing outside of clinics with signs, why don’t you go to a religious board?
LOL. I know some people who would describe women who stand outside of recruiting offices pretty much the same way. Personally, I think such protests are counter-productive for the pro-lifers. It's like the PETA people who throw blood.
Rubbish, we now know that the buck doesn't stop at the desk of Obama, when he feels that his position may lose him some votes, well... It's just "above (his) pay grade". Well, it's more like, um, hem, haw, stutter, "above (his) pay grade"...

Knowing he would be asked this question, this is the best he could come up with?

It's better than saying he got clear direction from God himself I guess.
You know what sf, if you’re going to insist on turning into one of those rabid male losers, who, so afraid of losing their place in the gene pool, insist in standing outside of clinics with signs, why don’t you go to a religious board?

Tell me Darla... where the fuck did anything I say indicate my position is based on RELIGION?

My position is based 100% on SCIENCE. I am agnostic. I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of God/Hell/Heaven/Devil etc....
Thank God Obama has a tele prompter for the convention speach.
One commentator said Mcain better not use one as "Steve Wonder reads a tele prompter better than Mcain"
Tell me Darla... where the fuck did anything I say indicate my position is based on RELIGION?

My position is based 100% on SCIENCE. I am agnostic. I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of God/Hell/Heaven/Devil etc....

So basically you're indecisive?
Tell me Darla... where the fuck did anything I say indicate my position is based on RELIGION?

My position is based 100% on SCIENCE. I am agnostic. I neither believe nor disbelieve in the existence of God/Hell/Heaven/Devil etc....

I'm sick and tired of hearing you rant about abortion...and you aint' no scientist. It's becoming a total bore. People are trying to ignore it, but...

Face it, you're becoming obsessed.
LOL. I know some people who would describe women who stand outside of recruiting offices pretty much the same way. Personally, I think such protests are counter-productive for the pro-lifers. It's like the PETA people who throw blood.

Oh, here we go.

God forbid SF should get into an argument without Damo racing to the rescue!
It's better than saying he got clear direction from God himself I guess.
Not much better.

I'd basically translate that sentence to mean:

I can't believe we had two weeks to come up with a good answer, and this is the best my staff could make. We all knew that this pro-life minister would bring this up. What was it they told me to say? Where's my teleprompter? Boy, this is a HARD question when you forget your queue cards. (This first part ran through his mind during the 'um, uh, stutter' portion) then, Oh! I remember! "Above my paygrade!"

Not much better.

I'd basically translate that sentence to mean:

I can't believe we had two weeks to come up with a good answer, and this is the best my staff could make. We all knew that this pro-life minister would bring this up. What was it they told me to say? Where's my teleprompter?


Of course that's what you, a not a republican republican, "translates" his answer to mean. What are we supposed to do, start screaming and weeping "Oh no, and we were THIS CLOSE to having Damo's vote?"

In other words; who cares?
Of course that's what you, a not a republican republican, "translates" his answer to mean. What are we supposed to do, start screaming and weeping "Oh no, and we were THIS CLOSE to having Damo's vote?"

In other words; who cares?
You do. I can tell by your excitement level. You are getting angry again.

So basically you're indecisive?

On the existence of God etc????

No, but there is no evidence one way or the other and I pretty much don't care. I won't say that God exists or not because I cannot prove it one way or the other.

What I will say is that science does indeed prove when a unique human life begins. No matter how much someone tries to dehumanize the child, that basic scientific FACT does not change.

A person can argue whether an unborn child should be entitled to basic human rights protections or not. That is a legitimate debate. But to pretend that abortion does not end a human life is idiotic.
I'm sick and tired of hearing you rant about abortion...and you aint' no scientist. It's becoming a total bore. People are trying to ignore it, but...

Face it, you're becoming obsessed.

True, I am not a scientist. But anyone who took a basic science class understands that genetically a unique human life begins when the egg and sperm cells join.

I know this hurts your "abortion should be legal because they aren't human until the magic baby fairy turns them human at birth" argument. If you don't like hearing it, then you have the CHOICE to leave this thread.

What was warrens exact question?

WARREN: That was a freebie. That was a gimme. That was a gimme, OK? Now, let's deal with abortion; 40 million abortions since Roe v. Wade. As a pastor, I have to deal with this all of the time, all of the pain and all of the conflicts. I know this is a very complex issue. Forty million abortions, at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?

OBAMA: Well, you know, I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.

WARREN: Have you --

OBAMA: But let me just speak more generally about the issue of abortion, because this is something obviously the country wrestles with. One thing that I'm absolutely convinced of is that there is a moral and ethical element to this issue. And so I think anybody who tries to deny the moral difficulties and gravity of the abortion issue, I think, is not paying attention. So that would be point number one.

But point number two, I am pro-choice. I believe in Roe v. Wade, and I come to that conclusion not because I'm pro-abortion, but because, ultimately, I don't think women make these decisions casually. I think they -- they wrestle with these things in profound ways, in consultation with their pastors or their spouses or their doctors or their family members. And so, for me, the goal right now should be -- and this is where I think we can find common ground. And by the way, I've now inserted this into the Democratic party platform, is how do we reduce the number of abortions? The fact is that although we have had a president who is opposed to abortion over the last eight years, abortions have not gone down and that is something we have to address.

what was it warren asked?

What was warrens exact question?

WARREN: , at what point does a baby get human rights, in your view?

OBAMA: Well, you know, I think that whether you're looking at it from a theological perspective or a scientific perspective, answering that question with specificity, you know, is above my pay grade.

WARREN: Have you --

OBAMA: But let me just speak more generally about the issue of abortion, because this is something obviously the country wrestles with. One thing that I'm absolutely convinced of is that there is a moral and ethical element to this issue. And so I think anybody who tries to deny the moral difficulties and gravity of the abortion issue, I think, is not paying attention. So that would be point number one.

But point number two, I am pro-choice. I believe in Roe v. Wade, and I come to that conclusion not because I'm pro-abortion, but because, ultimately, I don't think women make these decisions casually. I think they -- they wrestle with these things in profound ways, in consultation with their pastors or their spouses or their doctors or their family members. And so, for me, the goal right now should be -- and this is where I think we can find common ground. And by the way, I've now inserted this into the Democratic party platform, is how do we reduce the number of abortions? The fact is that although we have had a president who is opposed to abortion over the last eight years, abortions have not gone down and that is something we have to address.

The bolded is the question he asked... and that is the proper question in this debate. WHEN do basic human rights apply? To which Obama proceeded to duck the question. Notice he never answered when he thought the basic human rights should apply. But he did try his bestest to spin his way out of having to provide an answer.
True, I am not a scientist. But anyone who took a basic science class understands that genetically a unique human life begins when the egg and sperm cells join.

I know this hurts your "abortion should be legal because they aren't human until the magic baby fairy turns them human at birth" argument. If you don't like hearing it, then you have the CHOICE to leave this thread.

In an abortion issue you have a complete human being's human rights and a zygotes rights converging.

I stand with the complete human beings rights taking precident.
The bolded is the question he asked... and that is the proper question in this debate. WHEN do basic human rights apply? To which Obama proceeded to duck the question. Notice he never answered when he thought the basic human rights should apply. But he did try his bestest to spin his way out of having to provide an answer.

No he did not dodge it he stated how he feels about it and he obviously leaves it to God.
In an abortion issue you have a complete human being's human rights and a zygotes rights converging.

I stand with the complete human beings rights taking precident.

The above is a perfect example of the complete stupidity I was referring to.

BOTH are complete human beings desh.

But I know, the mantra of the pro-abortion crowd is to somehow use "not fully developed" in an attempt to dehumanize the child. This is very Hitler-like in nature. Dehumanize to the point that you can "justify" ending an innocent human life.

A "zygote" is a STAGE of HUMAN development. Calling the child a "zygote" does not change the fact that the child is HUMAN.
No he did not dodge it he stated how he feels about it and he obviously leaves it to God.

LMAO... "leaving it to God" is dodging the question Desh. Is this what you want... for all the tough questions Obama faces as President to "be left up to God"????

ooops, that one is too hard, lets leave it up to God. yeah, great leadership quality.
True, I am not a scientist. But anyone who took a basic science class understands that genetically a unique human life begins when the egg and sperm cells join.

I know this hurts your "abortion should be legal because they aren't human until the magic baby fairy turns them human at birth" argument. If you don't like hearing it, then you have the CHOICE to leave this thread.

You know what, pretending that a few cells together form a life, and that science “proves” this, just makes you look, to me, really crazy.

I had an abortion. I never regretted it. And I don’t think men have any standing in the question. Period. Now carry on with your fanatical ranting SF.
You know what, pretending that a few cells together form a life, and that science “proves” this, just makes you look, to me, really crazy.

I had an abortion. I never regretted it. And I don’t think men have any standing in the question. Period. Now carry on with your fanatical ranting SF.

1) I know you enjoy referring to the child as "a few cells" as that makes it easier for you to justify ending its life.

2) Science most certainly dictates that when a sperm cell and egg cell combine, genetically a unique human life is created. Each cell has half of the regular number of chromosomes. 13 from the father (sperm cell), 13 from the mother (egg cell). When they combine they create a genetic sequence that incoporates traits from the mother and father and creates a unique human genetic code. That is FACT.

3) As I stated before, if you want to hold the position that an unborn child should not be entitled to basic human rights, that is a legitimate position to take and argue. But ignoring the science does not make it any less true. It just makes it harder to justify abortions when you are forced to realize it is indeed ending a human life.