No, there’s no doubt that the people in this country who believe that birthing five children belongs on a VP’s resume, are over the moon about this woman.
The fact is though, she’s unvetted, has serious problems still surfacing, and is wayyyy out of the mainstream for MOST American women. Now I know that on this board we have to pander to a certain kind of woman, but the fact is, it’s not “elitist” to understand that most women not only don’t want to be forced to bear their rapist’s child, they won’t tolerate it. Not only do most women not want their daughters to not go to college because they became teen mothers due to lack of birth control information, they won’t tolerate it.
That’s if, this entire pick isn’t derailed by her still unfolding scandals. I mean, do you think after 8 years of bush/cheney Americans who aren’t religious whacks awaiting the end times, want a woman who just claimed “executive privilege” to avoid turning over emails in a corruption case?
LOL. Man, I haven’t stopped laughing since palin was picked, and trust me, I was ALWAYS aware the whacks love her.