Obama's America is Better...

Reagan will fall off the list once this current manifestation of the republican party is dead

I don't think so, while he was socially conservative he was fairly liberal when it came to the economy, he did the right thing by exploding the national debt, (in record numbers for his time), then cutting back just a bit as the economy reacted. Had he not cut taxes on the rich he would have been truly great.

He is not known for his social conservatism, he is known for his fiscal liberalism. They would never admit it, but that was Reagan.

He would be thrown out of the modern day Republican party like Charlie Crist.
Is anyone going to deny that the economy is in better shape now than when President Obama was inaugurated?
You're basically saying that your head is feeling better now that you've stopped banging it against a brick wall, but it still hurts like hell and there's no aspirin in sight.
You're basically saying that your head is feeling better now that you've stopped banging it against a brick wall, but it still hurts like hell and there's no aspirin in sight.

Step one if you want to end a headach, stop banging it against the wall... that's a great description of why we got rid of the likes of GWB.

Just ask black Americans how they are doing under Obama

what? you didn't know everything turned up roses for blacks when he took over, it hasn't gotten better for them as long as they have voted democrat, but hey they get free stuff. Well not actually free, it costs you and i
what? you didn't know everything turned up roses for blacks when he took over, it hasn't gotten better for them as long as they have voted democrat, but hey they get free stuff. Well not actually free, it costs you and i

Many go to church, and then vote for politicians that take others money to be given to them.
Is anyone going to deny that the economy is in better shape now than when President Obama was inaugurated?

That my friend is delusional perspective.

In many ways, America is in a worse position since Obama took office.

Since Obama’s first full month in office in February 2009, the unemployment rate has gone from terrible (8.3 percent) to very bad (7.5 percent). But a true picture of just how bad the unemployment situation is in our country is revealed by the fact that more than 9.5 million people have dropped out of the labor force since the president took office in 2009. Undoubtedly, the impact of this number is reflected in some of the other indices and statistics that we can use to objectively measure the success of the Obama presidency.

In the past five years, 9.5 million people have quit working and the current labor force participation rate is just 63.6 percent, the lowest it’s been since May 1979. More than 15.2 million more people are on food stamps today than were in February 2009, and during the same time frame, the poverty rate has increased by 0.7 percent.

Gasoline prices have almost doubled under Obama, and there’s nothing more corrosive for the middle class than when more cash comes out of everyone’s pockets at the pump. This is especially true given that the median household income has dropped more than $3,000 during the Obama presidency.

All the while we have experienced the biggest jump in our national debt in history under Obama, with the debt exploding from $11 trillion at the end of 2008 to almost $17 trillion today. And I’ll point out once again that if we look at this huge number in more relatable terms, our current national debt translates to a cost of more than $148,000 per taxpayer, up from just over $90,000 per taxpayer in 2008.

Even the infamous “Misery Index,” created by Jimmy Carter, has gotten worse under the Obama presidency. Remember, the Misery Index is the unemployment rate plus the inflation rate. In January 2009, the index was 7.83, but as of March 2013, it increased to 9.07.



