A church is far more than a pastor, it is the community. I heard the agreement. I know I wouldn't want to be part of that culture. And the vast majority of Americans know that there are plenty of churches to attend that would not be that way and you choose to stay.
The "white people haven't left" thing. Sounds very much like "Some of my best friends are black!"
Ok, so do you think Obama is racist? This stuff sounds similar to what was happening to Ron Paul. Obama seems to understand that the pastor is trying to get the people in his church riled up. It's like he leading a Pep rally, and he is basically telling it how he sees it. Most of the things he said... well... are right!
He talked about foreign policy and how we attack other countries, then we get attacked back. (Chicken's coming home to roost comment) I'm sure you agree with this comment, though the tone is not quite the way we would say it.
He talked about how white's control the government and corporations. This is true as well. He perceives this as keeping the black man down, especially since he lived in the civil rights era. This is not something uncommon in the black community. It is kind of a general understanding.
What else... oh the Condemneeza and the blacks that are within the Republican party. Again, it is not uncommon for the black community to view those working within the Bush admin to be nothing but sell-outs.
So I don't really find his comments to be offensive at all. I've heard it all before. Now, the question is, do we think Obama thinks the same way or do I think Obama is smart enough to know that since he is about to become the leader of the United States, that he is going to change the mentality of the Black community? He is a leader, he isn't going to come into office and start legislating white hate. He is going to change everything his pastor preaches into somthing much more positive.