Obama's approval rate drops below 50%

OK MM I said I would stop speaking of any of this on the board, but froggie and tutu have a beef so you need to bring up lie's again? I never said anything wrong about your wife, you were pissed cause I referred to her as your ol lady, you then proceeded to pm me telling me how you want to rape my wife orally( If allowed I will be more than happy to post the pm) See you prove everyone correct, SM posted not to trust you and said you would do the same shit again, well here we are again with you starting, After seeing the latest pic of you I almost felt sorry for ya and thought for a second of just letting it all blow over, but you need to keep bringing shit up, And you a PREACHER, LMAO, as far as being dangerously wacky, I am not whacky at all,you can be the judge of anything else

his post you replied to is exactly why he is on ignore....he is nothing but a liar. i've never threatened him in real life or his employment....on the other hand, he has threatened me and my employment on this board, that is a fact. he also threatened it on another board. the lies get old after awhile and some people are best ignored since they continue to act in such a false and vile manner.
so why would you expect me to believe that wasn't you and your kid in the pic, LMAO it looks just like your old pics, well plus a 100 or so lbs

a couple of reasons:

the guy with the red shirt next to the kid is in Portland - the monument in the picture is in monument square in Portland and the article clearly states that I spoke in the simultaneously held rally in Augusta.

the guy in the red shirt has male pattern baldness - I do not. His hair is wispy on the sides... my hair is cut extra short all over and I have hair on the top of my head... he does not.

and he IS carrying 100 lbs or so more than I do.

there IS a picture of me at the Augusta rally, taken from behind me... it shows me wearing a black mock turtleneck and you can clearly see that my haircut is as I described it.

but you believe what you want to...

and you can believe also that every time I've insulted anyone on the internet, I did so completely without provocation.... that every person I ever insulted had NEVER prompted that insult by one of their own. sure. they were all unprompted and completely unwarranted.

go for it.
a couple of reasons:

the guy with the red shirt next to the kid is in Portland - the monument in the picture is in monument square in Portland and the article clearly states that I spoke in the simultaneously held rally in Augusta.

the guy in the red shirt has male pattern baldness - I do not. His hair is wispy on the sides... my hair is cut extra short all over and I have hair on the top of my head... he does not.

and he IS carrying 100 lbs or so more than I do.

there IS a picture of me at the Augusta rally, taken from behind me... it shows me wearing a black mock turtleneck and you can clearly see that my haircut is as I described it.

but you believe what you want to...

and you can believe also that every time I've insulted anyone on the internet, I did so completely without provocation.... that every person I ever insulted had NEVER prompted that insult by one of their own. sure. they were all unprompted and completely unwarranted.

go for it.

Damo has asked me to leave it alone so have fun MM, I am done
President Barack Obama's job approval rating has sunk to a record low of just 45%, the latest Zogby Interactive poll shows. Fifty-one percent of likely voters now say they disapprove of the President's job performance.

"None of these numbers looks counter-intuitive to me. Gallup, NBC, and Pew all have Obama at record lows. Rasmussen also shows low approval. Things are volatile out there and news travels fast. There is a lot of anxiety over healthcare," said Zogby International President and CEO John Zogby. "The President let it get away from him and voters are scared right now. They are experiencing sacrifice overload and feel more threatened than empowered. ..."


The trend shows him going down...
Okay, this poll I can enjoy, because the original post cited Rasmussen, which I do not trust, ever.

45% already? that is amusing...

Umm. Wtf are you talking about? People disagree about how accurate Rasmussen is, though personally I find them to be the most accurate.

Zogby, however, is universally denigrated as nearly worthless.
Umm. Wtf are you talking about? People disagree about how accurate Rasmussen is, though personally I find them to be the most accurate.

Zogby, however, is universally denigrated as nearly worthless.
I started regarding Zogby as worthless when they starting toting for the D party. However this is not the only poll that shows a downward trend for Obama.
Umm. Wtf are you talking about? People disagree about how accurate Rasmussen is, though personally I find them to be the most accurate.

Zogby, however, is universally denigrated as nearly worthless.

You need to distinguish between Zogby's normal polls, which are generally OK, and the Zogby Interactive horseshit, which are completely worthless.
Most polls do show a decline; the honeymoon is definitely over.

The role reversal these days is pretty interesting, with righties trumpeting declining poll #'s, and revealing a level of ODS which certainly rivals BDS, if it doesn't already surpass it...
You need to distinguish between Zogby's normal polls, which are generally OK, and the Zogby Interactive horseshit, which are completely worthless.

Yeah, I'm not too familiar with Zogby. Just Pew, Gallup, and Rasmussen, and I am not impressed with the latter. Thanks for the heads-up, though...