The "occupation" of Germany ended. We stayed because of the cold war. Also this far into the END of the war in Germany, Germans weren't still involved in street to street fighting against us, Germans were not killing other Germans because of religious or cultural differences. Matter of fact by this time in the occupation of Germany they had a functioning government, with a functioning constitution, they had a police force, and the German states were un and running again and in the process of rebuilding. Shit Patton had Bavaria up and running just few months after the war was over. Of course he didn't arrest all the party members and remove them from office. We have failed to learn that lesson in Iraq. Sewers worked in most places, they had lights all the time, hell it was a regular going concern. Do you REALLY want to compare this goatscrew with Germany after WWII? Even Japan is a bad comparison. We stayed in Korea because technically that war is not over but just in ceasefire mode. America has never successfully ended a war somewhere and then that place fail to achieve it's own independence before now. This is not a "cut and run" situation. We accomplished what Chalabi wanted, he ended up not running the place. They are not going to EVER quit shooting at us, planting bombs along the road