Obama's Depopulation Policy Exposed

I am not Southern Man and AssHat isn't Thorn.

Do any other posters feel like pointing out that they (or somebody else) is not actually another poster?

actually, I'd like to point out that I am Grind, Grind is Beefy, Beefy is a combination of SuperFreak and BAC, and Asshat still wins all arguments.
Ashley Todd 2012
If we are talking about making Ashley Todd the top of a bonfire in 2012 I am all for it give me a bumper sticker. Other than that she is a lying piece of dog shit that the world would be better without.
christiefan915 I agree with you to a point, there is no way at this time anybody is getting rid of Obama, as much as I dislike him I am sure there were people dis liking GW just as much, but in the same token how long do we wait till we act? this country is heading straight in the toilet, and yes I know your answer will be GW sent it there, fine , but Obama certainly isn't fixing things. Seems he cares more about race than he does this country.

When we decide to save money by letting the elderly die while we keep them on pain killers we most certainly have become a nation of idiots

Does the health care system need fixing, absolutely , but do we really want a Government run system? I have seen you post that we wont pay our premiums no more, although this may be true, we will be taxed to death, I spent some time in Halifax years ago, everything was more expensive there so they could pay for there FREE health care, they were taxed out the ying yang, and the worst part was people with money up there came to America for there medical needs. Just my opinion.

The thing is, everybody doesn't think the country is heading down the toilet. Dems said that during bush, repubs are saying it with Obama, but how weak does anybody think this country really is? For every person who's against gov't.-run health care you'll find one that supports it completely. You say we'll be taxed to death yet I haven't seen any firm figures on what the percentage would be, just hypotheticals. How do you know products in Halifax were expensive because of health care taxes? Other reasons could be availability, manufacturing or farming issues.

I think Americans haven't gotten enough information about health care and the bill, and a lot of what's out there is slanted.
You owe her a huge apology for stalking, hounding and spreading all those lies about her, but you won't. You are an evil person, don't have a conscience and are rotten to the core.

Oh, get off your high horse. Your stooge pals have stalked, hounded and spread lies about us for years, before you even knew them. I read the other thread tonight, your pal is one sick puppy. And to think she kisses her grandkids with that mouth.
Oh, get off your high horse. Your stooge pals have stalked, hounded and spread lies about us for years, before you even knew them. I read the other thread tonight, your pal is one sick puppy. And to think she kisses her grandkids with that mouth.

Oh, pulllleeezzze, YOU get off your high horse. What gall you have. Froggie has used some choice words that I would never use. Darla's filthy mouth is far worse than Ice Dancers or didn't you notice as usual?