Obama Understands that there can be Backlash...

Unlike Obama, McCain recognizes the need to shore up his base.

Untrue. McCain wanted Lieberman, the Bushies wanted Romney, Palin was the fuck you panic pick.

Hey, tapping Kucinich as vp would have shored up Obama’s base.
And you probably even believe that ticket would have made it to the white house bac.
No, there’s no doubt that the people in this country who believe that birthing five children belongs on a VP’s resume, are over the moon about this woman."

Kind of funny coming from someone who just watched Obama trot out his kids in the way he did at the convention. 'Oh look at me, I am a family man, watch me as I video conference in to the convention to talk to my kids... oh look, one of them pointed out that I am a dumbass who doesn't even know what city I am in... isn't that cute??'

"The fact is though, she’s unvetted, has serious problems still surfacing, and is wayyyy out of the mainstream for MOST American women. "

I agree she is way out of touch with women like you. But there are many women in this country who share her belief in protecting an innocent child.

"Not only do most women not want their daughters to not go to college because they became teen mothers due to lack of birth control information, they won’t tolerate it."

Becoming a teen mother doesn't mean you don't go to college. That is simply bullshit. Does it make it harder... sure. But it is not an insurmountable obstacle that you seem to want to make it out to be. Side note... if you don't want to become a teen mother... you can CHOOSE to have sex or not, you can CHOOSE to use contraceptives or not. Most kids are smart enough to understand how babies are created and most don't need the public school system to figure out what condoms etc... are for.

LOL. Man, I haven’t stopped laughing since palin was picked, and trust me, I was ALWAYS aware the whacks love her.

I also haven't stopped laughing since she was picked. The PANIC from the left trying to find ways to demean Palin and blow up every mole hill into a mountain has been quite funny.
His followers are too radical. They will not do Obama many favors gaining votes. Digging for dirt, and getting American dust, and airing it on more time than a sex scandal is obvious to stupid Americans like me. I saw the news today (CNN I think) say that Palins daughter being pregeant is a "scandal". That is streaching a scandal a bit. John Edwards was a scandal--Bill Clinton was a scandal--Obama's anti American status is a scandal--Craig was a scandal--Kennedy was a scandal. The republicans of Alaska that Palin ousted were scandalist. For the major media to call her pregnant daughter a scandal--is liberial insanity--and desperation for all to see. We know a scandal when we see one, and becoming a grand mother is not a scandal.
I also haven't stopped laughing since she was picked. The PANIC from the left trying to find ways to demean Palin and blow up every mole hill into a mountain has been quite funny.

Yes it is. I can't wait to see how Palin handles all of these concerns in a speach. My prediction is she is going to make the radical left look bad--and it will be easy for her.

If a dupe like McCain can make a choice that makes me feel like we can get our country back--I hope she can live up my expectations. I don't see how they can legally stop a sharp, attractive woman, consertative that speaks with logic, in the public light. Good luck Commies---freedom just got a strong voice, and I think you will be shocked by the support she gets. If she gets half the support she gets in Alaska--we will be free for a couple of more generations.

You don't like Regan---blame Carter

You don't like Palin--blame Obama and Hillery
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LOL! I totally bookmarked this post.

Latest news – McCain camp vehemently denied that Sarah Palin was ever a member of the Alaskan Separatist party. Today, we discover her husband was a registered member from 1995 to 2002. Sarah Palin spoke at one of their conventions. This is the group that advocates Alaska not be part of the United States of America.



You have to be kidding me.

This is gold. If Obama doesn't use this against her, he isn't fit for Washington.
No, there’s no doubt that the people in this country who believe that birthing five children belongs on a VP’s resume, are over the moon about this woman.

The fact is though, she’s unvetted, has serious problems still surfacing, and is wayyyy out of the mainstream for MOST American women. Now I know that on this board we have to pander to a certain kind of woman, but the fact is, it’s not “elitist” to understand that most women not only don’t want to be forced to bear their rapist’s child, they won’t tolerate it. Not only do most women not want their daughters to not go to college because they became teen mothers due to lack of birth control information, they won’t tolerate it.
That’s if, this entire pick isn’t derailed by her still unfolding scandals. I mean, do you think after 8 years of bush/cheney Americans who aren’t religious whacks awaiting the end times, want a woman who just claimed “executive privilege” to avoid turning over emails in a corruption case?

LOL. Man, I haven’t stopped laughing since palin was picked, and trust me, I was ALWAYS aware the whacks love her.

Waaaa????? RU kidding me?
Untrue. McCain wanted Lieberman, the Bushies wanted Romney, Palin was the fuck you panic pick.

Hey, tapping Kucinich as vp would have shored up Obama’s base.
And you probably even believe that ticket would have made it to the white house bac.

Reaching for the absurd demeans you.

I said I like Kucinich .. NEVER said he could be president.

The Palin pick was reaching for the evangelicals whom McCain cannot win without .. which was my point.

The "base" that drove Obama into the nomination was antiwar .. who he hasn't thrown a bone.

Got 'em by the short hairs .. nowhere else to go and scared as he is to be bold.