Obama reads

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I've recently brought out my copy of "Atlas Shrugged" and have been looking to read it as soon as I finish the novel I'm currently reading. Somebody should send Obama a copy.
Yes gads. His term in office would be over before he finished that (or is that your point?).

What is it with Russian writers, why do they belabor a point to death? Personally, as philosophy, I enjoyed Atlas Shrugged and learning about objectivism. As Literature I was like "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE HORSE IS DEAD ALL READY CAN YOU GET OFF THE GOD DAMNED THING AND PLEASE MOVE ON!!"

I mean it's like, why say something in 10 words when you can say it in 10,000 words?
Yes gads. His term in office would be over before he finished that (or is that your point?).

What is it with Russian writers, why do they belabor a point to death? Personally, as philosophy, I enjoyed Atlas Shrugged and learning about objectivism. As Literature I was like "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE HORSE IS DEAD ALL READY CAN YOU GET OFF THE GOD DAMNED THING AND PLEASE MOVE ON!!"

I mean it's like, why say something in 10 words when you can say it in 10,000 words?
There are better books! and essays.
What Obama's Reading
Bill Burton at today's WH press briefing, Oak Bluffs School Filing Center edition:

And here's what's on the reading list, because I know that some folks have been asking -- it's long: "The Way Home," by George Pelecanos; Tom Friedman's "Hot, Flat and Crowded"; Richard Price's "Lush Life"; Kent Haruf's "Plainsong"; and "John Adams" by David McCullough.
--Michael Crowley


Friedman WTF? I guess he really is trying to be bipartisan!

Guess he's a slow reader:


Links at site:

One of the dumbest annual exercises is the media's silly obsession with what presidents read during their summer vacation. Since they thought George W. Bush was such a dunce they always made sure to tell us what he was supposedly reading between covering his brush-clearing and Cindy Sheehan press conferences. So naturally with Barack Obama touted to be some towering intellect we've already seen countless stories about what he's reading while not sending us further into crushing debt and hitting triple bogeys on the golf course.

So we note with some amusement this report from a sharp-eyed NY Post scribe.
Looks like President Obama is one slow reader.

The commander in chief's list of beach books for his Martha's Vineyard vacation includes an environmental best seller that he bragged about reading almost a year ago on the campaign trail.

Obama was so taken with Thomas Friedman's "Hot, Flat and Crowded" that he quoted it at a rally last September in Flint, Mich., and one media outlet described it as the book that was currently on the then-candidate's nightstand.

The 448-page book appeared again on Monday on the list of five books that Obama planned to read on his vacation in Martha's Vineyard.

For his weeklong vacation, the White House claims Obama also brought along four other books -- ranging from gritty crime drama "Lush Life" by Richard Price to David McCullough's 752-page "John Adams."​

Maybe he should have brought a golf book.

After hitting the links at the Mink Meadows course in Vineyard Haven with his personal chef Sam Kass, a neighbor spotted Obama shooting a triple bogey -- at best.

No doubt Obama's lackeys at MSNBC and CNN will be yukking it up over this gaffe.
He should be reading what's in his health care bill, because he obviously doesn't know.

Seems lots of folks think so. The only thing Rasmussen got wrong was that the plan was 'proposed' by Obama. It was from Pelosi/Reid, as was stimulus:


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Most voters think they understand the health care reform legislation proposed by President Obama better than Congress does - and about as well as the president himself.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 51% of voters rate their understanding of the health care plan as good or excellent. Only 21% say their understanding of it is poor.

By contrast, just 22% say Congress has a good or excellent understanding of the plan. Thirty-five percent (35%) say Congress’ knowledge of the proposal is poor.

Voters give the president more credit than that. Forty-seven percent (47%) say Obama’s understanding of his own plan is good or excellent, while 27% rate his knowledge of it as poor.

A closer look at the numbers reveals that just 11% of voters believe that Congress understands the health care legislation better than they do. Forty-six percent (46%) hold the opposite view and think they understand the bill better than Congress does. Nearly as many (43%) rate their understanding of the legislation as equal to Congress'.

Thirty percent (30%) of voters believe they understand the bill better than the president does. Thirty-four percent (34%) say the president understands his own health care plan better, while 36% rate their understanding of the legislation as the same as Obama's.