the question is, if liberals who served and care for this county..why do they back a party that wants to destroy it and our freedoms...I never could figure that one out..
That's just a wee bit biased, meme.
Those are all paranoid characterizations; they have little to do with reality.
The Democratic Party wants to destroy America and its freedoms.
That's just a wee bit biased, meme.
well a die hard progressive like would say that, because you back what they are doing...but you all are going to see, the American people are getting fired up already, only after seven months of the Hugo and the Democrat control of our country...
If I was you all, I'd be the paranoid ones...the people are not going to take all this crap that is being forced on us lying down..
It's common for delusional paranoids to think they speak for "the people"....
you will see...maybe you need to get out of your ivory tower and get in touch with the real world and the people who live there..![]()
Must it always be a high-falutin' thing with you?
Well that's probably becasue those of us on the mainstream can differentiate the difference between fact and partisan propaganda bullshit unlike extremist right wingers like you.typical lefty response...attack the site rather than comment on the content of the article..
and comparing AT to the DailyKos is just plain ass funny..
Well that's probably becasue those of us on the mainstream can differentiate the difference between fact and partisan propaganda bullshit unlike extremist right wingers like you.
so it's ok with you that a President just flat out hates this country and a certain segment of the people in it....I figured so..
the question is, if liberals who served and care for this county..why do they back a party that wants to destroy it and our freedoms...I never could figure that one out..
Wow, that's right out of the hate-Muslims playbook.
Q: "Why were we attacked on 9/11?"
A: "Because they hate our freedoms and want to destroy our country."
Get a grip, mimi, you're verging on the unstable.![]()
no it isn't...they want to tax us into the poor house, take over our entire health care system so we will forced to rely on Government for our health decisions, they are working on hate crime bills that will shut down our freedom of speech and only includes a certain group of people, the majority of Democrats back taking away our 2nd amendment rights...etc, etc etc.
how is that not out to destroy the America you and I grew up in??
From which rabid right-wing website are you getting this drivel?
1. We already rely on insurance companies for our health care decisions;
2. H.R. 1913 refers to crimes and grants, not prohibition against speech. Furthermore, it expands on a 1969 law that was enacted during the Nixon(R) administration.
"To provide Federal assistance to States, local jurisdictions, and Indian tribes to prosecute hate crimes, and for other purposes."
"This bill, previously introduced in Congress in 2007, seeks to expand upon the 1969 US federal hate-crime law by extending beyond federally-protected activities and towards bodily crimes motivated by a victim’s actual or perceived gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability, in addition to the current provisions of bodily crimes motivated by a victim's actual or perceived race, color, religion, and national origin."
3. Michael Steele is not the spokesman for Democrats' positions on gun rights.
what the hell are you talking about???
and you calling me, that is funny
blaa blaa blaa..
if I'm a right wing extremist, you are a sheep who doesn't think for themselves..
Read comprehensively. You wrote: .why do [liberals] back a party that wants to destroy [the country] and our freedoms...I never could figure that one out..
The party that's always worked to insure freedom and equality among all citizens is not trying to destroy the country. Again, get a grip, you sound hysterical.