APP - Obama will break his promise.


Loyal to the end
Nearly all of the Bush cuts—individual rates, capital gains, dividends, estate tax—are set to expire after 2010. Sixty votes are needed in the 100-member Senate to pass permanent tax cuts.

No one can seriously doubt that the Democrats in Congress will vote to continue the tax cuts. They'll take the easy route and not bring the issue up. When that happens the tax rates for the lower bracket earners will increase dramatically:

On the expiration of the “Bush” tax cuts, the tax brackets will change as follows:
Brackets 10, 25, 28, 33 and 35 percent will be increased by 50%, 12%, 10.7%, 9.1% and 13.1% percent, respectively, to 15, 28, 31, 36 and 39.6 percent. Those of you at the bottom of the tax barrel will see a 50% tax increase.

Obama's promise to raise taxes only on those earning more than $250,000 will, like many of his other false promises, be thrown under the bus.

No one can seriously doubt that the Democrats in Congress will vote to continue the tax cuts. They'll take the easy route and not bring the issue up. When that happens the tax rates for the lower bracket earners will increase dramatically:

Obama's promise to raise taxes only on those earning more than $250,000 will, like many of his other false promises, be thrown under the bus.

Even assuming you are correct and Obama and the Democrats do nothing, how is it that something the Congress did back in 2001 is somehow Obama's responsibility? I don't quite get it.
Even assuming you are correct and Obama and the Democrats do nothing, how is it that something the Congress did back in 2001 is somehow Obama's responsibility? I don't quite get it.

that's easy. It will be Obamas fault and he'll be responsible just as much as Bush was at fault and responsible for not renewing the expired Assault Weapons Ban.
Even assuming you are correct and Obama and the Democrats do nothing, how is it that something the Congress did back in 2001 is somehow Obama's responsibility? I don't quite get it.
The pledge was that "Nobody making less than $250,000 will see ANY form of tax increase."

He even stressed the word ANY... He made the pledge repeatedly. I plan on holding him to it.
Even assuming you are correct and Obama and the Democrats do nothing, how is it that something the Congress did back in 2001 is somehow Obama's responsibility? I don't quite get it.
Obama was aware of this time bomb when he made his promise, and he has the bully pulpit to stop it.

No one can seriously doubt that the Democrats in Congress will vote to continue the tax cuts. They'll take the easy route and not bring the issue up. When that happens the tax rates for the lower bracket earners will increase dramatically:

Obama's promise to raise taxes only on those earning more than $250,000 will, like many of his other false promises, be thrown under the bus.

Many of us already knew this, just by using logic. One term president.
not renewing tax cuts is in NO WAY raising your taxes.
LOFL, I hope you tools hold your breath wating for that tax cut.
In other words, mere reality doesn't faze the O-bots.

Mere reality. Right.

I mean it isn't as if back in 2001 the Republicans and the Bush Administration were faced with the problem of the tax cuts busting the budget in the long term if they were permanent and decided as a political matter to include a sunset provision to make the tax cuts easier to sell. Why is Obama responsible for that? The Republicans made a choice. They should live with it.

Aside: The sunset provisions were also included because the tax cuts were passed through the reconciliation process to avoid the potential of a Democratic filibuster. I only mention this aspect because we are likely to hear a whole hell of a lot about the reconciliation process in the coming weeks.
Mere reality. Right.

I mean it isn't as if back in 2001 the Republicans and the Bush Administration were faced with the problem of the tax cuts busting the budget in the long term if they were permanent and decided as a political matter to include a sunset provision to make the tax cuts easier to sell. Why is Obama responsible for that? The Republicans made a choice. They should live with it.

Aside: The sunset provisions were also included because the tax cuts were passed through the reconciliation process to avoid the potential of a Democratic filibuster. I only mention this aspect because we are likely to hear a whole hell of a lot about the reconciliation process in the coming weeks.
Again, "will see ANY form of your taxes increase"... When reality faces off with a pledge (defines as a solemn promise in Websters) to do something else it will not be a benefit to him. He's going to have to fight to keep taxes down or it will be exactly a "read my lips" moment.
Mere reality. Right.

I mean it isn't as if back in 2001 the Republicans and the Bush Administration were faced with the problem of the tax cuts busting the budget in the long term if they were permanent and decided as a political matter to include a sunset provision to make the tax cuts easier to sell. Why is Obama responsible for that? The Republicans made a choice. They should live with it.

Aside: The sunset provisions were also included because the tax cuts were passed through the reconciliation process to avoid the potential of a Democratic filibuster. I only mention this aspect because we are likely to hear a whole hell of a lot about the reconciliation process in the coming weeks.

You just admitted that the Sunset Provisions were to garner needed Democrat votes and then you blame Republicans for it. LOL
You just admitted that the Sunset Provisions were to garner needed Democrat votes and then you blame Republicans for it. LOL

Actually, no. The sunset provisions were prevent a Democratic filibuster. Under the Senate rules you cannot filibuster a measure that is brought up pursuant to the reconciliation process. It wasn't a means to buy votes, but a means to ensure that 51 votes guaranteed passage. It was also a means to make the budget numbers look good.
like i said earlier and that everyone ignored. It became GWs fault for allowing the AWB to expire and it will be BOs fault for people under 250k a year to see a tax increase.

it's gonna happen folks.