Jade Dragon
And I'm the one that jaded you.
Obama was a globalist intent on weakening the U.S. for the benefit of the world (naive, IMO), Trump is a nationalist intent on strengthening the U.S. for the benefit of it's citizens.
I'd say Trump is more loyal.
Revealing how you get no answer from the left.
That is bullshit. What, you want a be isolationists, and forget your responsibility to the world? That's what Trump is accomplishing. That's what N. Korea, and other messed up countries do.
Obama restored our standing after W, and the wars. You rightists just love to fuck up a good thing though. Why? Too much pride to be apologetic for fuck ups. Too much pride to admit there ever were fuck ups. It seems like humility in ones own short comings makes rightists uncomfortable. America. Balls out, and no apologies. We got a good standing in the world again after Obama, and it was gone in no time. Even in Canada, we're a bit of the butt of a joke.
What Trump has done surely does focus on America in the idea it focuses only on us. It is naive, and poorly thought out though. Since most things aren't manufactured in America anymore, outside of domestic, and agricultural product, America can't float off on it's own. We are propped up by other countries, especially with the debts to China.