Obama's 'Address to the Nation' Was 4 Days Ago?

Why wouldn't it be? You don't even really understand what you're talking about. Why, Dixie, would money that's worth more be better to an economy?

Every instance of deflation in America has been accompanied by depression. Inflation, by comparison, was a minor problem.

holy shit, i'm too fucking dizzy to say anything after that hellacious amount of spin. :wha:
Well, for the record, I have very little doubt that the economy will be back on the upswing either by the end of the summer or this fall. It will be interesting to hear Republicans (and you) do their best to talk the economy down at that point.

Oh - and you really shouldn't try to talk economics. It's not a strong suit.

You shouldn't try talking, it's not a strong suit, plus you tend to drool.

We can all sit here and dream, make predictions, and hope we're right. I've already gone on record, but I'll say it again... Regardless of what the economy does, whether it gets much worse or stays the same, you doting idiots will be slobbering all over this board, claiming things are better than they ever were under Bush! We can count on that, it's guaranteed! We could literally be down to eating rats, and you morons would be here telling us all how eating rats is actually good for you, helps build your immune system, great source of protein, plus we are helping thin the rat population! I have never in my life, seen anything like it!
You shouldn't try talking, it's not a strong suit, plus you tend to drool.

We can all sit here and dream, make predictions, and hope we're right. I've already gone on record, but I'll say it again... Regardless of what the economy does, whether it gets much worse or stays the same, you doting idiots will be slobbering all over this board, claiming things are better than they ever were under Bush! We can count on that, it's guaranteed! We could literally be down to eating rats, and you morons would be here telling us all how eating rats is actually good for you, helps build your immune system, great source of protein, plus we are helping thin the rat population! I have never in my life, seen anything like it!

This is just your usual psychological projection, because it's what you do. You spent the last 8 years spinning Iraq, Katrina, Bolton, the economy, Sarah Barracuda, the works. No one on this board spins like you.

Ergo, you're just projecting. I certainly wouldn't spin a population relying on rats for their sustinence. If, however, the unemployment rate goes down, consumer confidence goes up & the GDP recovers, you bet - I'll definitely be here to remind you how foolish & risky it was for the GOP to take the stand it did this past week, and how great it was that Obama stuck to his guns.
This is just your usual psychological projection, because it's what you do. You spent the last 8 years spinning Iraq, Katrina, Bolton, the economy, Sarah Barracuda, the works. No one on this board spins like you.

Ergo, you're just projecting. I certainly wouldn't spin a population relying on rats for their sustinence. If, however, the unemployment rate goes down, consumer confidence goes up & the GDP recovers, you bet - I'll definitely be here to remind you how foolish & risky it was for the GOP to take the stand it did this past week, and how great it was that Obama stuck to his guns.

LMAO.... Projecting? Spinning? What exactly have I projected or spun? You morons are the ones who are claiming Inflation is good and Deflation is bad! Increasing the real value of money is bad, destroying the value of money is good!! It's not that far a leap to... eating rats is good! You're already paving the way for your stupidity!

The GOP took a stand because they realize printing more money is not going to solve this problem, it will only worsen it, by introducing inflation. I predict, we will be in just about the same economic situation we are now, except we'll have double-digit inflation too! Of course, by then, you pinheads will be telling us all how double-digit inflation is actually a good thing... hell, you're already practically saying that now!
LMAO.... Projecting? Spinning? What exactly have I projected or spun? You morons are the ones who are claiming Inflation is good and Deflation is bad! Increasing the real value of money is bad, destroying the value of money is good!! It's not that far a leap to... eating rats is good! You're already paving the way for your stupidity!

The GOP took a stand because they realize printing more money is not going to solve this problem, it will only worsen it, by introducing inflation. I predict, we will be in just about the same economic situation we are now, except we'll have double-digit inflation too! Of course, by then, you pinheads will be telling us all how double-digit inflation is actually a good thing... hell, you're already practically saying that now!

Nope. Like I said - lower unemployment, higher consumer confidence, solid growth...these are the metrics I will use.

And I know you're dreading it.
Nope. Like I said - lower unemployment, higher consumer confidence, solid growth...these are the metrics I will use.

And I know you're dreading it.

How do you measure what would have happened without stimulus? With lesser stimulus?
How do you measure what would have happened without stimulus? With lesser stimulus?

You can't. Obviously, you're of the school of thought that we could have done nothing here. I'm not. Our judgment of the results is colored by that.

This is a fact: you will not give Obama or this stimulus package credit for anything, no matter what happens. So, this conversation doesn't really matter. What does matter is that, if the economy does well & rebounds in the next year, the GOP is in incredibly deep excrement. They have staked their future on a bad economy.

And I'm okay with that, because I think this stimulus will turn the ship, & that green tech will be the next boom, and that the economy will do well as a result. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes....hoping for the opposite, and spinning if things do go well.
You can't. Obviously, you're of the school of thought that we could have done nothing here. I'm not. Our judgment of the results is colored by that.

This is a fact: you will not give Obama or this stimulus package credit for anything, no matter what happens. So, this conversation doesn't really matter. What does matter is that, if the economy does well & rebounds in the next year, the GOP is in incredibly deep excrement. They have staked their future on a bad economy.

And I'm okay with that, because I think this stimulus will turn the ship, & that green tech will be the next boom, and that the economy will do well as a result. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes....hoping for the opposite, and spinning if things do go well.
The GOP has given itself a long-term issue, during the next few years as money is spent there will be released along the way each spending that clearly doesn't stimulate the economy as evidence that waiting for a bill and being responsible would be better.

All the GOP needs is some frivolous spending from that huge boondoggle of a spending bill and they're set.

Do you really believe that every single iota of that bill is not going to be seen as wasteful at all?

The GOP isn't staking a future on the failure to stimulate, it is planning on taking advantage of the very real idea of wasteful government.
The GOP has given itself a long-term issue, during the next few years as money is spent there will be released along the way each spending that clearly doesn't stimulate the economy as evidence that waiting for a bill and being responsible would be better.

All the GOP needs is some frivolous spending from that huge boondoggle of a spending bill and they're set.

Do you really believe that every single iota of that bill is not going to be seen as wasteful at all?

The GOP isn't staking a future on the failure to stimulate, it is planning on taking advantage of the very real idea of wasteful government.

You're kidding yourself. If the economy rebounds, that's all people will measure anything by. They won't care about the minutia.

Hell, that's all I care about. I'm one who though immediacy trumped the details. I know you are of the opposite school. So be it; I would never argue that some waste didn't slip through. The idea is that the thing as a whole will turn the tide.
You can't. Obviously, you're of the school of thought that we could have done nothing here. I'm not. Our judgment of the results is colored by that.

This is a fact: you will not give Obama or this stimulus package credit for anything, no matter what happens. So, this conversation doesn't really matter. What does matter is that, if the economy does well & rebounds in the next year, the GOP is in incredibly deep excrement. They have staked their future on a bad economy.

And I'm okay with that, because I think this stimulus will turn the ship, & that green tech will be the next boom, and that the economy will do well as a result. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes....hoping for the opposite, and spinning if things do go well.

See, you are missing something here, we are not political party hacks like you! We don't have to spend 8 years talking down the economy, claiming we are in a recession when we're not, and blaming the other party for all the woes. It all boils down to this, some of us believe strongly in conservative economic principles, and some of us believe strongly in liberalism. Annie and I are the former, you are the later. From an economic standpoint, the liberal policies being implemented, are not going to 'stimulate' anything, except more government spending of money we don't have. Now, when you don't have the money, you can do three things, you can raise taxes, you can borrow it, or you can print it. All three of these things will be bad for the economy.

Oh, you can spin and hype this thing, you can make absurd claims that deflation is bad and inflation is preferable, that devaluing money is good and increasing the value is bad, that eating steak is bad and eating rats is good... there are all sorts of things you can claim, in an attempt to explain how this idiotic installment of liberal fiscal policy is something it's not. And you can certainly hope and dream! By God, you people are the best in the world at that! What you can't do, is rectify the dramatic loss in our GDP, stock markets, retirement accounts, etc. Not with liberal spending programs! It doesn't work, it has never worked! But by all means.... keep HOPING!
" We don't have to spend 8 years talking down the economy, claiming we are in a recession when we're not, and blaming the other party for all the woes"


Just about every conservative on this board - w/ you as their leader - has already done that.

You really have terrible self-awareness.
" We don't have to spend 8 years talking down the economy, claiming we are in a recession when we're not, and blaming the other party for all the woes"


Just about every conservative on this board - w/ you as their leader - has already done that.

You really have terrible self-awareness.

No, we're clearly now in a recession, the market has lost about 40% of its value, 401k's are in the tank, and unemployment is rising. It wasn't like this 3 years ago... 5 years ago... 7 years ago... when all you pinheads kept spouting it... John Kerry saying it was the "worst economy in 60 years!" We just recently officially moved into recession, so your talking down the economy all that time, eventually paid off! You have a terrible memory!
No, we're clearly now in a recession, the market has lost about 40% of its value, 401k's are in the tank, and unemployment is rising. It wasn't like this 3 years ago... 5 years ago... 7 years ago... when all you pinheads kept spouting it... John Kerry saying it was the "worst economy in 60 years!" We just recently officially moved into recession, so your talking down the economy all that time, eventually paid off! You have a terrible memory!

That's great, Dix; ignore the de-regulation, bad mortgages, fiscal irresponsibility & complete abdication of the economy by the Bush admin. I'm sure your "we're in the tank because libruls talked the economy down!" will play well in history.
You're kidding yourself. If the economy rebounds, that's all people will measure anything by. They won't care about the minutia.

Hell, that's all I care about. I'm one who though immediacy trumped the details. I know you are of the opposite school. So be it; I would never argue that some waste didn't slip through. The idea is that the thing as a whole will turn the tide.
I'm not kidding anybody. There are years to play this on the public stage. It will not take failure of the bill, it will just take stuff people do not support that have been shoved into their throats when nobody was allowed to look.
No, we're clearly now in a recession, the market has lost about 40% of its value, 401k's are in the tank, and unemployment is rising. It wasn't like this 3 years ago... 5 years ago... 7 years ago... when all you pinheads kept spouting it... John Kerry saying it was the "worst economy in 60 years!" We just recently officially moved into recession, so your talking down the economy all that time, eventually paid off! You have a terrible memory!


And deflation is good cuz it makes my muney worf more!
Bullshit, and double Bullshit! I just showed you where your own source said, not all episodes of deflation correspond to periods of poor economic growth historically, and you want to claim every instance it has been accompanied by depression. Can you not read? And as I recall, the double-digit inflation of the Carter years was certainly viewed as a major problem, it's how Jimmy Carter lost and Ronald Reagan won the election of 1980! You are the one demonstrating you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, you are completely split from reality!

1980 was a minor problem compared to 1932.

And yes, every instance of AMERICAN deflation has been accompanied by deflation. Have you thought they may have been referencing, perchance, foreign economies? If it happens and it doesn't have serious negative effects, it's rare.
Because, when money is worth more, it BUYS more, stupid!

You don't understand what you're talking about.

Prices fall, which means profits fall, which means wages fall, which means prices fall, which means profits fall, which means wages fall, which means prices fall...
LMAO.... Projecting? Spinning? What exactly have I projected or spun? You morons are the ones who are claiming Inflation is good and Deflation is bad! Increasing the real value of money is bad, destroying the value of money is good!! It's not that far a leap to... eating rats is good! You're already paving the way for your stupidity!

The GOP took a stand because they realize printing more money is not going to solve this problem, it will only worsen it, by introducing inflation. I predict, we will be in just about the same economic situation we are now, except we'll have double-digit inflation too! Of course, by then, you pinheads will be telling us all how double-digit inflation is actually a good thing... hell, you're already practically saying that now!

Double-digit inflation is not a good thing, but we certainly aren't headed in that direction.
Man, deflation is so awesome. We should set up the federal reserve to do like 100% deflation every year. It's perfectly doable. Let's use Dixie's plan.

And deflation is good cuz it makes my muney worf more!

Yes, according to Waterhead's source, that is the case. Inflation has the opposite effect, it makes money worth less. So, common sense of anything more than a fruitcake can see, deflation is preferable over inflation, not the other way around.