Obama Will not "dilly dally" on White House decision


Im glad to hear it... and I hope he doesnt melt under pressure from the Clinton Machine.... you know they are promising him the VP slot if he chooses not to run. I have to admit....the more I read about this guy the more I like him... I just cant figure out where he stands on the meat issues. Maybe its because he is too centered.


About WalMart... Ive recently talked to an individual who works in the Shipping and Recieving dept. of a local Walmart. Mind you... I know first hand about the work ethic of this particular individual... he is a bear and works as hard as anyone I know. He has told me nightmare stories about the Policies Walmart has in place.... they are all designed to screw the employee.... they are border line harrassment.... he says he has been threatened a write up for simply talking to another worker while unloading a truck. Sounds like a 1935 shipping yard to me.
Ive read where .. if Walmart were to simply raise every product on the shelf in every one of their stores by one penny they could afford to hand out a 1.00 raise to all their hourly employees and still not loose a dime.
“As I travel around , I don’t get asked about gay marriage, I don’t get asked about abortion,” Obama said. “I get asked, ‘How can I find a job that allows me to support my family?’ I get asked, ‘How can I pay those medical bills without going into bankruptcy?”’
I think Obama is running for prez in 08.

In fact, I think that's the reason Mark Warner and Feingold threw in the towell.
I really like him. He was on a local radio station and seemed really down to earth. My top picks for '08 Dems are as follows: Obama, Dean & Feingold.

My top picks for Republican prez would be as follows:
Christie Whitman or Lincoln Chaffee.

I think I'd be okay with any of these people as president.
I have related this before, but my Dad (now a 94 year old WW2 vet) went to see Obama at the American Legion Hall in East Moline, Illinois when he was running for the senate in '04. The hall was packed with white reagan democrat veterans... not what you would think would be a naturally receptive audience for a black senate candidate. My dad said that he had the entire place eating out of his hand by the end of the event.... his message was hopeful and his persona exuded maturity, competence, compassion and a real ability to connect one-on-one with each and every person in the room.... My dad is a long time democratic politician in Illinois and he said that he had NEVER seen anything like it. He said that Obama's presence at the podium was WAY more impressive than his old pal and mentor,Adlai Stevenson... I think he will be our first black president and I think he will singlehandedly heal many many of our nation's wounds inflicted by these many decades of racism and partisanship..
“As I travel around , I don’t get asked about gay marriage, I don’t get asked about abortion,” Obama said. “I get asked, ‘How can I find a job that allows me to support my family?’ I get asked, ‘How can I pay those medical bills without going into bankruptcy?”’

So he hasn't talked to you yet then i take it?
Im glad to hear it... and I hope he doesnt melt under pressure from the Clinton Machine.... you know they are promising him the VP slot if he chooses not to run. I have to admit....the more I read about this guy the more I like him... I just cant figure out where he stands on the meat issues. Maybe its because he is too centered.
Maybe you should check his voting record. As you can see Obama received a paltry 8 out of 100 for his record on voting for the Conservative side. Any moderate is more in the 30 to 70 range.

He is a left-wing extremist (again by his record, not how the complacent Liberal media likes to portray him) and he was an avid student of Socialism.
He is also VERY partisan and the Hill Monitor, a nonpartisan vote tracking group, ranked Obama fourth in frequency of voting with the majority of his party during the 109th Congress, as of September 2006, as you can see:


About WalMart... Ive recently talked to an individual who works in the Shipping and Recieving dept. of a local Walmart. Mind you... I know first hand about the work ethic of this particular individual... he is a bear and works as hard as anyone I know. He has told me nightmare stories about the Policies Walmart has in place.... they are all designed to screw the employee.... they are border line harrassment.... he says he has been threatened a write up for simply talking to another worker while unloading a truck. Sounds like a 1935 shipping yard to me.
Ive read where .. if Walmart were to simply raise every product on the shelf in every one of their stores by one penny they could afford to hand out a 1.00 raise to all their hourly employees and still not loose a dime.
Probably true, but here's a question for you: Who shops at Walmart? It is the poor person's department store of choice, so raising their prices makes things more expensive for them, including the likely Walmart workers who also shop there.

I remember some lady made a comment that was along the lines of me working so hard for little pay at McDonalds. I didn't like the comment, it implied I was helpless and someone to pity. The reality is that I am where I am today because I had the courage to move on to different and usually better jobs, (although I sure sucked at door-to-door sales and made nothing, now there's a job that gets the least respect).
Plenty Walmart workers could and a lot do (high turnover) leave Walmart for better jobs, that's the right and free choice to make. FORCING a company or government to make their pay higher is not.
Maybe you should check his voting record. As you can see Obama received a paltry 8 out of 100 for his record on voting for the Conservative side. Any moderate is more in the 30 to 70 range.
Good point.. as I said I havent really investigated him thoroughly .... as he bcomes a more serious candidate these things will make a difference in my decision.
Probably true, but here's a question for you: Who shops at Walmart? It is the poor person's department store of choice, so raising their prices makes things more expensive for them, including the likely Walmart workers who also shop there.

I remember some lady made a comment that was along the lines of me working so hard for little pay at McDonalds. I didn't like the comment, it implied I was helpless and someone to pity. The reality is that I am where I am today because I had the courage to move on to different and usually better jobs, (although I sure sucked at door-to-door sales and made nothing, now there's a job that gets the least respect).
Plenty Walmart workers could and a lot do (high turnover) leave Walmart for better jobs, that's the right and free choice to make. FORCING a company or government to make their pay higher is not.

Who shops at Walmart? A variety of people...... In Florida I lived in a very upscale neighborhood .... with a Walmart. Listen.... if Walmart has to raise their prices by a few pennies to pay their employees what they are worth to their success .... it aint going to hurt the working poor who shop there.
Maybe you should check his voting record. As you can see Obama received a paltry 8 out of 100 for his record on voting for the Conservative side. Any moderate is more in the 30 to 70 range.
That depends on how you define "moderate." I don't use that word to mean the same thing as "centrist". Neither do a lot of people, I submit: that's why they're two different words.

A moderate is someone tolerant of views that diverge from his or her own and who is willing to compromise with people holding said views.
dano says:

Obama was an "avid student of Socialism"

maineman says:


and maineman also says:

"Hey dano...how does it feel to be in a blue state and have to get used to saying "Speaker Pelosi"???? It must SUCK to be a koolaid sucking republican after that election, eh?"
dano says:

Obama was an "avid student of Socialism"

maineman says:


and maineman also says:

"Hey dano...how does it feel to be in a blue state and have to get used to saying "Speaker Pelosi"???? It must SUCK to be a koolaid sucking republican after that election, eh?"
I say we start a pool on which House Republican will have a stroke first from having to say "Madame Speaker" to Nancy. My money's still on Hastert. :D

Obama's an exciting politician, certainly, and that's not a common commodity. Other than Clinton, the Dems haven't had one at the national level in years, and he was only mildly exciting. Except to young women, it seems.

Obama probably has a shot, but the Clinton machine is going to be tough in the primaries.

How about VP? Not a bad ticket, Clinton/Obama.
I worry that Hillary will energize the right
Agreed: that's a concern. I really don't understand why they hate her so much, but they clearly do. OTOH, Obama might offset that by energizing the left.

Explicating that thought . . .

If both sides are "energized" we win because we outnumber them. High turnout has always tended to favor liberals for this reason.
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I say we start a pool on which House Republican will have a stroke first from having to say "Madame Speaker" to Nancy. My money's still on Hastert. :D

Obama's an exciting politician, certainly, and that's not a common commodity. Other than Clinton, the Dems haven't had one at the national level in years, and he was only mildly exciting. Except to young women, it seems.

Obama probably has a shot, but the Clinton machine is going to be tough in the primaries.

How about VP? Not a bad ticket, Clinton/Obama.

Hillary can't win.

VPs don't make that much difference.

Obama's running. That's my call. I think that's why Warner and Feingold bailed. They know Obama is the golden boy, and is tough too beat.