BS, Rummy was clearly also a personal friend. Bush holds his pals close. Constantly. Dude shows more loyalty than any President before.
It isn't always a good thing to keep your friends around.
listening now to it on cnn feed. Its pretty good. Makes sense to me
I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.
I like how hes brining the truth out. something we all like to pretend doesn't exist.. we all have family members who say questionable things.
Well, I'm digging it that he stuck by his friend. That he's not ditching him. That says something about his character.
When one of Bush's friends goes astray, Bush pretends like he never even really knew the guy. Kenny Boy Lay, for example.
He did a good job of showing that a few you tube clips is not the measure of a man, and talking about both Wright & the church's background.
I remember a popular t-shirt phrase from awhile back..."It's a black thing; you wouldn't understand." Obama's speech was a real call to white America to, at the very least, stop for a second to consider the black experience in America, and try to understand that it is different from their own.
If that speach does not inspire the American puplic there is no hope for this country.
Im in tears. This man is exactly what this country needs this moment in time.
I have not been this inspired by a politician in my entire life.
There are people he defends to to end because they have the goods on him.
No, what I have done is simply pointed out the dichotomy of your statement.LOL, okay Damo. You've gone into full blown bush defense mode.
If want to think that Rummy and Dubya were great pals, and dear friends, go right ahead.
I doubt Bush ever even met rumsfeld, until Cheney or whoever, suggested him for the job of Sec Def in 2001. Rummy was a political appointtee.
I’m so bummed I couldn’t watch it! I was seriously going to take half a day from work to watch it, and come in really late. But I just took two days off for winter solider. I’m out more than I’m here lately. But I’m still bummed about this.
I didnt eve watch it yet I was crying after just reading it here.
I just hope the American people are not so tainted with hate that they will refuse to listen to the message.
He did a good job of showing that a few you tube clips is not the measure of a man, and talking about both Wright & the church's background.
I remember a popular t-shirt phrase from awhile back..."It's a black thing; you wouldn't understand." Obama's speech was a real call to white America to, at the very least, stop for a second to consider the black experience in America, and try to understand that it is different from their own.
No, what I have done is simply pointed out the dichotomy of your statement.
He's so loyal it's great! Look what Bush did to Lay! Forgetting all those times Bush was criticized for being too loyal to his friends and employees.
Total Rubbish. He definitely has been criticized for being too loyal. You just don't want to admit his example sucked.Nah, that’s not what he’s criticized for. He’s comes under criticism not for being “too loyal to his friends” – I personally believe he is loyal to no one but his own stinky butt – he comes under criticism for valuing loyalty on the part of others towards himself to mafia-like levels. If you will do anything for W, he’ll hire you. It’s a fine distinction but an important one. It’s all about him, it’s not about his “friends” of which as far as I know, he really has none.
No, what I have done is simply pointed out the dichotomy of your statement.
He's so loyal it's great! Look what Bush did to Lay! Forgetting all those times Bush was criticized for being too loyal to his friends and employees.
many will be Desh both because of party and race.
I just hope we have enough smart Americans left.
No, what I have done is simply pointed out the dichotomy of your statement.
He's so loyal it's great! Look what Bush did to Lay! Forgetting all those times Bush was criticized for being too loyal to his friends and employees.