Obama Wins, Dow Crashes!

"Just a little advice, the tactic of constantly blaming Bush and republicans is not going to work with the American people anymore"

Oh....loser? You don't speak for the American people. You never did, and it's never been so clear as it is today. Alabama had one of the highest vote % for McCain - very out of step w/ the rest of the country. Even TX was close to single digits (that one's going purple in the next 5-10 years, btw).

You're in a very small minority, Dix, because you're a LOSER. Ha ha.

Keep yapping Poodle-boy! Keep yapping! I'm not the loser here, the American people are. Conservatism didn't lose a damn thing. In fact, even in California, social conservatism won out over the Liberal Gay Marriage movement, so I am more energized that ever, and so are most true Conservatives. But you go on dreaming and fantasizing about what Americans think, you are a retard and always will be.
You know, I think it might be a good idea to put Bush behind you now. Your little run of political momentum from bashing Bush is over, and you will really start to piss people off fast, if you keep beating the dead horse. Bush is no longer responsible for our problems, Obama is in charge now, along with Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

Just a little advice, the tactic of constantly blaming Bush and republicans is not going to work with the American people anymore. You have to find something else to blame, some other reason to get people riled up, because if you don't, this whole thing is going to backfire on you. Now, I know being 'accountable' isn't exactly your strong point, but you will have to get used to it now, buddy!

News To Dixie!!! Bush is STILL President.
"Conservatism didn't lose a damn thing. "


You're clinging to a gay marriage prop in CA?

Head's up, Dix. You are now officially, deservedly in the political wilderness. And I mean wilderness, baby. Dems have big majorities in both houses, blue states all over the map, the White House...oh, and did I mention they took 7 out of 11 govenorships yesterday? I mean, it couldn't have gone better for Dems.

I'm friggin' loving it. You talk about accountability and "everything's on us now, buster!" Do you know how great that is? No resistance; Obama's 1st hundred days are going to be like nothing you've ever seen. And you'll be helpless to stop it.
No, the market was crumbling a while back, as it became apparent Obama would win, the "wealthy" started cashing in. I told you about it then, but today's results confirm that. You would think the market would have gone up today, optimism over our new president, new leadership, the promise of the glorious future ahead... you would just think it would have sparked a little bit of an increase in the market, if just for a day... but nope... it plummeted like a rock in a pond. It tells me, investors are not as jazzed about our new president as you are.

You are joking, right?
News To Dixie!!! Bush is STILL President.

News to idiotcitizen... he is a LAME DUCK... meaning, he has absolutely NOTHING to do with what happens now! Yeah, I guess you can blame the abysmal market downturn on Bush a couple more months... get all the mileage you can out of this... whatever. But sooner rather than later, you will have to find someone else and something else, to blame the problems on. The people just aren't going to stand for you idiots having complete and total control of everything, yet trying to blame powerless people for shit. You can try that... be my fucking guest... it ain't gunna work, pinhead!
Bull crap Dixie bush is working on several things as we type.
The Iraq accord, doing away with many environmental restrictions, etc.

He is a lame duck worrying about no ones opinion. A dangerous duck.
You are joking, right?

Yeah, I'm joking Stringy... I don't really think wealthy investors are the least bit worried that the Socialist in Chief will tax them to death or steal their wealth. I can see them all lining up to confidently invest in 'Obama Nation', and fork over their assets to fund his massive spending programs and socialist agenda. Wye, I bet they are just plum giddy about the prospects of handing over their profits to government, because they all totally realize how much better Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid, can spend their money! ....Yep, you got me... I'm totally joking!
Yeah, I'm joking Stringy... I don't really think wealthy investors are the least bit worried that the Socialist in Chief will tax them to death or steal their wealth. I can see them all lining up to confidently invest in 'Obama Nation', and fork over their assets to fund his massive spending programs and socialist agenda. Wye, I bet they are just plum giddy about the prospects of handing over their profits to government, because they all totally realize how much better Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and Reid, can spend their money! ....Yep, you got me... I'm totally joking!

The wealthy voted for Obama. Those making over 200k voted in favor of Obama 52-48.

The wealthy voted for Obama. Those making over 200k voted in favor of Obama 52-48.


No. 1--- That is an EXIT POLL... known for being notoriously WRONG!

No. 2--- There is no verification, it is simply what people SAID they make... again, not always ACCURATE!

No. 3--- You are a retarded idiot without a clue, always have been, always will be.

No. 4--- Fuck you! :)
No. 1--- That is an EXIT POLL... known for being notoriously WRONG!

No. 2--- There is no verification, it is simply what people SAID they make... again, not always ACCURATE!

No. 3--- You are a retarded idiot without a clue, always have been, always will be.

No. 4--- Fuck you! :)

The poll is not off that far. If the wealthy were truly so concerned it would not even be close.

Our economic problems have shit to do with Obama.

You are a fucking idiot and an immature one at that. Quit whining. Your party got what it deserved.
The exit poll is completely unscientific and unverified. It is a relatively small (17,000) sample, and there is no way to know if these people were telling the truth about what they made, or anything else they had to say. Our economic problems have to do with a lot of things, I am only talking about the market crashing, and that does indeed have much to do with who we just elected into power. It always has in the past, and it does now. I'm not whining, I am not an idiot, my party did get what it deserved. Those points are all totally irrelevant to the subject.
Dixie has plain lost it .
No use trying to reason with him String.

It just makes you want Obama succeed that much more so you can get a good chuckle out of watching Dixie dance.

But I got to repeat myself. I don't see what Dixie is upset about. He wanted a Republican party that purely represents Southern conservatism and that is what he has now.
Actually, self reporting, like exit polls, is considered more accurate when it comes to crime reporting. People who self report have no reason to lie, it doesn't matter because no one is going to know who they are. Same with crime reporting. The Unified Crime Report is considered a very accurate self reporting system when it comes to tracking crime. So your poo pooing exit polls is not completely on track.