Obama Will not "dilly dally" on White House decision

Maybe so but maybe no . . .

Hillary can't win.
I'm not convinced that's really true. I know that a lot of people accept this idea but the depth of the dislike for her is very hard to gauge. Sure, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter et. al. hate her guts, but how many real people do? I just don't know.
I'm not convinced that's really true. I know that a lot of people accept this idea but the depth of the dislike for her is very hard to gauge. Sure, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter et. al. hate her guts, but how many real people do? I just don't know.

Hillary doesn't have the midas touch. She's brilliant, and a great policy person.

But, one thing I've learned: Presidents have to connect with people on an emotional level. They have to ooze authenticity.

Clinton had the midas touch. Reagan did. Even Carter. Even junior Bush has something of a gift, for connecting with the common man (or he did, until everyone figured out he was a liar).
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I'm not convinced that's really true. I know that a lot of people accept this idea but the depth of the dislike for her is very hard to gauge. Sure, Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter et. al. hate her guts, but how many real people do? I just don't know.

It's tough to say. One part of me tends to agree with you, but that's because I always rebel against "received wisdom". And that Hillary can't win is the received wisdom.

But, there's a part of me that believes we are going to have a black male President before we have a female president of any color. I say sexism is a stronger force than racism, and I also believe that many women themselves will not vote for a female president, whereas blacks will vote for a black president. Blacks do not tend to work against themselves by believing deep down that a black person cannot do the job. I think that women do. So, sexism being stronger than racism, and women being prejudiced against other women are the two reasons I believe we will see a black man as president before we see a female president.
I admire both, but I am moved by Obama at a real gut level. He connects with me... he makes me really proud to be a democrat and to be an Illinoisian and to be an American
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I admire both, but I am moved by Obama at a real gut level. He connects with me... he makes me really proud to be a democrat and to be an Illinoisian and to be an American

I have no problem with Obama as President. Eric Alterman has been talking Gore/Obama for a long time, and I've loved the sound of it.

But if Gore won't run, and if Obama does want the top spot, I'm good.
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and I agree....Gore/Obama is a pretty powerful ticket...and it would guarantee a strong likelihood of a democrat in the white house until 2024
and I agree....Gore/Obama is a pretty powerful ticket...and it would guarantee a strong likelihood of a democrat in the white house until 2024

I would be so all over a Gore/Obama ticket. I just don't see it as beatable.

But right now I'm just happy because we screwed Dixie out of his next "signature" lol.