OBama pledges out of Iraq by yr end 08

Well he never did make such a pledge so what I said is not relevant. But to make such a pledge is illresponsable, in my opinion.

I think its much more irresponsible of us to use our military for operations that have no foreseable resolution within our control.
I think its much more irresponsible of us to use our military for operations that have no foreseable resolution within our control.

True, but when you make such a pledge, you are saying that no matter what happens. What if a foreseable resolution appears?
True, but when you make such a pledge, you are saying that no matter what happens. What if a foreseable resolution appears?

that's a problem I don't think we'll run into regarding this occupation. At least not before the 08 election anyway.
Jarod or should I say Gerber;
it's the idea of gtf out
not about timing it with a stopwatch you dork

??? There is a difference between Pleging to do something and suggesting something. Especally when you dont have the power to make that decision yet!
well, the title certainly is misleading, but I'm still happy the discussion of the debate is turning to get our troops home
Get used to this ...

President Hillary Clinton
Vice-President Barak Obama
Democratic majority in the House and Senate

Not necessarily how I would want it, but given what America has now, I can live with it.
Get used to this ...

President Hillary Clinton
Vice-President Barak Obama
Democratic majority in the House and Senate

Not necessarily how I would want it, but given what America has now, I can live with it.

Not my dream team, but a HUGE improvement over what the Republicans have been able to give us!
:clink: Nice more Barack upping the anti for the rest of the dems.

the word "pledges" in this context is incorrect. Obama has suggested that if he WERE president NOW, he would get us out by the end of '08.... He doesn't even get inaugurated until '09, so he really cannnot and DID not PLEDGE to do any such thing.
but only a moron would take it to mean other than if he's elected were the f*ck out of their in a year:clink:
the word "pledges" in this context is incorrect. Obama has suggested that if he WERE president NOW, he would get us out by the end of '08.... He doesn't even get inaugurated until '09, so he really cannnot and DID not PLEDGE to do any such thing.

Guys, guys, don't be so hard on Topper. I've been working with him. Have you noticed how close he is to finally understanding usage for "too" and "to"? There is no denying progress has been made.

If he continues at his current pace, I should be able to add the meaning of "pledge" to his lessons.