Obamacare is Romneycare, Why Doesn't Obama Tell You That?

You don't seem to understand what I said about cutting off noses to spite their faces. I won't waste time trying to explain.

I know the metaphor very well.

But you do make a point that many of the people who voted for Obama are now resisting the ACA. I would imagine that to be true that at least 'some' are resisting and I would put that down to them being convinced by the right's political maneuvers to think it's a bad thing for them. That makes their biggest problem one of understanding that it will help them get a leg up.

You're in a situation now where the Republican can't risk letting the changes take place because that is what is going to bring most of the people on board with the ACA.

Granted that it isn't anything close to what it should be and is in other countries that have universal health care. But it's a step in the right direction and that step is dangerous to the big corps and their status quo. When people experience the benefits they will then be asking for the whole thing. Single payer universal health care.

Having said that, I think there is now a possibility of it being destroyed. The people should be under no illusion that the Republicans will replace the Obama efforts with anything better. That is simply not their agenda. Corporate wealth and 'for profit health care' is their agenda.


You are absolutely right about their agenda .. which was the exact same agenda when they fought against Hillarycare and single-payer and devised Romneycare. That's the exact point of this discussion. That's why Obama wanted Romneycare instead of a better plan.

Hillary Clinton warned democrats that Obama did not support single-payer during the election .. then, do you know what Obama hit back with?

:0) too funny

Do you think he could have run on a plan devised by Mitt Romney and the Heritage Foundation and won?
Your comments are disjointed and confusing.
I think you are only motivated by Obama hate and that's not something I care to debate with you any further.
I know the metaphor very well.


You are absolutely right about their agenda .. which was the exact same agenda when they fought against Hillarycare and single-payer and devised Romneycare. That's the exact point of this discussion. That's why Obama wanted Romneycare instead of a better plan.

Hillary Clinton warned democrats that Obama did not support single-payer during the election .. then, do you know what Obama hit back with?

:0) too funny

Do you think he could have run on a plan devised by Mitt Romney and the Heritage Foundation and won?

DUDE universal care would NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE at that momment
Your comments are disjointed and confusing.
I think you are only motivated by Obama hate and that's not something I care to debate with you any further.

:0) Then fly away little birdie.

You're making no sense. You want to attack republicans, but champion THEIR plan.

:0) Fly, fly away.
This is just more on the pile that PROVES your party currently has NO MORAL CODE

can you PLEASE just pause for 5 seconds while making your one sentence arguments so that you don't have to spam a thread with 6 posts in a minute? Thank you.
Your comments are disjointed and confusing.
I think you are only motivated by Obama hate and that's not something I care to debate with you any further.

Nothing confusing about it. Hillary "attacked" Obama by stating he did not support single payer, which at the time he woudln't admit, and he hit back at her by releasing a commercial. If you had watched the commercial BAC put up you'd see that in it Obama attacks Hillary's health care plan because it includes an individual mandate. The same individual mandate he would go on to champion as President. In other words - Obama is a lying sack of shit, and always was.
DUDE universal care would NOT HAVE BEEN POSSIBLE at that momment

I agree and think that bac is wrong about that, but a 55 plus medicare buy-in may have been, a public option may have been. Either way doesnt' change the fact that Obama is a lying sack of shit Desh. Though I guess you love him so much that in your eyes he "just changes his mind"
Massachusetts is an affluent state. Most people already had health insurance and Romneycare proved less disruptive to existing arrangements than Obamacare already promises to be. The health care reform was bipartisan, bringing together Mitt Romney and Scott Brown with Ted Kennedy and the Beacon Hill Democratic bosses. Both Republicans and Democrats have a stake in the law. Some costs could be offloaded to the federal government.

None of those circumstances are true nationally.

Massachusetts works to address the nation's highest health insurance premiums

Robert Skenderian, a pharmacist and owner of Skenderian Apothecary in Cambridge, is feeling the pinch of high health insurance premiums.


He has a family plan with a $6,000 deductible and maintains a health savings account, but Skenderian says he's still facing premiums that have been rising between 8 percent and 15 percent a year.

“You pay a lot more and get a lot less,” he said.

As a small businessman who provides health benefits for a dozen employees, Skenderian said health-care benefits account for a quarter of the cost of hiring a new person. “When I hire, I have to think not just salary but health-care costs,” he said.

Skenderian’s experience is not unusual.

A study released by the Commonwealth Fund in December reported Massachusetts has the highest health-insurance premiums in the nation for private, employer-sponsored plans.


The high cost of care affects many families and businesses, though. Carol Campbell, president and chief executive officer of Chicopee Industrial Contractors, feels a responsibility to offer health benefits and wants to attract and retain good employees. The company pays 60 percent of employees’ premiums – making health insurance the largest expense after payroll, according to Campbell.

Campbell said health insurance is a fixed cost, which businesses cannot negotiate with providers, and costs can increase between 5 percent and 30 percent a year. The company has had to raise deductibles to keep premium increases down, she said.

“I do fear what it will be like in 10 years,” Campbell said. “I don’t see anything that makes me feel comfortable that Massachusetts or the federal government is going to be able to control these costs.”

Emergency room visits grow in Mass.
New insurance law did not reduce number of users

Massachusetts Insurance Mandate Is Causing Longer Wait Times and Physician Shortage

New patients wait average 205 days to get doctor's appointment in Franklin County, topping Massachusetts survey



All of this was happening when Obama opted for Mitt Romney's plan instead of better plans.
because he wanted to see them spew chunks at it before they claimed it as THEIR success.

hell they still try to claim the credit for the budget surpluses of the 90s which they all voted against.

Voted against it.....they had both the Senate and the House at the time...how could they vote against it?
bac you join in the republican lies about Obama like fast and furious and the IRS thingy.

You have been proven wrong many times on Obama hate issues.

I have not

You mean Fast and Furious didn't happen ?....and Lois Learner was going to be fired for nothing, so she took the 5th and now shes resigned...all over
those nasty Republican lies.........poor desh....the most clueless of the clueless.