Obama Justifies Warmongering for Oil at the UN

Pretending to yourself that you have been right is NOT the same as being proven right by the facts and events that actually occur.

Bac you have not been right abot Obama once since you decided to hate him

I don't expect you the see the correctness in this or ANYTHING negative said about Obama. I have no intention of wasting time trying to prove anything to you about Obama.

You are a partisan sister .. partisan through and through. You see ONLY through partisan rose-colored glasses.

I am not a partisan ,, and therein lies the difference in our perspectives.
Pretending to yourself that you have been right is NOT the same as being proven right by the facts and events that actually occur.

Bac you have not been right abot Obama once since you decided to hate him

Libya and everything connected to it / Viagra rape story
Bush/Obama foreign policy
Obama does not support single-payer
Obama is a corporatist
Obama has taken more money from Wall Street than any politician in American history
The disaster of the 2010 midterms
Obamacare is Romneycare
Obamacare not supported
Support for Obama's auto bailout .. which turned out to be the single most thing that got him re-elected
Obama's drone strikes and rising anti-americanism
Obama will not reign in Wall Street or even attempt to
Obama's marijuana policy

... on and on until the break of dawn. :0)

I've been right about Obama on almost everything.
My track record is that I've been right about Obama on just about everything I've said about him.

What's yours?

I don't recall your ever being comprehensively correct on ANYTHING regarding this President, bac. You hate him as much as you hate yourself therefore you simply cannot be objective or unbiased in any discussion of him or his actions. You ain't bullshitting me, bac. I know exactly what you're all about and it ain't very nice or smart.

I don't recall your ever being comprehensively correct on ANYTHING regarding this President, bac. You hate him as much as you hate yourself therefore you simply cannot be objective or unbiased in any discussion of him or his actions. You ain't bullshitting me, bac. I know exactly what you're all about and it ain't very nice or smart.


:0) You don't know shit you fake as cunt.

You slid your punk ass on this board disguised as a black man .. thinking that gave you an excuse to use the N word .. and from what I can tell, few here have any respect for you.

Kiss my ass bitch. :0)