Obama landslide over Palin?

Obama landslide?

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I was eating in a fast food joint today and Faux nooz was on the TV. Palin seemed to be a big topic with them. Going over the entire Palinite history and every wrong that had been percieved to having been done against Palin.
Palin needs polish to get the neocon nodd. Assuming she does that, Obama rapes her without as much as a reacharound.
nice, you can't talk about a woman politician without using the word rape..we have our own David Letterman here..:rolleyes:
my prediction is that come 2012, the mainstream media is the one going to be raped by the general public as it becomes even more clear that they whitewashed all the democrat wrongs of the last 4 years and demonized every republican coming up on the nomination radar. At that time, Obama will win re-election while democrats lose 25% of their seats in the house and senate.
Seriously, a landslide greater than 55-44 is simply not possible in contemporary America. That one actually makes sense, while the others are all redonkulous...
you talking to yourself again?

Had you not been totally anti-education and went to college your pea brain would be large enough to see that the word was used in terms of a huge sports victory, not what your husband does to you monthly.
Had you not been totally anti-education and went to college your pea brain would be large enough to see that the word was used in terms of a huge sports victory, not what your husband does to you monthly.

don't have a husband, he was like you and I got rid of him..
Funny thing about calling someone a slut is that I was at a bar with my friend Carlos, and he was kind of teasing his friend Maria, kind of insinuating that she is slutty, so I finally jumped in and said, "yeah, Maria's a pimp" and it shut everyone up and she escaped from the topic with her dignity.

Its fun to twist gender comments around and freak people out... :cool:
I was eating in a fast food joint today and Faux nooz was on the TV. Palin seemed to be a big topic with them. Going over the entire Palinite history and every wrong that had been percieved to having been done against Palin.
There have been wrongs committed against Palin. She's in debt for legal expenses to the tune of a half million dollars from legal attacks by partisan democrats.
my prediction is that come 2012, the mainstream media is the one going to be raped by the general public as it becomes even more clear that they whitewashed all the democrat wrongs of the last 4 years and demonized every republican coming up on the nomination radar. At that time, Obama will win re-election while democrats lose 25% of their seats in the house and senate.
OH to be living in right wing la-la land.
Funny thing about calling someone a slut is that I was at a bar with my friend Carlos, and he was kind of teasing his friend Maria, kind of insinuating that she is slutty, so I finally jumped in and said, "yeah, Maria's a pimp" and it shut everyone up and she escaped from the topic with her dignity.

Its fun to twist gender comments around and freak people out... :cool:
Shut up you slut.
boy george called and said spurt is kinda girly

that's what

why do you feel it makes more manly to talk about what someone's husband does to them sexually? are you some kind of peeeping tom perv? can't get any yourself so you have to talk about someone else :rolleyes: