Obama: We must have a civilian force as strong as the military...

Speaking of something really important, I turned 40 today. Do you think I will still have any sex appeal left?

40s have been the best deacde so far. I've got a little over a year left of them, and I have thoroughly enjoyed them.

The silly shit seems to matter less and less.

And Darla, hotness is as much attitude as anything.
Here is the full speech. The remark about a civilian security force comes about the 16 minute mark.


Here is the thing: Obama IS talking about rebuilding American infrastructure, Americorps, Peace Corps, etc. His point is that a strong infrastructure, strong economy, strong diplomatic infrastucture is as important to national security as is a strong military. THAT is where he derives the term "civilian security force" from.

It's not referring to some future ARMED force of "civilians" outside of the military. It's referring to the idea that non-military factors and organizations are as important to the total concept of national security as are military, armed factors and organizations.
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Drafting People into National Service does not equate to Civilian Force. Again..I believe he was speaking in an esoteric way ... Strong Home front ... is a force as powerful as a strong military. Ive heard him say this before ..and quite frankly ..I agree with that statement.

He's talking about giving lots more citizens the authority to use force to accomplish goals of the military industrial complex. More fascism! You libs will bend over backwards to not see the truth.
Here is the full speech. The remark about a civilian security force comes about the 16 minute mark.


Here is the thing: Obama IS talking about rebuilding American infrastructure, Americorps, Peace Corps, etc. His point is that a strong infrastructure, strong economy, strong diplomatic infrastucture is as important to national security as is a strong military. THAT is where he derives the term "civilian security force" from.

It's not referring to some future ARMED force of "civilians" outside of the military. It's referring to the idea that non-military factors and organizations are as important to the total concept of national security as are military, armed factors and organizations.

No. that's NOT What he's talking about, fascist apologist.
It's like my wife making a list for the grocery store and on the list she has:

1. Corn
2. Beef
3. Chicken
4. Motor Oil
5. Rice

(And yes, you can obtain all of these things at King Soopers)

And insisting Motor Oil is food because everything else on the list was food.

It wasn't what he was talking about.

When he said the sentence, "We need a National Security Force as strong and as well funded as the military." he was speaking of one item on a list, it is not defined by the rest of the list into something magically delicious. It is what it is. A Security Force is not the Peace Corps, it is cops. A Security Force is not mandatory "volunteer" service at a soup kitchen, it is cops. It was part of a list of things that he wanted people to be impressed into as their service.
It's like my wife making a list for the grocery store and on the list she has:

1. Corn
2. Beef
3. Chicken
4. Motor Oil
5. Rice

(And yes, you can obtain all of these things at King Soopers)

And insisting Motor Oil is food because everything else on the list was food.

It wasn't what he was talking about.

When he said the sentence, "We need a National Security Force as strong and as well funded as the military." he was speaking of one item on a list, it is not defined by the rest of the list into something magically delicious. It is what it is. A Security Force is not the Peace Corps, it is cops. A Security Force is not mandatory "volunteer" service at a soup kitchen, it is cops. It was part of a list of things that he wanted people to be impressed into as their service.

You're full of shit. Nobody buys your interpretation of his comments save the lunatic fringe.
You're full of shit. Nobody buys your interpretation of his comments save the lunatic fringe.
Thanks for talking for "nobody" as they are an underrepresented group on this site, but the reality remains that in no way could a "Security Force" be interpreted to mean the Peace Corps except by the most spectacular bathwater sippers ever brought to bear.

That "interpretation" is a desperate attempt to find some reason for this insanity.
They are purposefully daft, nothing at all, even the candidate's own words spoken in the middle of a speech about volunteering, can withstand their immediate dismissal of anything that may make them question his perfection.

I've even had one person suggest that he was talking about the "Peace Corps", it's amazing. Dude has just stressed the vital need of a civilian "security force" (definitely not the peace corps or the National Guard) as strong and as well-funded as the military.

I linked to the story, was told I was "insane" because the transcript of the speech didn't have that in it... I said I heard it, was told it was impossible because he "didn't say it" then when shown he said it I get some inanity about how it "bothered me" for all this time that somebody called me insane rather than an actual thought-driven post about what he stated.

I get what your saying Damo , do you have the transcript and the entire speach so we can see if there is more things missing from the transcript?