Worked to abolish Prohibition.
Prohibition was nationally reviled as law and it wasn't FDR but overwhelming public demand that got it revoked.
Signed the National Recovery Act and implemented the Works Projects Administration.
Tanking the economy and making the depression worse. It was only when the US began to prepare for WW 2, with massive new national defense acts, that the economy started to turn around. FDR's make-work projects like the CCC and such were just a waste of spending. Unemployment prior to that massive defense build up starting remained between 14 and 18%. FDR's policies had little or no positive effect on the depression.
Implemented Social Security.
A neutral act at best.
The TVA and other electrification projects helped, but they weren't something unique to American history.
Led the nation toward victory in World War II.
Also created the conditions coming out of that war that led to the Cold War. Was largely responsible for the US fleet getting creamed at Pearl Harbor too. FDR was the one that demanded the fleet move there from their bases at San Diego and Bremerton on the West coast,
against the advice of the US Navy. We likely would have still gotten in a war with Japan on about the same timeline, but our battle fleet wouldn't have been sunk in the process without FDR's interference.
In fact, because FDR had been Assistant Secretary of the Navy at one point in his career, he took to meddling in naval affairs pretty regularly, and almost always with negative results.
FDR also created the conditions that have assfucked the US on healthcare. It was his wage and price controls imposed during WW 2 that led to health insurance rather than free market conditions dominating how people paid for healthcare.
He was also all for court packing the Supreme Court. In fact, until he did that by appointments, the New Deal couldn't pass constitutional muster and over 90% of it was declared unconstitutional. Look up his appointment of KKK member Hugo Black to the court. Black had almost zero judicial experience but was a firm supporter of the New Deal.
His Lend-Lease program hurt the US military build up while often doing little for the nations receiving that material, at least up through 1942.
He had no issues with the internment of US Japanese citizens, along with some Italian and German ones as well.
FDR was a racist too, not that uncommon for the period, but it should be noted. For example, when after the 1936 Berlin Olympics, winning athletes were invited to the White House
with the exception of Black ones like Jessie Owens. While FDR did condemn Southern lynchings, he did nothing to stop them, even after being asked strongly. His comment was he couldn't take the risk of losing Southern Democrats in the next election.
FDR was also antisemitic. He was known to make antisemitic remarks and refused to change quotas or rules on immigration and asylum to accommodate Jews fleeing Nazi Germany.