APP - Obama will break his promise.

Actually, no. The sunset provisions were prevent a Democratic filibuster. Under the Senate rules you cannot filibuster a measure that is brought up pursuant to the reconciliation process. It wasn't a means to buy votes, but a means to ensure that 51 votes guaranteed passage. It was also a means to make the budget numbers look good.
Actually, yes. They needed Democrat support to avoid a Democrat filibuster. Yet you blame the Republicans. *shrug*
like i said earlier and that everyone ignored. It became GWs fault for allowing the AWB to expire and it will be BOs fault for people under 250k a year to see a tax increase.

it's gonna happen folks.

Read my Kenyan lips: "no new taxes except for the rich". LOL
I'm not saying I don't want republicans to try and Jam up Obama like lefties evily jammed push 1 on no new taxes after then shoved taxes down his throat.
What I'm saying is Obama ran on the Bush tax cuts being evil. None of you neotools actually epected him to renew them. Even I don't think Ya'll are that dumb.
I'm not saying I don't want republicans to try and Jam up Obama like lefties evily jammed push 1 on no new taxes after then shoved taxes down his throat.
What I'm saying is Obama ran on the Bush tax cuts being evil. None of you neotools actually epected him to renew them. Even I don't think Ya'll are that dumb.
No, this is simply not true. He ran on a pledge that they would take care of that, keep the cuts for those below $250K and sunset only the "top earners". It will not be hard to make the campaign commercials if they allow the sunset to increase everybody's taxes. It will be like Bush 41.
If a men's clothing store normally sells a suit for $200, but on the day they celebrate their anniversary, they sell the suits for 20% off... the next day, when the one day sale is over and the suits go back to being $200, the store has not really increased the price of suits. same with the Bush temporary tax cuts. they were not designed to be permanent.
If a men's clothing store normally sells a suit for $200, but on the day they celebrate their anniversary, they sell the suits for 20% off... the next day, when the one day sale is over and the suits go back to being $200, the store has not really increased the price of suits. same with the Bush temporary tax cuts. they were not designed to be permanent.
Except it's not the next day but ten years, in a country with a short memory. LOL
If a men's clothing store normally sells a suit for $200, but on the day they celebrate their anniversary, they sell the suits for 20% off... the next day, when the one day sale is over and the suits go back to being $200, the store has not really increased the price of suits. same with the Bush temporary tax cuts. they were not designed to be permanent.
First it needs to be a bit more important to people, something necessary, like breast augmentation surgery or something. Then it needs to be 8 years of price decrease, then they need to advertise that the "price for the worker will NEVER rise for ANY REASON at least 4 more years!" constantly on TV, then raise the price with no comment, not even taking the ads off the air...

That might make it somewhat of an equitable analogy. During the debates he carefully explained that his plan would ensure that the tax cuts would remain for those making less than $250,000, and stressed again that nobody making less than $250,000 would see their taxes increase (then Biden screwed it up on the trail and kept lowering the number because he can't even get that right).

It will not be hard to make the commercials, and this avid defense of his broken promise before it even comes to reality is rather telling.
I hope ya'll protest, cause IMO now way Obama doesn't let the tax cuts go away.
Even though he said that he would not for those making less than $250,000? We don't need to protest, it is exactly a "read my lips" moment. It will be awesome. He even just recently reiterated it after the trial balloon where they said he hadn't "ruled it out" and got a negative reaction so quickly that the very next day they denied that was even a possibility.

No one can seriously doubt that the Democrats in Congress will vote to continue the tax cuts. They'll take the easy route and not bring the issue up. When that happens the tax rates for the lower bracket earners will increase dramatically:

Obama's promise to raise taxes only on those earning more than $250,000 will, like many of his other false promises, be thrown under the bus.

why can't you provide any actual links to credible, fact based articles?

You're first link is a CATO opinion piece from 2006. Three years before obama was president.

You second link....and opinion piece from "" Are you freaking kidding me?

It's an opinion piece from some obscure rightwing nut who I've never heard of, from a lame website with a ridiculous name.

I didn't see any links in it to credible, fact-based journalistic reporting on what tax legislation Obama has submitted. Upon cursory examination, its a righwing opinion piece that is little more than a screed against communism.

Why do you fucking waste our time with this shit?
why can't you provide any actual links to credible, fact based articles?

You're first link is a CATO opinion piece from 2006. Three years before obama was president.

You second link....and opinion piece from "" Are you freaking kidding me?

It's an opinion piece from some obscure rightwing nut who I've never heard of, from a lame website with a ridiculous name.

I didn't see any links in it to credible, fact-based journalistic reporting on what tax legislation Obama has submitted. Upon cursory examination, its a righwing opinion piece that is little more than a screed against communism.

Why do you fucking waste our time with this shit?

LOL The facts that I culled from these two pieces, opinion or not, are not in dispute.
why can't you provide any actual links to credible, fact based articles?

You're first link is a CATO opinion piece from 2006. Three years before obama was president.

You second link....and opinion piece from "" Are you freaking kidding me?

It's an opinion piece from some obscure rightwing nut who I've never heard of, from a lame website with a ridiculous name.

I didn't see any links in it to credible, fact-based journalistic reporting on what tax legislation Obama has submitted. Upon cursory examination, its a righwing opinion piece that is little more than a screed against communism.

Why do you fucking waste our time with this shit?

The thing that surprised me most in this thread was that it took me until reply number 32 before anyone decided to call bullshit on the numbers.

Seriously: nobody in the bottom bracket got a 50 percent DECREASE in taxes with Bush's cuts, so how the hell is their expiration going to mean a 50 percent increase? It doesn't add.

Edit: Yes SM. Your "facts" are in dispute.
I'm not saying I don't want republicans to try and Jam up Obama like lefties evily jammed push 1 on no new taxes after then shoved taxes down his throat.
What I'm saying is Obama ran on the Bush tax cuts being evil. None of you neotools actually epected him to renew them. Even I don't think Ya'll are that dumb.
true....we knew he had no intention of keeping his promise not to raise taxes....we even tried to warn people before the election.....this is all just part of rubbing it in.....