Obama ranked 11th best president

FDR was ranked first, and I would certainly agree with that.

Well yes, you're a Marxist/fascist. FDR is only a short distance behind Joseph Stalin in what you seek in a ruler.

There's another reason why I oppose term limits.
We should have the choice to keep good ones until they die.

So, Quid Pro should be made "President for life?"
Well yes, you're a Marxist/fascist. FDR is only a short distance behind Joseph Stalin in what you seek in a ruler.

So, Quid Pro should be made "President for life?"

President for four years
as many time as he/she [the president] and the electorate both want to do it.
That was obvious. "Made President for life" is either a facetious interpretation
or an incredibly stupid one.
Worked to abolish Prohibition.

Uh, no.

Signed the National Recovery Act and implemented the Works Projects Administration.

Implemented Social Security.

Supported the TVA.

Led the nation toward victory in World War II.

None of those are small things.
Nobody else to have occupied the Oval Office even approached FDR in achievement.
Nobody from Washington to Biden.

That any of those are "great" is highly debatable.
Worked to abolish Prohibition.

Prohibition was nationally reviled as law and it wasn't FDR but overwhelming public demand that got it revoked.

Signed the National Recovery Act and implemented the Works Projects Administration.

Tanking the economy and making the depression worse. It was only when the US began to prepare for WW 2, with massive new national defense acts, that the economy started to turn around. FDR's make-work projects like the CCC and such were just a waste of spending. Unemployment prior to that massive defense build up starting remained between 14 and 18%. FDR's policies had little or no positive effect on the depression.

Implemented Social Security.

A neutral act at best.

Supported the TVA.

The TVA and other electrification projects helped, but they weren't something unique to American history.

Led the nation toward victory in World War II.

Also created the conditions coming out of that war that led to the Cold War. Was largely responsible for the US fleet getting creamed at Pearl Harbor too. FDR was the one that demanded the fleet move there from their bases at San Diego and Bremerton on the West coast, against the advice of the US Navy. We likely would have still gotten in a war with Japan on about the same timeline, but our battle fleet wouldn't have been sunk in the process without FDR's interference.
In fact, because FDR had been Assistant Secretary of the Navy at one point in his career, he took to meddling in naval affairs pretty regularly, and almost always with negative results.

FDR also created the conditions that have assfucked the US on healthcare. It was his wage and price controls imposed during WW 2 that led to health insurance rather than free market conditions dominating how people paid for healthcare.

He was also all for court packing the Supreme Court. In fact, until he did that by appointments, the New Deal couldn't pass constitutional muster and over 90% of it was declared unconstitutional. Look up his appointment of KKK member Hugo Black to the court. Black had almost zero judicial experience but was a firm supporter of the New Deal.

His Lend-Lease program hurt the US military build up while often doing little for the nations receiving that material, at least up through 1942.

He had no issues with the internment of US Japanese citizens, along with some Italian and German ones as well.

FDR was a racist too, not that uncommon for the period, but it should be noted. For example, when after the 1936 Berlin Olympics, winning athletes were invited to the White House with the exception of Black ones like Jessie Owens. While FDR did condemn Southern lynchings, he did nothing to stop them, even after being asked strongly. His comment was he couldn't take the risk of losing Southern Democrats in the next election.
FDR was also antisemitic. He was known to make antisemitic remarks and refused to change quotas or rules on immigration and asylum to accommodate Jews fleeing Nazi Germany.
And yet, in spite of all of those alleged shortcomings,
FDR remains the greatest president ever
when his performance is compared to the performance of all the others.

It's not even close.
He wasn't a Fidel Castro or even a Hugo Chavez
but he was the best that we've had to this point.
So? The Democrats said essentially the same thing about Trump. Getting reelected, is one small item in overall presidential performance. It isn't the be-all, end-all of it. If it were, then Nixon would be near the top of the heap as he won reelection against McGovern in what was the worst defeats of a candidate in US history.

Trump wasn't elected twice, he was fired by voters after one term. He only squeaked into office the first time. The economy was crashing when he left office, as were his approval ratings. He didn't pass any major landmark legislation.

Nixon was a criminal who had to resign rather than being forcibly removed from office.

Those are objective facts that are going to get you ranked in the bottom tier of presidents.
Trump wasn't elected twice, he was fired by voters after one term. He only squeaked into office the first time. The economy was crashing when he left office, as were his approval ratings. He didn't pass any major landmark legislation.

As of right now, Biden is a one-term president. He's got the worst approval ratings of any modern president, including Trump, and he hasn't passed any significant "landmark" legislation even if he claims otherwise.

Nixon was a criminal who had to resign rather than being forcibly removed from office.

Nixon was actually very popular up to Watergate. He was far, far more popular than Biden up to that point.

Those are objective facts that are going to get Biden ranked in the bottom tier of presidents. As for Obama, his presidency was marked by literally doing nothing after passing Obamacare. He was for all intents just a caretaker warming the seat in the Oval Office.
Obama will move to the top 5 someday. Trump will be at the bottom permanently. He has so many court cases coming up, that he cannot win. He acted criminally in public or in front of people who are spilling thebeans to save themselves.
And yet, in spite of all of those alleged shortcomings,
FDR remains the greatest president ever
when his performance is compared to the performance of all the others.

It's not even close.
He wasn't a Fidel Castro or even a Hugo Chavez
but he was the best that we've had to this point.

Only in the minds of Leftists, Progressives, and others who agree with FDR's sweeping socialism programs and racism, like you. A more objective evaluation puts him somewhat lower in ranking.
Only in the minds of Leftists, Progressives, and others who agree with FDR's sweeping socialism programs and racism, like you. A more objective evaluation puts him somewhat lower in ranking.

Think for a minute, TAG.

About whose other opinion would I give a fat flying fuck?
Only in the minds of Leftists, Progressives, and others who agree with FDR's sweeping socialism programs and racism, like you. A more objective evaluation puts him somewhat lower in ranking.
The fact you have become so emotionally invested in this and other topics tells me you’ve both lost your cool and things aren’t going well for you. I hope everything is okay, old man.
what absolute horseshit. how many Gen Z morons did they actually seek out before they started gathering stats for this shit?

Professional historians and political scientists would generally be from their late 20's to their late 70's. They usually have a PHD. The oldest Gen Zers are just now entering their late 20's, and were in their teens when the earlier surveys were taken. So even today, they make up only a few percent of the group, and back in 2010, made up none of the group.

Educated people think poorly of trump. They might be wrong, like Smarter seems to believe, but he has to be delusional to not realize that is what they think.
If Mitch dies it doesn’t matter, if Biden dies we get Harris who is the most unpopular VP in US history

Andrew Johnson was picked by Lincoln to try to convince the Confederacy to rejoin the USA. Johnson was incredibly pro-Southern, and pro-slavery. That made him incredibly unpopular in a USA of Northern states that were fighting against both. Make matters worse, Johnson was having strokes and was drinking heavily to treat those strokes.

We have had a lot of unpopular VP's (Quayle, Agnew, Burr, etc.), but Johnson was off the charts unpopular. It would be like FDR picking Rudolf Hess to be his VP during WWII.
Professional historians and political scientists would generally be from their late 20's to their late 70's. They usually have a PHD. The oldest Gen Zers are just now entering their late 20's, and were in their teens when the earlier surveys were taken. So even today, they make up only a few percent of the group, and back in 2010, made up none of the group.

Educated people think poorly of trump. They might be wrong, like Smarter seems to believe, but he has to be delusional to not realize that is what they think.

you make the foolish assumption that i'm bashing this bullshit survey because trump.......that greatly diminishes my opinion of your ability to rationalize and critically think.

the reason I call this bullshit and wonder how many GenZers that they gathered for this is the list of presidents there. Then again, I have to remember that the OP is cypress, a TDS sufferer and a renowned imbecile overcome with partisanship.